Monday, December 1, 2014

Facts vs. Ferguson Fabrications

By William L. Garvin

“We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the law breaker.  It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”  President Ronald Reagan

Nothing says “peace and justice” more than plunder, pillage, and arson.  Nothing combats unemployment more than burning downing the enterprises that might hire you.  Nothing encourages redevelopment more than looting and destroying locally owned and run businesses.  But, if you want to reinforce the stereotypes of “ghetto gangsta’s” and “urban thugs,” Ferguson is a resounding success!

As for those limousine liberals of Caucasian persuasion, the Anonymous anarchists, and the mindless sheeple who are harkening back to a pale imitation of Tom Wolfe’s RADICAL CHIC, here are some cold, hard DOJ and FBI facts to chill your boiling, emotional cauldrons.  Of course “Black Lives Matter,” but so do white lives and lives of every color.  Unfortunately, black lives don’t matter to lots of blacks.  While blacks comprise approximately 12.6% of the USA population, the latest FBI crime statistics show they comprise 53.1% of the murderers.  They also comprise 50.4% of the homicide victims.  For the vast majority of homicides, (approximately 90%), the murderers and victims are of the same race.  However, when it comes to interracial crime, the numbers are extremely lopsided.  Of the 1.7 million interracial crimes, only 2-3% of crimes committed by whites have black victims.  When it comes to ALL the crimes committed by blacks, 56% of their victims are white.  According to DOJ stats, in looking at over 100,000 rapes and sexual assaults where the victim was white, 44.5% of the assailants were white and 33.6% of the assailants were black.  Looking at 36,600 victims who were black, 100% of the assailants were black and 0.0% of the assailants were white.  Can you hear me N.O.W.?  The biggest threat to black men and black women are black men, not white cops!  Again, according to the DOJ statistics, blacks are 50 times more likely than whites to commit individual acts of interracial violence and 250 times more likely to engage in “multiple offender” or group interracial violence.

Despite the macro-statistical rejection of the fabricated war on young black men by violent white racists and police, Al Sharpton continues to peddle his Tawana Brawley Snake Oil sophistry.  In order to foolishly follow Sharpton’s lead, you must be anti-science and anti-evidence.  In order to parade around with your “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” placards, you must deny there was any of Michael Brown’s DNA and blood on Officer Darren Wilson’s gun or in his patrol vehicle.  You must deny the tapes of the police transmissions identifying Brown as wearing the same clothes as the robber.  You must deny the trail of blood leading away from the vehicle and then back towards the patrol vehicle.  You must deny every word that Wilson and every supportive black witness said.   You must deny the videotape showing Brown stealing cigars and manhandling the storeowner.  You must deny that Brown’s stepfather and mother’s profane and violent actions had no influence on the so called “gentle giant’s” upbringing.  You must deny Brown’s Facebook picture of himself brandishing a gun with a mouthful of cash.  Somehow you have to believe that Wilson would try to pull a 300 pound man-child through the window of his patrol car, would shoot him in the back as he ran away, shoot him with his arms up, and then stand over him to “finish him off” even though there’s no evidence or logical reason to believe any of this.  But many do.

Much praise should be given to the black citizens of Ferguson who stood up and protected local businesses whether they were owned by blacks or whites  Similarly, much opprobrium should be hurled upon those who lied, looted, burned, destroyed, and still refuse to face facts.  Similarly, shame on all those who are not equally outraged by the six blacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, (four men, two women) members of the “99 Goon Syndikat” gang who carjacked, robbed, and murdered white police captain Kevin Quick.  Eric Holder has already intervened and declared that the four gangbangers eligible for the death penalty will not face it.  So much for justice; may Captain Quick rest in peace.

Law enforcement puts more time, more effort, more money into policing itself as a profession than any other that can be named.  Nine times out of ten, when we find out there was a bad cop, it was another cop who figured it out.  Internal Affairs and Professional Standards processes are not perfect but they stand head and shoulders above any other process that can be named.  It is appropriate that they do their very best to weed out the bad apples and they do.  Black America should do the same.


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