Monday, October 26, 2015

Selective Surgical Slicing and Slander

By William L. Garvin

So let me get this straight.  Leftists are trying to remove every vestige of religious thought from the public stage.  However, if someone says that he will not support a Muslim for president who places Sharia law above the Constitution that is somehow Islamophobic and reprehensible.  Leftists holding that view are either ignorant as to the presidential oath of office or totally uninformed as to the nature of Sharia law…or both!

There are many more examples of their illogical and inconsistent thinking.  When the passengers on United Flight 93 said “let’s roll” and attacked their hijackers on 9/11, everybody recognized their incredible courage.  When three young Americans attacked and overpowered an armed terrorist on a Paris-bound train, they were universally lauded and applauded for their bravery.  However, when Dr. Ben Carson said that if he and others were confronted by an armed gunman intent on killing them he would advocate everyone rush the gunman, leftists went into hyperbolic outrage overdrive.  That’s how you selectively slice and slander a brilliant surgeon who has strayed from the democrat minority orthodoxy.  That’s how you hamstring and hobble a conservative who is rising in the polls and is the epitome of an American success story.  That’s why idiotic, intolerant, progressive magazines run articles headlined “F**k Ben Carson.”  That’s why a university professor suggested he receive a “coon of the year” award!  So where’s the NAACP?  Where are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?  Where are the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ACLU?   Crickets…still just as complicit in silence as they were with Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Herman Cain, and Condoleezza Rice.  “Gentle Ben” can expect the same kind of support from those organizations that Sarah Palin received from the National Organization of Women.  Conservative minority men and conservative women need to know their place, mind their manners and get back on the liberal plantation.

As leftists continue to slice their pound of flesh, they deliberately misquote and distort the good doctor’s words.  When he said “[T]he likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed,” leftists pounce and pontificate as if he had said “If Jews had guns, they would have defeated the Nazis.”  No, they would not have defeated Hitler’s armies (and Carson never said they would!) but they could have made his “ultimate solution” more difficult.  Seriously, if you were a Jew in Germany in the Thirties/Forties, would you rather be armed or unarmed?  If your liberties are threatened by a tyrannical government today, would you rather be armed or unarmed?  Would you rather die on your feet protecting yourself and your family or would you rather die on your knees in a “national gun free zone?”

This radical left position was further clarified on “The Bernie-Hill Show” (the Democrat version of debate) that fixated on “common sense gun regulations” which is usually prog-speak for “confiscation.”  That’s why the president references Australia as he politicizes shootings.  Of course, he and Hillary love to spew spittle at the NRA, one of their favorite bogeymen.  How many of the “mass shooters” have been NRA members?  None but as usual, liberal efforts are geared to keeping guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens and do little to nothing about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.  That’s predictable when you think about a party that refuses to defund sanctuary cities which deliberately harbor criminals.  That’s predictable when you think about a party that refuses to support mandatory sentencing for illegal aliens who commit serious felonies.  That’s predictable for a president who grandstands in Roseburg so he can charge his fundraising events to the taxpayer but ignores Chicago.

An even more extreme position was espoused by Hillary, i.e., that not only should criminals who use guns be prosecuted but the manufacturer of the gun should also be prosecuted.  Now that’s quite a precedent.  According to the FBI, in 2011, there were 1,694 homicides committed with knives and a worldwide stabbing epidemic has broken out lately.  Let’s have common sense knife control regulations imposed and sue both the murderer and the knife manufacturers.  There were nearly 500 people killed in the same year with hammers, clubs and baseball bats.  Let’s have common sense hammer and baseball bat control regulations and sue their manufacturers.  Louisville Slugger beware!  In 2013, there were over 10,000 deaths from drunk driving accidents.  Now there’s a lawyer cornucopia for you.  We can sue the driver, the car manufacturer, the dealer, the bartender, and the distillery that produced the booze!  Don’t forget the farmers that raised the ingredients, the truckers that transported them, and the makers of all the brewery and distillery equipment.  Hillary hates guns, the NRA, and the Second Amendment almost as much as she hates Republicans!  It’s too bad she doesn’t hate career criminals, illegals, sanctuary cities and debt with the same venom.