Monday, January 30, 2012

Slip Sliding Away

By William L. Garvin
“Yesterday, I held a fiscal summit where I pledged to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term in office.”
President Obama’s First State of the Union Address

The Republican primary, aka “the circular firing squad,” is the best smoke screen that the Obama Administration and the Ruling Class could ask for. While the candidates and the media spend inordinate amounts of time on inconsequential details of insignificant matters, American freedoms are slip sliding away.

If you watched the President’s State of the Union address, you may have noticed that there was not a single free market solution offered by the erstwhile CEO-in-Chief. In the words of Mark Alexander, every economic solution was “predicated on government engineering via intervention, regulation or redistribution.” After sternly proclaiming “no more bailouts!” he produced a litany of small ball bailouts and handouts, primarily to his pet green energy projects. Apparently his grandiose dreams of oceans receding and the earth healing have slipped and slid away.

No mention was made of his horrible decision to kill the Keystone XL pipeline and the thousands of jobs that would have been created. The reason for that goes beyond the obvious pandering to environmental extremists. Without the pipeline, the transportation of oil will shift to the slower, riskier, and more expensive railways. It is currently estimated that seventy-five percent of the oil in this region is shipped via Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC railways. This is a unit of the infamous Berkshire Hathaway Inc. owned by none other than Warren Buffett! This Administration’s “Crony Capitalism” is not restricted to green energy fiascoes!

Since we hear repeatedly that the aforementioned Buffett pays at a higher rate than his “poor” secretary, Debbie Bosanek, (who was conspicuously planted next to the First Lady for the SOTU address), isn’t it time that they released their tax returns? Or are we supposed to blindly accept that this is all true just because the President says so? Furthermore, if the government is the good steward that Buffett seems to think it is, why is he leaving his entire fortune of approximately $800 billion to charity instead of Uncle Sam? Or maybe he noticed that the national debt was $10.6 trillion when the Big O took office and now it’s at $15.3 trillion and he’s about to blow through another $1.2 trillion! Or maybe he noticed that the Senate has failed to pass a budget since April 29, 2009! The President is unable to hold his own party accountable and the media doesn’t care. They’re too busy poring over Mitt Romney’s tax returns and giving ex-spouses and other highly questionable attackers prime time coverage. Media “credibility” just keeps slip sliding away.

You might also wonder why media coverage is 24/7 when a few hundred or a few thousand Occupy protestors take to the streets but is virtually non-existent when thousands or maybe a hundred thousand people gather in Washington DC last week to voice their support of life and protecting the unborn. Likewise, the media silence is thundering when Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius decrees that Obamacare mandates all insurance plans must pay for contraception, sterilization and some abortion drugs. Christians, Catholics and other conscientious objectors cannot escape. Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan responded by saying: “In effect, the President is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences.” Sebelius, simultaneously a Catholic and an ardent Planned Parenthood supporter, previously defunded the Catholic Bishop’s Migration and Refugee Service, which has assisted 2,700 victims of sex trafficking in the U.S. since 2006. Religious freedoms…slip sliding away!

Further down the liberty front, things go from bad to worse. Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Congressman Charles Dent (R-PA) introduced S.1698 and H.R.3166 respectively. Their “Enemy and Expatriation Act” will add “engaging or supporting hostilities against the United States” to the acts for which U.S. nationals will lose their citizenship. Current law requires proof that the citizen does so “with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality.” These bills do not require criminal convictions or proof “beyond a reasonable doubt”, substituting a civil conviction with only a “preponderance of evidence.” If passed, it will be much easier for the government to strip any dissenting citizen of his citizenship. More liberty and freedom…slip sliding away!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Strategic Sex Scandal Schemes

By William L. Garvin

It had to happen. All you need to know to understand the predictable nature of this latest smear is to review Barack Obama’s political career and the “Chicago Way” of “doing business”. As soon as a Republican candidate gains traction, the media machine jumps into a “Whack-A-Mole” mob mentality. The latest victim was Newt Gingrich. ABC, which simultaneously stands for “Assassinate Barack’s Competition” and “Adore Barack Continually”, created its version of a prime time soap melodrama with a spiteful rehash of decade-old divorce material.

Here’s why the pattern becomes predictable. Back in 1995, when Alice Palmer decided to leave the Illinois Senate and run for Congress, she handpicked and groomed young Barack Obama to replace her in state office. When she lost her national race and attempted to run for her previous position, young Barack not only refused to step aside, he challenged the signatures on her petition and her right to run. He was successful in invalidating not only her petition but those of his other three opponents as well. He won running unopposed.

In 2000, Barack prematurely and foolishly challenged Congressional House Representative Bobby Rush, Black Panther activist turned politician. He lost by more than thirty points. Congressman Rush painted Barack as an out-of-touch elitist saying "Barack Obama went to Harvard and became an educated fool. Barack is a person who read about the civil-rights protests and thinks he knows all about it." Barack returned home and successfully gerrymandered his district to retain the affluent Hyde Park area where he lived, extended it to cover more affluent, young, white professionals and eliminated the poorer black neighborhoods where he had little support.

In a crowded field for the 2004 U.S. Senate race, the leading Democrat was Blair Hull. Guess what happened? His sealed divorce papers were exposed and in the fine print was information that his wife had “filed for an order of protection.” Subsequently, rumors of spousal abuse went viral. David Axelrod and his Chicago connections had nothing to do with it. Barack eventually won the primary. In the general, Barack was up against the heavily favored Republican Jack Ryan. Lo and behold, his divorce papers also were unsealed. In a bitter custody dispute, his ex-wife, actress Jeri Ryan alleged they had visited several “kinky sex” and “swinger” night clubs. Despite his denials, he too was forced to resign. Again, Axelrod and the Obama campaign had nothing to do with it. Eventually Ryan was replaced by Alan Keyes but it was too little too late.

In Obama’s presidential campaign, the rumors about John McCain’s alleged affair gained no traction. However, the JournoList cabal had a field day promulgating rumors that Trig was not Sarah Palin’s baby. That same sanctimonious lot went ballistic and viral when Bristol became pregnant out of wedlock. As for Sarah, they couldn’t really decide if she was a racist or having affairs with black athletes. Such a “journalistic” quandary.

Rick Perry of course is a racist because of words painted on a rock. Then there’s Herman Cain. As Cain noted, Barack’s dad had a chauffeur; Herman’s dad was a chauffeur. Since the racism motif wouldn’t play very well there, here go the sex scandals again. Forget that personnel files are confidential. Forget that the Illinois Restaurant Association is located in Chicago. Forget that the IRA president came from the Daley machine and is good friends with Axelrod. Confidential, vague and unsubstantiated harassment complaints were aired and blown into a major media scandal. Then who shows up but Sharon Bialek, a perpetual subject of litigation. Forget that she lived in the same apartment building as Axelrod. Axelrod and the Obama campaign had nothing to do with it.

So Newt, you knew it was coming. Why, they’re already out interviewing the old boyfriends of Rick Santorum’s wife! Mitt, you’re next. You’ve got some nerve, making all that money and only paying 15%! Forget that John Kerry only paid 13% and he made his money the old fashioned way…he married it. Every deduction, contribution, investment, high school date, church, and college transcript will be microscopically scrutinized because you’re not Obama…and Chicago Axelrod will have nothing to do with it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Scurrying Off Sinking Ships

By William L. Garvin

Forsaking tradition and maritime responsibility, Captain Francesco Schettino reportedly was one of the first to abandon the ill fated Costa Concordia cruise vessel. He joins a recent raft of executives who are scurrying off sinking ships.

First, there’s Bill Daley who unexpectedly resigned from one of the most pivotal jobs in politics, President Obama’s Chief of Staff. He lasted just a year. Previously, Daley had worked for J.P. Morgan Chase on Wall Street and oversaw the gobbling up of Bank One Corporation. Mr. Daley made $8.7 million at JPM in 2010, but now he’s headed back to Chicago where the real money is! Jack Lew will be the fourth Chief of Staff for President Obama in his first three years which will set a record for most shakeups in the shortest period of time.

Then there are the resignations of Fannie Mae CEO Michael Williams and Freddie Mac CEO Charles Haldeman. Despite having cost the American taxpayer more than $170 billion and likely costing up to $259 billion (according to the Federal Housing Finance Administration), Fannie and Freddie execs have pulled down tens of millions of dollars in bonuses and comps. So why resign from the government gravy train? Certainly it has nothing to do with Congress moving to deny those bonuses. Certainly it has nothing with the Securities and Exchange Commission filing fraud charges against former Fannie and Freddie CEO’s. Or does it? Time to scurry off that sinking ship.

California’s “Bullet Train to Nowhere” also saw the resignations of CEO Roelof van Ark along with the Chairman of the Board, Tom Umberg. In addition, Press Secretary Rachel Wall headed off to the greener pastures of Wal-Mart and the Ogilvy Public Relations firm resigned from its $9 million contract. Nonetheless, Governor Ahab obsessively pursues his white whale, high speed pipe dream.

These local and national economic disasters represent a Titanic sinking ship. A poll this year asked Americans what they fear most. A full 33% fear that President Obama will be reelected. Only 16% fear he will not be reelected. That’s a two to one ratio. Another 31% fear that taxes will increase. With this administration’s profligate spending obsession, that’s a virtual certainty.

A second poll proves even more troubling to the liberal/progressive movement and has compounded White House sleeplessness. This was conducted over the entire year of 2011 by the well regarded Gallup organization and has an error rate of only plus or minus 1%. According to Gallup, 40% of Americans identify themselves as conservative, another 35% identify themselves as moderate, but only 21% identify themselves as liberal. Rubbing conservative salt into liberal wounds is the breakdown amongst independents. There, 35% describe themselves as conservative; 41% identify themselves as moderate; and again, only 20% identify themselves as liberal. If liberalism isn’t a sinking ship, it’s certainly taking on a lot of water!

Maybe that explains why the Democrat governors in Minnesota, New Hampshire, and North Carolina vetoed voter identification laws passed by their state legislatures. Maybe that’s why Attorney General Eric Holder and Thomas Perez, head of his Civil Rights Division, are fighting South Carolina’s voter identification law so vehemently. Maybe that’s why the NAACP appealed to the United Nations for help. Elections are so much more difficult to rig when you have to show some form of identification. Thirty-one states already have some form of voter identification requirements; fifteen require photo identification. Maybe if Illinois had a voter identification requirement, all those dead people in Cook County could finally rest in peace!

If you need identification to buy a gun, drive cars, fly on an airplane, open bank accounts, cash a check, buy tobacco or alcohol, use a credit card, get prescriptions filled, or even purchase something containing Sudafed, what’s the exact problem? Poor people? You need proper identification to qualify for food stamps or welfare payments. Why? Of course, it’s to prevent fraud. Who stands to benefit by fraud? It’s the party that can’t win a fair fight or a fair election. The 2010 elections substantiated the Gallup poll numbers. The only way to float the progressive sinking ship may be through systemic voter fraud. Lifeboats, anyone?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Trivial Pursuits and Mindless Media Matters

By William L. Garvin

When President Obama outlined his new defense strategy last week, I turned to television the next day hoping to hear some informed media analysis. Instead, I found the stations running interminable and mind numbing stories on Casey Anthony’s video release. That was interrupted by more detailed information of the body found on Queen Elizabeth’s estate. Then there were glowing reports of how greatly our economy has improved.

The narcissistic Ms. Anthony deserves no attention at all and I have only a fleeting interest in British homicides. However, I have become increasingly frustrated with the governmentally manipulated numbers regarding our economy. One should logically conclude that the opposite of unemployment is… employment! Not so. If you stop looking for work, you are not employed, but in the curious schemes of government things, you are magically no longer unemployed-- you are simply not counted as unemployed. What rubbish!

A simpler way of seeing how much the economy has improved over the last year would be to visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics website and ask a simple question: how many people were employed in December of 2010 and how many people were employed in December of 2011? In December, 2010, BLS reported that 153,613,000 people were employed; in December, 2011, BLS shows153,887,000 people were employed. Of that latter number, 8.1million workers are “involuntary part time.” So I have a very simple question: if the President’s economic strategies have created millions of new jobs, why aren’t there more people employed? Until that can be explained, it’s all government media smoke and mirrors. Again it’s been proven that “figures don’t lie but liars figure!”

Back to the main issue at hand, which is, as the New York Times headline read, “Obama takes lead on defense strategy.” Knowing that Senator Obama argued vehemently against the surge in Iraq and then flip-flopped to following the same strategy in Afghanistan; knowing that he dithered for weeks before giving General Petraeus a fraction of the troops he requested; knowing that President Obama used a strategy of “leading from behind” in Libya; knowing that he subjugated American forces to NATO command; knowing that he committed U.S. forces to both Libya and Central Africa without consultation or consent of Congress, it is difficult to see what qualifies him to “take the lead” on the safety and security of the United States and the structure of our military. Another NY Times quote: “White House and Pentagon officials said that Obama spent a substantial amount of time with military officials on the new strategy, which they defined as six meetings he had on the strategy with military leaders and regional commanders from September to late December.” Furthermore, the article quoted Andrew Krepinevich, a military expert at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments: “Certainly it indicates a level of interest on the President’s part, over and above what we’ve seen from him before.” Now that’s scary if six meetings is a Herculean rampup for what should be the President’s highest priority!

It’s predicted that our military will be cut by tens of thousands. Even so, one might question the wisdom of advertising to the world that we will no longer be able to fight two wars simultaneously. Take a number, adversaries. One at a time. Single file--no pushing! It is comforting to know that this “leaner” military will still be “agile, flexible and ready for the full range of contingencies and threats.” It must be nice to have such Presidential certitude that he already knows the “full range” of contingencies and threats. Apparently the smoke from the employment numbers is contagious.

The media should pay attention to what matters. It is reported that more than half of the $450 billion in cuts will come from increasing the costs to military retirees for their healthcare, their prescriptions and reducing the already less-than-generous military retirement benefits. If we, the American people, allow that to happen, it is a tragic betrayal of the highest order of our men and women in uniform. You can kiss your volunteer military goodbye. Forget trivial pursuits. This is something worth every citizen’s outrage and the media spotlight.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bleeds, Leads, and Dirty Debt Deeds

By William L. Garvin

In the media world, there’s a common maxim: “If it bleeds, it leads.” That’s why a television station will cover a high speed chase live for hours (think O.J.’s white Bronco) and will spend less than thirty seconds on legislation that will affect millions of Americans. To make matters worse, the modern media maxim has become: “If liberals bleed, we recede!”

Many of you probably remember when a second rate burglary brought down a sitting Republican president because of the constant media drumbeat. However, when the present administration foolishly sells thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels, it’s ho-hum page seven news. Even when those untracked weapons result in the death of a U.S. law enforcement officer and countless other civilians, even when the Attorney General continually contradicts himself under oath and stonewalls the Congressional committee investigation, there’s nothing more than lukewarm media interest.

Further evidence of the selective presentation of facts is the lack of attention paid to the House-enacted bill that would have extended the “payroll tax cuts” for an entire year. The media hardly noted when Emperor Harry-Hito Reid buried this House bill and refused to let it come to the floor of the Senate for vote. It’s good to be omnipotent. In the Imperial Senate, Emperor Harry-Hito rules with an iron hand and inconsistent logic. During the debt ceiling debate, Democrats wept, wailed, and gnashed their teeth at proposals for a short-term extension of the ceiling. However, when it comes to the short-term extension of the social security tax cut (a bad idea to begin with since it adds blood thinner to an already hemorrhaging system), previous Democrat concerns about long term stability are quickly cast away. Emperor Harry and his Imperial Senate passed a whopping two-month extension of the “tax cut” and immediately fled town. Hit and Run Harry must have taken a page out of the Wisconsin Democrat playbook. Undoubtedly he had already instructed his House minion, Princess Pelosi to disregard congressional protocol and to refuse to name anyone to a conference committee to iron out the differences. Of course the mainstream media headlines were all about Republicans “blocking” tax cuts for millions of Americans. This was just another blatant example of the media conspiracy to perpetrate a fraud to protect a fraud.

It was pretty much the same modus operandi when media gleefully reported the country’s third quarter economic growth to be 2.5%. Buried in the fine print was the subsequent reduction to 2% and you needed a microscope to find the final tabulation of 1.8%. It’s doubtful the OMB projections of 3.1% for 2011 will hold up and makes the projected 4% for 2012 even more laughable. That’s why President Obama is now asking for another $1.2 trillion increase in the debt ceiling. Don’t expect the media to make a big deal about this. Don’t expect them to remember when Candidate Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” and “irresponsible” for raising the debt to $10 trillion and spending $4 trillion over his entire eight years. Nope, when a Democrat increases the debt from $10.626 trillion to $15.2 trillion and still needs another $1.2 trillion FOR HIS FIRST FOUR YEARS, that’s just fine because he “cares.” In liberal-speak, the fifty percent who pay no taxes should never have to bear the unholy burden of the fifty percent of taxpayers who don’t pay enough of their “fair share”!

Finally, don’t expect any media attention to how well represented the demonic Wall Street is in President Obama’s administration. Don’t expect the media to report that these “fat cats” have already doled out more in campaign contribution kickbacks to President Obama than President Bush received in his entire eight years! What you can expect is that Democrats will be given another media pass and every Republican flaw will be flayed, filleted, or fabricated. Meanwhile, every presidential fault, every economic failure, and every international faux pas will be whitewashed and painted over with high gloss media spin. Crime, corruption, crony capitalism, and economic chaos do not occur in Democrat years, choruses the cacophonic media. It’s just a flesh wound, America. Happy New Year.