Friday, October 5, 2018


By William L. Garvin

"The first casualty when war comes is truth."  It is clear that Senate dems are at war with truth, with basic concepts of fairness, decency, and fundamental concepts such as "innocent until proven guilty."  In their psychotic hatred of President Trump and their slavish devotion to a mother's "right" to murder her babies, they have no concern about slaughtering innocents nor collateral damage.  As Alinsky devotees, they isolate, mock, ridicule, humiliate, and intimidate opposition into submission.

We have seen this ruthless methodology played out in the confirmation hearings for JUSTICE Kavanaugh and by several local liberal writers who are long on name calling and invective but short on logic and facts.  Innuendo, uncorroborated allegations, outright smears and ludicrous charges are just means to an end--an insatiable need for power.  Therefore, they believed Dr. Ford before she ever testified.  They knew they would oppose "with tooth and nail" ANY nominee submitted by this president.  They hated Judge Kavanaugh before they ever heard him say a word and their venom dripped from nearly every question.  The mask was off; the gloves were dropped; the knives were sharpened, and they proceeded to slice and stab a thousand cuts into every fiber of his lifetime of superb professional accomplishment.  They hoped to intimidate and humiliate him into running away from the nomination.

However, once he stood up to the bullies and decided to fight back, they had to offer up the sacrificial Dr. Ford, an undoubtedly troubled woman with repressed memories of an episode of 36 years ago.  While she may have been sincere, her story had so many holes that no rational person could find it substantiated in any way whatsoever.  Her fear of flying is untrue.  Her witness list all refuted her contentions.  Her story about the second door in her house if contradicted by the construction timeline, etc., etc., etc.

Oh wait!  He's still fighting back! Now he fails to show the "temperament" for the Supreme Court.  Doesn't he know he's not allowed to emotionally defend himself, his wife, his daughters, his reputation and his professional accomplishments?  He is supposed to bow his head as he is called evil, alcoholic, serial rapist; as he is emotionally scourged like a democrat whipping boy; as his character is systematically gang raped by those who should not be throwing stones!  Doesn’t he know he and his supporters are supposed to “shut up!”  What happened to that Aloha spirit, Senator Hirono?  Being lectured on “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” (false in one thing, false in all things) by lying “stolen valor” Senator Blumenthal had to be the epitome of irony.  But wait, hold my beer says Spartacus!  This self-admitted sexual molester assumes his holier than thou persona to cast stones from within his glass house!  What a travesty.  What an unnecessary spectacle.  And it could all have been avoided by Senator Feinstein and Ford’s attorneys.  You sacrificed your pawn, but you also sacrificed your honor, your dignity, and your sacred duty.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Hypocrisy, Deceit and Destruction

“Hypocrisy, Deceit and Destruction”
By William L. Garvin

“The ends justify the means.”  This immoral and barbaric principle in the naked quest for power typifies democrats on the Senate Judicial Committee.  In fact, minority leader Chuck Schumer has stated: “The consequences are going to be down the road. We are not going to settle on a Supreme Court nominee…we are going to oppose them tooth and nail,” and “It's hard for me to imagine a nominee that Donald Trump would choose that would get Republican support that we [Democrats] could support."

The strategy of “Borking” was used by the cowardly “Lion of the Senate” who allowed a woman to drown in his car.  It was followed by Joe Biden conducting a “high tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas.  Now Diane Feinstein and democrat colleagues have choreographed a hideous intellectual gang rape, torture and assassination of the character of Judge Brett Kavanaugh without a shred of evidence to support an allegation of 36-year-old sexual misconduct.  They would make MS-13 proud!

What a cast of characters.  Feinstein employed a Chinese spy as her driver for 20 years while her husband made millions dealing with Chinese companies and receiving no-bid government contracts.  Richard Blumenthal falsely claimed on numerous occasions that he had served in Viet Nam in order to secure “Stolen Valor.”  Sheldon Whitehouse pored over every adolescent comment made in a high school yearbook and imputed a salacious intent to every entry his fertile mind could concoct.  Perusing the Holton-Arms yearbook would have been more satisfying to his prurient interest.  Long time Californians know exactly how Kamala Harris leveraged her entry into the hallways of political power.

Then there’s the pompous, preening Prince of Pontification, Cory “Spartacus” Booker who has earned special opprobrium.  You see, Cory has already confessed to fondling and sexually molesting a drunken female.  (See Stanford Daily archives, Vol. 201, Issue 12, page 4.)  Cory expected, nay DEMANDED expiation for his sexual sin as a now evolved, “woke” beta male.  One would think that he might have some sensitivity to the allegations.  But, no.  Instead, he proclaimed Kavanaugh to be “evil” and anyone who supported him to be “complicit in evil” before the hearing, before Dr. Ford’s testimony, and without a single piece of corroborating evidence.  Obviously, this is a classic case of projection; since he was guilty, Kavanaugh must also be guilty.  As did the remainder of his colleagues, he found Ford to be “credible” and “courageous” well before her testimony.  Unfortunately for her, every supposed witness to her ordeal (including her best friend!) not only failed to corroborate her account but effectively refuted her testimony!  Still, even with overwhelming evidence to the contrary, she and senate dems believe her version of events.  While her belief is credible; her story is not.

The senate democrats would have you believe that the judge was a stumbling, falling down drunk and frat boy serial rapist. Their media propaganda arm marches in lock step with that motif by devoting 95% of their coverage to the charges and less that 5% to the defenses and holes in her story.  Surprisingly, this “functioning alcoholic” remained at the top of his class in high school, college and law school.  Then a miracle occurred.  From the moment he entered professional life, there is not a smidgeon of sexual predation.  Not only did women from his high school stand in his support, but hundreds of women from his every professional stop joined in his defense.  His support, mentoring, and promotion of women is consistent and unwavering regardless of their political affiliation.

Feinstein could have dealt with these allegations in a private and timely manner, but she chose instead to expose Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh to senatorial and/or public excoriation.  Kids, you are warned about bullying but this is how the pros do it.  Dr. Ford, you may not think you are a political pawn, but you have been played, sacrificed, and will soon be discarded.  Hopefully your GoFundMe pages will see you through.  As for Judge Kavanaugh, Nancy Pelosi is already floating the idea of impeaching him in his present exemplary performing appellate role. Given the barbarism of their performance, I would not be at all surprised if they armed themselves with pointed sticks and started dancing all the while chanting “Kill Piggy, kill Piggy, kill Piggy!”  They have shown a willingness to abandon all sense of fair play, decency, due process, the presumption of innocence, rules of evidence, and factual decision making as the minority party.  God help us all if they ever secure greater power as the majority party!


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Letter to the Editor: Facts about firearms

Facts: after 26 parishioners were murdered in Sutherland Springs, Texas, the murderer was confronted, shot, then fled from a neighbor wielding an AR-15. A Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, homeowner shot and killed three masked intruders with an AR-15.  Is that good enough for starters?
On a larger scale, President Obama commissioned a $10 million CDC study on gun violence.  The Institute of Medicine and National Research Council released their results and noted that “almost all national survey estimates indicated that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year.”  This is supported by a previously unreported CDC study from 1996-1998 that showed approximately 2.46 million DGUs (defensive gun uses) per year.
Fact: in our worst school shooting (Virginia Tech, 32 fatalities), the murderer used two pistols: a .22 caliber Walther and a 9 mm Glock. In the most recent Santa Fe shooting, the murderer used a shotgun and a .38 caliber revolver.  Contrary to media reports and Beacon writers, no AR-15s were involved.
Fact: Britain has highly regulated gun laws.  So far this year, New York City has 32 homicides by firearms; London has 32 homicides by knife!  Knives with blades over 3” have now been banned in London.  Here in the US in 2016, there were 374 deaths by rifles (of all sorts) but there were 1,604 deaths by knives/sharp objects!
“Military, rapid fire killing weapons” is deliberate mischaracterization and fear mongering at its finest but that’s what anti-gun zealots do when it comes to the AR-15.  This weapon did not create the culture of violence and banning it will not solve the nature of evil in the hearts of those who murder others.  They will find a way.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Letter to the Rio Vista Beacon

To the empty vessels:  The "AR" in AR-15 does NOT stand for "assault rifle" nor does it stand for "automatic rifle," of which the aforementioned semi-automatic weapon is neither.  It stands for "ArmaLite Rifle," the original manufacturer.  It does not have a selector switch to fire short bursts or become fully automatic.  It is NOT "...a powerful military weapon converted for civilian use" nor is it a "military-style assault weapon" contrary to the erroneous pronouncements of Senator Feinstein.  Anti-gun forces are probably just as frightened by the form as the function: it just looks so scary and they are so triggered!
There are more people beaten to death with "assault bats," "assault clubs," and sundry "assault blunt objects"  in the U.S than are killed by rifles.  There are more people killed by "assault hitting and assault kicking" than are killed by rifles.  There are over four times as many people killed by "assault knives and assault sharp objects" than are killed by rifles.  If a generation doesn't have sufficient "maturity" to purchase a rifle until they are twenty-one, maybe they shouldn't have a license to drive an "assault auto," especially given their propensity to text while driving and kill innocent people.  Maybe there should be a reconsideration as to whether they possess the necessary maturity to cast a vote as well.  They have every right to grieve publically and to demand safer schools but they should have no say whatsoever in deciding what sort of weapon I can use to defend my home and my family!
Bill Garvin