Friday, October 5, 2018


By William L. Garvin

"The first casualty when war comes is truth."  It is clear that Senate dems are at war with truth, with basic concepts of fairness, decency, and fundamental concepts such as "innocent until proven guilty."  In their psychotic hatred of President Trump and their slavish devotion to a mother's "right" to murder her babies, they have no concern about slaughtering innocents nor collateral damage.  As Alinsky devotees, they isolate, mock, ridicule, humiliate, and intimidate opposition into submission.

We have seen this ruthless methodology played out in the confirmation hearings for JUSTICE Kavanaugh and by several local liberal writers who are long on name calling and invective but short on logic and facts.  Innuendo, uncorroborated allegations, outright smears and ludicrous charges are just means to an end--an insatiable need for power.  Therefore, they believed Dr. Ford before she ever testified.  They knew they would oppose "with tooth and nail" ANY nominee submitted by this president.  They hated Judge Kavanaugh before they ever heard him say a word and their venom dripped from nearly every question.  The mask was off; the gloves were dropped; the knives were sharpened, and they proceeded to slice and stab a thousand cuts into every fiber of his lifetime of superb professional accomplishment.  They hoped to intimidate and humiliate him into running away from the nomination.

However, once he stood up to the bullies and decided to fight back, they had to offer up the sacrificial Dr. Ford, an undoubtedly troubled woman with repressed memories of an episode of 36 years ago.  While she may have been sincere, her story had so many holes that no rational person could find it substantiated in any way whatsoever.  Her fear of flying is untrue.  Her witness list all refuted her contentions.  Her story about the second door in her house if contradicted by the construction timeline, etc., etc., etc.

Oh wait!  He's still fighting back! Now he fails to show the "temperament" for the Supreme Court.  Doesn't he know he's not allowed to emotionally defend himself, his wife, his daughters, his reputation and his professional accomplishments?  He is supposed to bow his head as he is called evil, alcoholic, serial rapist; as he is emotionally scourged like a democrat whipping boy; as his character is systematically gang raped by those who should not be throwing stones!  Doesn’t he know he and his supporters are supposed to “shut up!”  What happened to that Aloha spirit, Senator Hirono?  Being lectured on “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” (false in one thing, false in all things) by lying “stolen valor” Senator Blumenthal had to be the epitome of irony.  But wait, hold my beer says Spartacus!  This self-admitted sexual molester assumes his holier than thou persona to cast stones from within his glass house!  What a travesty.  What an unnecessary spectacle.  And it could all have been avoided by Senator Feinstein and Ford’s attorneys.  You sacrificed your pawn, but you also sacrificed your honor, your dignity, and your sacred duty.