Friday, March 3, 2017

The “death rattle” of the Democrat Party!

Listen!  Did you hear that?  It’s the “death rattle” of the Democrat Party!  Suffocating in the chokehold of the radical left, they flail mindlessly searching for a semblance of relevance.  The alt-left Alinsky acolytes know that truth is an inconvenient impediment to their lust for power and principles are merely sacrifices to pragmatism. Meanwhile, “moderate Democrats” stand by impotently as their dreams go up in smoke and their policies go down in flames!  As their death throes drag them farther and farther to the left, their “resistance” becomes nothing more than a comical caricature of what used to be known as “loyal opposition.”  As the alt-left becomes more vulgar and violent, the old-school Democrats stand mutely by tacitly lending aid and comfort to those who would destroy our country and our government.
Nationally and locally, Alinskyites are relentless in their “trite and true” tactics of “isolate, personalize, ridicule, and destroy” anyone who opposes their progressive (sic) agenda.  Of course, it is quite difficult to ascertain exactly what their “new” vision for America will be since their last eight years has failed so miserably.  In any event, this predictable strategy surfaced quite recently when I compiled a cumulative list of slurs, slanders, libels, innuendoes, falsehoods, and childish name calling written by local liberals.  Lo and behold, another liberal writer took it upon himself to respond.  Every single comment he made was either a complete distortion or a blatant falsehood.  He even characterized the liberal lies and slanders as “astute.”  That’s a bigger lie than any I previously documented!
It is this sort of impolite, impolitic polemics; it is this sort of scorched earth intransigence; it is this lack of civility that threatens the fabric of our democracy.  Since they have no message, they viciously attack the messengers.  It’s pitiful…what a shame!