Monday, February 28, 2011

The Ebb and Flow of Rights

By William L. Garvin

If you carefully review the United States Constitution, you cannot find the words “labor union” or “collective bargaining.” Nowhere in the Bible or other Ancient Writings can you find these words. These institutions and processes are legislative creations; they are not Constitutional rights or inalienable rights with which we were endowed by our Creator.

Accordingly, our industrial history is characterized by an ebb and flow of management rights and union rights. From a certain perspective, management rights were “assaulted” by the passage of the Wagner Act in 1935, which established the legal right for private sector employees to belong to unions and for those unions to strike. Congress felt it necessary and appropriate to curtail management abuses, such as sweat shops, child labor and unsafe working conditions. In 1947, the Taft-Hartley Act “assaulted” union rights because of union abuses, secondary boycotts, closed shops, and discriminatory practices. In retaliation, John Lewis called for nationwide strikes in the coal mines even though this country was in the middle of a war! Union rights were further “assaulted” by the Landrum-Griffin Act in 1959 which required full financial accounting and disclosure by union leadership to their members. This was appropriate and necessary because of the widespread graft and corruption within unions at the time.

When the Wagner Act was enacted, government employees and government unions were specifically excluded. President Franklin Roosevelt, the liberal champion of unions (who added 15 million workers to the government payroll!) was in full agreement. “…the process of collective bargaining…cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management. The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations. The employer is the whole people….” In simpler terms, how can the people bargain with themselves? How can the government strike against itself?

Since 1959, many states have ignored this inherent conflict and not only removed the taxpayer from the bargaining loop, but in essence, forces the taxpayer to subsidize the opposition. Taxpayers pay government salaries. Unions force members to pay part of that salary to the union. Unions then use those dues to elect political candidates who in turn will approve the union contracts that require more taxpayer money.

In the private sector, if unions become too expensive, the company goes out of business. Government never goes out of business, no matter how expensive or unproductive they become. According to a 2007 Bureau of Labor Statistics survey, 95% of government union members had a defined-benefit pension. In the private sector, only 21% had such a generous benefit. In all too many situations, government retirees not only retire at earlier ages but with cost of living adjustments actually make more than they earned while employed!

What is this costing the taxpayer? Since Wisconsin is currently center stage and teachers are in the spotlight, let’s look at the cost and their work product. In 2008, the federal government provided $669.6 million in subsidies to public schools in Wisconsin. Wisconsin in turn increased their spending to $10,791 per student. The average private sector employer contributes 5.3% to employee pensions; in Wisconsin, the government contribution ranges from 10.55% to 13.3%. (Most Wisconsin state employees pay NOTHING toward their pensions!) As for health insurance, employees nationwide pay approximately 29% of their health care premiums; Milwaukee teachers pay only 8%. The nationwide employer cost for health insurance is $13,770 but Milwaukee schools pay $26,846 per teacher family.

Do you get what you pay for? The U.S. Department of Education administers the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests. In 2009, the latest year available, only 34% of Wisconsin public school eighth graders earned a “proficient” or “advanced” rating in reading. Two-thirds earned a “basic” or “below basic” rating. The NAEP rating system definition: “Basic denotes partial mastery of prerequisite knowledge and skills that are fundamental for proficient work at each grade.” Taxpayers are not getting what they are paying for. They wouldn’t mind paying top dollar if they were getting a quality product. As for bargaining rights, keep in mind that whatever government has given, government can take away…especially when taxpayers are fed up. It’s happened before.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

“Flip, Flop, and Fly”—Modern Version

By William L. Garvin

Before rock and roll, there was rhythm and blues. An old bluesman, Big Joe Turner, recorded a catchy tune called “Flip, Flop, and Fly.” Liberals have recently adopted the tune for their modus operandi, only now it has been modernized to “Flip, Flop, and Flee.”

This probably started with President Obama’s approach to economics. After overspending his federal credit card by over $1 trillion dollars each of his first two years in office, he flipped and cast himself as a born again deficit hawk in his State of the Union address. This flopped shortly thereafter as his current budget hole was exposed as a staggering $1.65 trillion! He then had the gall to suggest a freeze at this insane overspending level and brazenly proposed a budget for next year that would put us another $1 trillion in the hole even with substantial tax increases and a booming economy. Needless to say, he fled from his leadership responsibilities to actually propose a real budget that would address our looming economic disaster.

He was aided in this flight from the economic battlefield by his congressional party. The Democrat party was in full hue and cry in their condemnation of the new Republican House for not having immediately cut $100 billion from the budget. This was quite a flip from their profligate spending habits of the previous four years. They also ignored the fact that the new Republicans had yet to be seated for sixty days. Nonetheless, they performed another massive belly flop when they immediately started moaning about the $61 billion cut that the House passed last week. Technically, they didn’t flee the budget deficit battlefield since they never actually showed up. In a gross abdication of responsibility, the Democrat congress failed to even provide a budget for the current federal fiscal year.

Maybe that’s where the Wisconsin Democrats got their role models for congressional cowardice. The new Republican legislature and Governor have actually shown the courage to lead and make some difficult decisions in confronting their budget deficits. In order to avoid laying off 6,000 government union workers, Governor Walker has proposed that government employees begin to pay 5.8% of their salaries to help fund their generous pensions. They are also being asked to pay 12.4% of their health care premiums. That means their health care costs will “skyrocket” to just about $200/month. How many of you would jump at that bargain? Both of these amounts are well below the national and Midwest averages. To hear the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, one would surmise they were being confined to some sort of penal colony and a lifetime of involuntary servitude.

Simultaneously, many teachers deserted their classrooms resulting in numerous schools being shut down. Not wanting to pay for their convictions, they called in sick so they wouldn’t lose any pay while marching in Madison. Have you got that, kiddies? This is how you lie to your employer. This is how you ignore an employment contract. This is how you engage in a conspiracy to defraud your boss. And while you will not have any school for the rest of the week, it’s because we really love and care about you. As for cheating…well, this is a pretty blatant example of teachers cheating students!

Speaking of cheating, how about those doctors who set up a station near the Capitol to provide notes covering public employees' absences? Doctor Lou Sanner, 59, of Madison, said he had given out “hundreds of notes.” He said that many of the people he spoke with seemed to be suffering from “stress.” Yeah, Doc, lying, stealing, and being AWOL will do that to you. It’s amazing how none of those symptoms existed the day before WHILE THEY WERE IN THEIR CLASSROOMS! Sanner added “…It’s as valid as every other work note that I’ve written for the last 30 years.” Welcome to the conspiracy to defraud the taxpayer, Doc. Was that a Hippocratic or a Hypocritic oath that you swore to?

However, the height of flip, flop, and flee, the height of cowardice in the face of the enemy, the height of dereliction of duty is the fourteen Wisconsin Democrat Senators who ran away in the middle of the night to Illinois, a state with worse deficits than their own. Not only did they abrogate their responsibilities, they essentially eliminated all legislative activity. If you can’t represent your constituents under adverse conditions, get out of the kitchen! If you don’t have the courage to face your opponents and argue your convictions, resign and let someone competent take charge.

On a final note, the Tea Party showed up on Saturday to support the Governor. They apologized for being late but they had to work all week!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Over Dosing on the Obama Doctrine

By William L. Garvin

In the Hall of Fame pantheon of “Gotcha Journalism” hangs a picture of Charlie Gibson. In this picture, Perfessor Charlie looks down his recently affected half-glasses across his perfectly creased pants. Then in a tone-perfect voice dripping with professional condescension, he tauntingly asks for an opinion on the meaning and interpretation of the “Bush Doctrine.”This term was virtually never used during the Bush administration and has several different meanings depending on who happens to be the pontificating political pundit. Recent events would make one wonder how the oh-so-learned pseudo-prof would define the “Obama Doctrine.”

Last Saturday, the newspaper’s huge headlines declared “Egypt is free.” In the story’s opening statement, the Tribune’s Washington Bureau declared “The Obama administration got what it wanted when Hosni Mubarak surrendered power.” Curiously, only a week before, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hit all five morning news shows to indicate the administration was not encouraging Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign. “Clearly, what we don’t want is this chaos,” Mrs. Clinton said. Then she added that Mubarak had been an “important partner.” Quickly the administration sent the Secretary into exile and trotted out Senator John Kerry for damage control. Apparently the President felt that the State Department “made it look as if the administration were protecting a dictator and ignoring the pleas of the youths of Cairo.”

Of course, that is exactly what the Obama administration did in 2009 when the youth of Tehran took to the streets to protest the tainted election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the tyranny of the Iranian mullahs. "As the President has said, we're not going to be used as political foils and political footballs in a debate that's happening by Iranians in Iran," intoned White House press secretary Robert Gibbs. So the Administration clucked its collective tongue, tsk tsk’d into the teleprompter, and imposed another round of useless sanctions.

Today’s Iranian youth, inspired by Egypt and Tunisia, have called for another day of protest but of course, their permit request was denied. “The conspirators are nothing but corpses,” said Hossein Hamadani, a top commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. “Any incitement will be dealt with severely.” We will probably have more cluck clucking, tsk tsking, furrowed brows and the President will once again declare himself “deeply troubled.”

Furthermore, where does the Obama Doctrine stand on the protesters in Yemen being clubbed by police for demanding that President Saleh relinquish power? Where does the OD stand on the Tunisian revolution and their upcoming elections? Will they opt for supporting democratic reforms or political stability? What is the OD protocol for the riot police arresting and quashing thousands of protestors in Algeria? What about the continuing issues in Turkey and Pakistan? What about the Bahraini police firing canisters of tear gas into the student crowds?

The OD is not restricted to the Middle East. Let’s not forget that the Obama Doctrine has released information about Great Britain’s nuclear capabilities to the Russians. The President had asked Great Britain to release this information in 2009 and they declined. President Obama then unilaterally disclosed it in order to gain Russian support for his START treaty. The OD not only gave away the store but simultaneously betrayed our staunchest ally. This came as no surprise to the Czech Republic and Poland as they had already experienced the OD first hand. When President Obama said he “wanted to press the reset button on relations between the United States and Russia," no one knew he would throw the missile defense systems of both eastern Europe and the United States under the bus.

History records that in the Palestinian elections, Hamas was selected as the ruling party…an anti-American, anti-Israel offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. It has a military as well as a political wing and is classified as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, and of course Israel. By all accounts, the Muslim Brotherhood is the most well organized of the opposition groups in Egypt. If elected, they could well repudiate the Camp David Accord with Israel.
Since the Obama Doctrine has no problem abrogating treaties agreed to by prior administrations, he will have a kindred soul if the new Egypt chooses to follow his example. It increasingly looks as if the Obama Doctrine boils down to rank amateurs naively playing a game of checkers in a dangerous world of chess.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Once Upon A Time…

By William L. Garvin
In a time when fiction is presented as fact and truth is irrelevant, this is a verbatim transcript of an actual conversation that never occurred.

Ms. Hissy Fitt: Run for your lives! Run for your lives! Woe is me and woe is us!
Independent Thinker: Hold up just a minute…what’s the panic? What’s going on?

Ms.Fitt: It’s the Tea Party and their marauding hordes…they’re everywhere. They’re out there raping plundering, and pillaging American thought…they’re worse than Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun or Rachel Maddow!
IT: Calm down just a minute. I know that the latest Rasmussen poll showed that 71% of the public thinks that Congress should listen to the Tea Party ideas but is that a reason for hysteria?

Ms.Fitt: That’s exactly what I mean. They’re winning, there’s no stopping them. Run for your life!
IT: I’m too old to run so slow down and tell me what’s so scary about controlling federal spending, balancing the budget, lowering the debt, and supporting the Constitution?
Ms.Fitt: Welllllll…that I kinda agree with.
IT: And what about limited government and growing the private sector economy?

Ms.Fitt: Oh, I suppose that part’s okay too; it’s just that they seem to be multiplying. Last year I was told that they were irrelevant, they were insignificant, and that they would just fade away. It’s not happening.
IT: Who told you that?
Ms.Fitt: Oh, lots of my friends, my newspaper, MSNBC, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. The really bad thing is that they are all racists and bigots!
IT: You know they support Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Nikki Haley, Susana Martinez, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, and Allen West who are all women and minorities and many other minority candidates as well. They also hold Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams in high esteem. Those brilliant economists also happen to be minorities.

Ms.Fitt: Well what about their rallies and all that violence and those terrible signs?
IT: Funny you should ask. First of all, there has never been any violence. Secondly, they pick up their trash unlike many leftist demonstrations where they seem to enjoy the trashing. Thirdly, you should read the study done by Emily Elkins of UCLA. She painstakingly photographed every sign at the huge 9/12 rally in Washington, D.C.
Ms.Fitt: So she proved they were racists, right?
IT: Quite the opposite. She found that “Over 50 percent were about limited government and lower spending, and only about 6 percent were controversial in nature," She also said that “controversial” didn’t mean “racist.” "If it was related to outsider politics, an ‘us versus them' message, anything about Islam, or the mosque in New York, anything that could be construed as controversial then I included it." There was nothing like the protest signs in Tucson that had Governor Brewer dressed in a Nazi uniform with the caption “Hitler’s Daughter” or the one that read “Yes, We Klan”. And don’t forget the Hollywood crowd that hung Sarah Palin in effigy.

Ms.Fitt: Well, you were making some sense until you had to go and bring up THAT woman!
IT: I take it you don’t like her either?
Ms.Fitt: Of course not. My friends don’t like her so I don’t like her either. She helped kill that congresswoman in Arizona by loading his gun with hate speech. I read it in the paper here.
IT: Well we all continue to pray for Congresswoman Giffords’ recovery but you really need to stop taking those violent metaphors literally. And when you watch Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, and Saturday Night Live, try to remember they are all trying to be comedians. Have you ever listened to her speeches, read her books, read her Facebook posts, or actually reviewed her records of political accomplishments?

Ms.Fitt: No but she thinks there are death panels out there. We need health care reform.
IT: Yes, we do but you can’t add some thirty million people to the roles and have the costs remain the same (let along go down) without rationing medical care and deciding what you will pay for and what you won’t. It’s that simple.
Ms.Fitt: Plus she and that Tea Party are responsible for global warming, starvation in Darfur, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby, Milli Vanilli, hyperinflation, UFO’s, and the decline of the Roman Empire.
IT: Considering they’ve only been on the national scene for two years, just think what they will be able to accomplish by 2012!