Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Déjà Vu, All Over Again!

By William L. Garvin
“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
George Santayana

During my college years in the early Sixties, they actually taught American history. In fact, they even held a “Bill of Rights Week” on campus. (Liberal mobs would be howling at the moon and trashing everything in sight if that was to occur today!) I vividly remember one outstanding speaker who spoke eloquently on the dangers of Communism and the threat it represented to our Constitution, those first critical amendments, and our Republic. Afterwards, I was fortunate enough to meet and shake hands with him. Little did I know that he would go on to become not only the thirty-third Governor of California but also the fortieth President of the United States. Of course, that man was Ronald W. Reagan.

At about the same time, Dr. W. Cleon Skousen, a retired FBI agent, was teaching a college course and subsequently wrote a book entitled THE NAKED COMMUNIST. In it, he painstakingly documents the origination and evolution of that movement as well as the tactics and strategies their leaders employed. One can easily see Socialism as the “Gateway Drug” for Communism. Since radicals have become so sensitive to the Socialist moniker, they have relabeled themselves as “Progressives.” Whatever the neo-Socialist name, the game will still smell the same! Ultimately they are looking for State domination, control, or ownership of all means of production and distribution.

Dr. Skousen noted that at the end of the Korean Conflict, a timetable for conquest that had been set out by Communist leaders had been captured. This was read into the Congressional Record by Senator William Knowland on April 29, 1954 (page 5708). The overarching Communist strategy was to take Asia, then Africa, next Europe, and finally America. An essential tactic in this game plan was to isolate the United States by all possible means. If that tactic was successful, then Canada and South America would be in a hopelessly defensive position. When one looks at the anti-US votes in the United Nations and the anti-democratic forces in South America, there may only be a minor error in the Communist sequencing. What is truly frightening in its relevance to today is Skousen’s quote on page 257: “As for the United States, ‘crushing economic collapse and industrial breakdown will follow the European crisis.’” Is this where we are? Is this the fulmination of a long standing game plan?

There were also forty-five specific Communist goals that were listed. Number 3 is “Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.” Number 7 is “Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the UN.” Number 11 is “Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.” In addition to gaining control of one or both political parties, infiltrating schools, courts and media, number 27 is “Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.” Number 25 set the stage for this with “Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.”

Obviously, the founding fathers, the Constitution, and traditional American values must all be discredited. Furthermore, Number 40 is “Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.” while 41 says “Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.”

Attack dogs from the radical left continue to tarnish Skousen’s work with their usual name calling. It’s fantasy, far-fetched, archaic or he’s a conspiracy nut. Generally, that is to protect themselves for being exposed as the self-serving Statists that they really are. They don’t debate the facts or the current, curious cultural parallels. Is it just coincidence? I suggest that you maintain a state of intellectual awareness just in case it isn’t. As the brilliant Thomas Jefferson warned: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Chaos, Crises, Armageddon and Other Political Contrivances

By William L. Garvin

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure….Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I, therefore, intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit." Senator Barack H. Obama, 2006

Once again we have proof positive that the Emperor has no clothes. If he is ever to acquire some, they will have to be completely reversible! Isn't it amazing how easily our President changes positions? In 2006, he used his dulcet tones to argue his "principled opposition" to raising the debt limit for President Bush to $9 trillion. But that was then and this is now. To this President, adding another two or three trillion dollars to the staggering $14.3 trillion debt is no longer because of "bad choices" or bound to break the backs of coming generations or a "failure of leadership."

There is no question that the President's economic program has been a failure by every objective measure. The "misery index" is at its highest point ever. Despite massive socialist-style government spending, unemployment is up; inflation is up (despite Bernanke's deceitful redefinition); the number of people on food stamps is at an all time high; foreclosures are at frightening levels while housing and consumer confidence is in the toilet. It is insane to continue down this path of abject economic failure but in his obsessive quest to "redistribute the wealth", that's exactly what he intends to do. Just say no!

However, the current debt limit imbroglio has served to shatter some popular myths. First, the President is not "cool" and "temperamentally suited" for the presidency. He has shown himself to be petty, petulant, pouty, pompous and predictable. He says everything is on the table and has theoretically proposed $4 trillion dollars in cuts, but as of this writing he has not identified a single specific program cut! Not one! How about ObamaCare? Most Americans want it repealed and we could save a trillion dollars! How about reducing your bloated federal workforce just as state and local governments have done in order to balance their budgets? How about rescinding all those massive pay raises you gave to White House staffers?

The President also effectively destroyed the Social Security Trust Fund myth. Since he could not guarantee that Social Security checks would go out, there is no "lock box"; there is no "trust" fund. The $2.6 trillion in Social Security assets have been hijacked and diverted to other government programs. However, his statement also revealed where his priorities lie. His Senate puppet, Harry Reid, tweeted: "If we don't reach agreement, it could mean no Social Security checks, no paychks for troops, no schools for our children." Monthly interest on our debt is $29 billion. Social Security costs $49.2 billion. The feds only provide $11 billion in educational funds and our active duty military costs $2.9 billion for a total of $92.1 billion per month. The government receives nearly $200 billion in revenue each month. Do the math! There is more than enough money to avoid default UNLESS THE PRESIDENT CHOOSES NOT TO! Also keep in mind that August 2d is about the sixth or seventh mythical "deadline" that Tiny Timmie Geithner has invented.

To distract from their failures, Democrats resort to the predictable and reprehensible scare tactics. Democrats took $500 billion out of Medicare to pay for ObamaCare then lie that it is Republicans who are trying to destroy the program. Again, it's not surprising that the President would throw seniors under the bus. After all, this is the same President, the Commander in Chief, who would not guarantee that our troops would be paid during budget negotiations earlier this year. That was a shameful moment in American history. Not only has our erstwhile emperor revealed that he has no clothes but he has also revealed that he has no core principles. He will try to destroy anyone who does not bow to his narcissistic will.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Double Talk and Double Standards

By William L. Garvin

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; its inherent virtue is equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill

It’s been rumored that if liberals didn’t have double standards they would have no standards at all. This is particularly true for the radical and progressive wings of the Democrat party that practice Alinsky’s RULES FOR RADICALS. To quote from their playbook: “In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt.” Principles are non-existent, everyone and everything is expendable, facts are the enemy, and truth is irrelevant. Let’s not forget that our current President taught Alinsky tactics as a community organizer.

Accordingly, it is impossible for rational people to believe that President Obama has any real concern about the national debt. After all, it is he and his economic policies that have irresponsibly added $4 trillion dollars to the total in less than three years! It comes directly from the Alinsky game plan for him to now parade and preen as a deficit hawk. It is pure propaganda. Obama and his press mouthpiece Harry Reid says they have proposed “debt reduction measures of $3 trillion or even $4 trillion.” Propaganda is too nice a word; it is pure poppycock. Their plan does not exist. Nobody’s seen it. It is no more substantial than the Prez’s budget plan which was rejected by a 97-0 Senate vote. That leaves them with Alinsky Rule 13 to fall back on: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. That’s why they have embarked on their scorched earth tactics of “Mediscare” and demagoguing Republicans. Since the Democrats have no idea how to save Medicare or Social Security and choose to ignore the fact that they are going broke, all they can do is try to vilify the opposition.

In their hatred for the successful and accomplished, all liberals do is repeat their class warfare and mantra of “tax the rich.” Tax increases and increased unemployment will both damage the economy but that is one good way to “redistribute the wealth” and build government dependency. That goes in tandem with their current practice of economic “strangulation by regulation.” It’s no wonder that 70% of small businesses say they will be unable to hire anyone new for the next year!

On a micro level, our local Palin Derangement Syndrome sufferer continues to flail wildly below the belt when it comes to all things Palin. After noting his parental angst with his nineteen year old daughter taking her first plane flight by herself, he viciously assaults another man’s twenty year old daughter for having written a book. Maybe she was just following the example of our President who wrote two memoirs before having accomplished anything of substance. In any event, he even got the price of Bristol Palin’s book wrong (it’s $15.11 at Barnes and Noble) and then advocates a boycott. Next he will be burning books along with the kook preacher in Florida. That’s how liberals practice freedom of speech.

Continuing his erroneous but polarizing path, he tries to mock and demean Bristol in every way imaginable. This is the print version of cyber bullying. One can only hope that no doppelganger loon out there decides to make his daughter the target of similar defamation and invective. There was a time when decency prevailed and children of political figures were off limits. One can also surmise that this sort of keyboard bravery would not be on display if Todd Palin was in close proximity.

The remainder of his oxymoronic PDS rant is against “Mama Bear” Palin. (For the record, it’s “Mama Grizzly.”) He’s upset that the press continues to scrutinize her every move and pleads for them to ignore her. They can’t! In reality, they are addicted to her and just can’t help themselves. Neither can he. They will continue to cover her, continue to misstate the truth, continue to make things up and continue to polarize. They are moths being drawn closer and closer to the flame with the same inevitable results. Poof!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Freedom in Peril

By William L. Garvin

Having just celebrated our 235th year of American independence, we would be well advised to keep in mind the admonition attributed to Thomas Jefferson that “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” A quick scan of our societal landscape shows that “we the people” are in danger of losing freedoms on many fronts.

We can start with a President who believes that even though he has ordered our troops to fly hundreds of sorties, dropping thousands of bombs that are killing and wounding untold numbers of Libyans, we are not engaged in “hostilities” and he need not confer or receive the approval of Congress. We have a Vice-President who basically threatens unions with his “if you vote Republican, don’t come running to me, you’re on your own, Jack” speech. Just where did he learn that type of basic Chicago thuggery? What happened to old fashioned bribery? Oh yes, it was all in the stimulus bill.

Then there are the Wisconsin unions stooping to new lows by disrupting the Special Olympics ceremonies. Talk about sore losers! Similarly, the leaders of teacher unions have already admitted that it has nothing to do with the kids; it’s totally about union power. As a result, the educational system resembles just another liberal arm of the Democrat party. When a recent study showed that liberals outnumbered conservative professors by a 7 to 1 ratio, you can be assured that very few conservatives will be granted tenure by their leftist counterparts.

Another frightening indictment of our higher educational institutions is their continuing assault on freedom of speech. On many occasions, if a conservative speaker such as Ward Connerly, Ann Coulter, or David Horowitz enters into the “free exchange of ideas” arena that is supposed to characterize our universities and colleges, they are shouted down and prohibited from discussing their points of view by liberal mobs. No such obstacles face liberal or radical speakers. Some universities even attempt to impose additional security fees for “controversial” conservative speakers that they do not charge radicals such as Van Jones, an admitted communist, or any of the advocates for the progressive cause. As usual, the courts strike down these blatant attempts to stifle free speech. Still it is no wonder that more and more people are wondering if the process is one of education or if it is more akin to indoctrination.

To make matters worse, citizens can no longer rely on the media to keep them informed. It has been said that freedom of the press exists only if you own one. The watchdog status they enjoy resembles a pit bull during a Republican administration but is nothing more than a whimpering puppy wetting itself in the corner during the Obama administration. Every gaffe is minimized. Every mistake is forgiven. Every flip flop and reversal is ignored. Every hideous policy failure is glossed over while every tone deaf word, speech, or action is beatified! He carpetbags around the country at taxpayers’ expense raising money for his reelection but then complains about CEO’s using corporate jets. First, maybe you should set the example by cutting back on your lavish entourage that was so cuttingly mocked by the Brits on your recent trip to England. Secondly, maybe you shouldn’t have signed the bill that authorized this tax deduction last year! I suppose you can always blame it on a conspiracy between your teleprompter and your autopen. You’ve already blamed everyone else.

Though he invited Paul Ryan to his speech, sat him in the front row, and then churlishly and publicly berated him, he is still portrayed as a “nice guy.” When he lied about the Ryan plan preventing children with asthma or Down Syndrome from getting medical treatment, he was not challenged. When he said Republicans wanted to “pull the plug on grandma,” no one asked him to explain why the Independent Medical Advisory Board he created under ObamaCare was going to do the same thing. Approaching criminal neglect, the press failed to ask if cutting $500 billion from Medicare to finance ObamaCare wouldn’t of necessity also do exactly the same thing. Methinks the President doth protest too much and accomplish too little!