Monday, September 27, 2010

RINOs—An Endangered Species

By William L. Garvin

How can you tell a politician is lying? Answer: their lips are moving! It may be an old joke but it is still the status quo in Washington, D.C., Sacramento and Bell, California and who knows where else. We have a President who has mocked those who are “bitterly clinging to their guns and religions” and then conspicuously and finally gets around to attending church. We have “Republicans In Name Only” (RINOs) who talk a good conservative game at home and then go to their respective capitols and vote Democrat-Lite. Enough is enough. America deserves a real choice between Conservative and Liberal agendas, not a choice between Progressive-Liberal and Moderate-Liberal agendas and candidates.

Constitutional Conservatives, as exemplified by the Tea Party Movement, are actively seeking to oust those who would transform and “change” our country into some derivative of a European Socialist model. They are also enthusiastically opposing those who foolishly think you can “spend your way into prosperity.” Along the way, they have also targeted RINOs who have lost their way, forgotten their campaign promises, and defrauded their constituents.

Political pundits, both large and small, after years of attempting to marginalize the true extent of citizen outrage, now trumpet and impugn this “purification” of the Republican Party. Certainly the oblique Nazi reference is purely coincidental. In any event, they continue to miss the point. The movement is much more than Republican versus Democrat or Conservative versus Liberal. It is now an eclectic, multi-party Country Class uprising against the Ruling Class. It is open revolt against those who have forsaken their Constitutional vows and political principles to further their own personal gain via power and enrichment.

Senator Arlen Specter was the epitome of the “go along to get along” RINO that Democrats loved conditionally and situationally. When his constituents tired of his Democrat-Lite voting record, he immediately switched parties and took his Republican campaign funds over to his Democrat seat! He had no problem forsaking his principles and his electorate in order to continue his membership in the elite Ruling Class. Charlie Crist, he of the perpetual tan in Florida, after losing the Republican primary also bolted from his principles and party, ignored the will of the voters, and launched his campaign as an Independent. Sorry, Charlie, but your membership in the Ruling Class is about to be canceled.

At the polar end of the entitlement scale, Lisa Murkowski in Alaska was deeded her membership in the Ruling Class by her father, Governor Frank Murkowski. Her reign was cut short by Tea Party upstart Joe Miller. After foolishly and futilely prolonging the vote count, did she support her party and the will of the voters? As foreshadowed by her betrayal of conservative principles in her voting record, she has now launched a write-in campaign that is doomed to failure. Her vindictive strategy is nothing more than a desperate attempt to grasp the last fleeting hope of remaining at the table with the Ruling Class. Despite the pitiful nature of these spectacles, losing incumbent Mike Castle in Delaware is being encouraged by the Democrat propaganda machine, aka the mainstream media, to pursue a similar course.

When it comes to seizing and maintaining power, there is no sense of fair play by the elite Ruling Class. There is no respect for the will of the people. There is no respect for the conservative principles of the Republican Party. There is certainly no respect for their campaign promises. Once they are anointed as a member of the elite Ruling Class, they become the epitome of the Gordon Gecko catchphrase: “Greed is good.” That’s precisely why the Country Class is targeting tax and spend liberals who are bankrupting this nation and institutionalizing generational theft. That is why the RINO’s who are aiding and abetting this constitutional crime are also being targeted. The greed for power by the Ruling Class is insatiable and it will have to be pried from their cold, clenched, avaricious, grasping claws. That’s what November 2 is all about.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Send Out the Clowns

By William L. Garvin

The “progressive” Democrat party and its sycophantic media minion has become much like the circus clown with the phony painted smiling face on the outside who is crying on the inside. With each passing day and every telling election, their efforts to deny the will of the American electorate and the strength of the Tea Party movement prove to be not only futile but comical.

Every time they attempt to marginalize “We the People” with their concerted media propaganda machine, they seem to trip over their big floppy clown feet and fall flat on their phony painted clown face. First it was the “Nazi” analogy…didn’t work. Then it was the “corporate shill” ploy…didn’t work. Don’t forget the “violent, angry mob” motif combined with “astroturfers”…didn’t work. Panic sets in and it’s time to nuke Tea Party momentum with the “race card”…didn’t work. Ironically, the NAACP, who refuses to accept the repeated racist actions of the New Black Panther Party as representative of their membership, sets up a website to find (or plant) racist signs within the Tea Party gatherings which they purport is representative of their membership…won’t work.

The next tactic to emerge from their tiny, little clown Smart Car was the Tea Party (and the people it represented i.e., constitutional conservatives of every political stripe) was lacking in enthusiasm and staying power. Only the most diehard of leftists would deny the huge “enthusiasm gap” that currently exists. The leaders of the Democrats (Obama, Reid, Pelosi) are useful for fundraising but serve no other substantive function on the campaign trail. In fact, the Dem candidates are running away from any association with the leadership or their legislative records. The only mention of Obamacare in their campaign ads seems to be when they point out that they voted against it!

Of course, the tried and true “politics of personal destruction” tactic is always available but more and more, this resembles the cigar that blows up in the clown’s face. Then again, since they can’t really run on their abysmal records, clowns resort to character assassination. As previously noted, this clown tactic is now starting to backfire. Despite the unparalleled savagery and misogyny directed toward Sarah Palin, she’s still standing, she’s still smiling, and in the words of many pundits, become a “kingmaker.” Her track record in picking and endorsing candidates, helping them raise money, and generating unparalleled enthusiasm is the envy of any national politico. Given her remarkable success, maybe they should rescind the employment of this reprehensible tactic against Christine O’Donnell.

They would be well to note that her “personal baggage” is nowhere near the level of that of Charlie Rangel. In fact, it’s nowhere near the level of that demonstrated by Joe Biden, a previous holder of that particular Senate seat. His documented, inaccurate utterances fall somewhere between acute amnesia on the one hand and compulsive lying on the other. At best, he seems to only have an itinerant relationship with the truth. Then again, we can’t expect the media to point this out because of the obvious double standard they employ in reviewing political parties and candidates.

So, faced with another stumbling, pratfall clown tactic, it’s now time to employ the tactic of framing the issue with false definitions. Tea Party favorites are “extremists” and they are “purging” the Republican party of “moderates.” The clown definition of moderate is a Republican who votes with the Democrats. Anything else is “extreme.” In actuality, it is the radical agenda that this Administration has forced down the throats of the people, against their oft stated will, that is extreme and has kindled the fires of this populist uprising.

The leftist clowns would have you believe that balancing the budget is extreme. Reducing the deficit is extreme. Stopping the continuing out of control spending is extreme. Advocating for a smaller government is extreme. Securing the borders is extreme. Stopping illegal immigration is extreme. Reading bills before voting on them is extreme. Following the Constitution is extreme. Don’t be surprised when extreme candidates who espouse these extreme principles do extremely well in the general election just as they have done in the primaries. In the meantime, while the clowns are in charge, don’t be surprised at the political circus.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Remembering September 11, 2001

By William L. Garvin

On September 5, 2001, my daughter gave birth to my first grandchild. There had been some concerns about his health during my daughter’s pregnancy so we were all greatly relieved to find those fears were unfounded. Jarod is now a healthy, active young boy who just turned nine years old.

That was one of the happiest days of my life. It’s hard to imagine that in less than a week, I would be at the other end of the emotional spectrum. I think it’s important to remember that in spite of repeated attacks against Americans, on September 10th, 2001, there was no obscure preacher threatening to burn the Koran. There was no protest against Islam or the building of a mosque anywhere in America. However, the United States of America did exist and that was provocation enough for radical Muslim terrorists to hijack four American airplanes and use them to murder thousands of our innocent citizens.

Nine years later, some of the situations and the facts have changed, but the threats of violence remain the same. Today we are even told that if we don’t build, the Ground Zero Mosque, the Arab world will explode in anger. Others profess that it will be the ultimate recruitment tool for Al Qaeda. A radical jihadist website promised to kill ten Americans for every letter in the Koran that is burned. Somewhere there is a tremendous market for anger management classes.

It appears as if there are certain elements of the international society, our global world, that are looking for an opportunity to be offended. There are certain other elements that don’t even need a reason, they just want to destroy. Then there are those who are so afraid of offending someone that they will tolerate most anything. “If you don’t stand for something, then you will probably stand for anything.” In a contemporary world, apparently the only thing that will not be tolerated is intolerance…sort of.

It was also somewhat difficult to discern what the presidential standard is for deciding to comment on wisdom when it comes to complex issues. In the Ground Zero Mosque controversy, President Obama was quick to state the obvious, that the Imam and his property developers had a constitutional right to build the mosque. However, he said he would not comment on the wisdom of building it. When he came to the preacher’s actions, he did not comment on the constitutional right to burn the Koran but instead chose to comment on the wisdom of doing so.

Make no mistake about it, burning the Koran is a stupid thing for any American to do. Burning the American flag is also a stupid thing to do. Nonetheless, the courts have declared the latter to be within the purview of freedom of speech and would undoubtedly declare the former to be the same. The proposed burning of the Koran was appropriately and nearly universally condemned by all religious and political leaders. Was that enough to appease the enemies of the “Great Satin”? Of course not. They have a political need to focus on a single individual and trumpet the conviction of the masses for “Islamaphobia.” It boggles my mind to see how an unknown individual can instantaneously gain presidential commentary, Secretary of Defense phone calls, incessant television coverage and front page news. I’m not exactly sure why he made national and international news. I guess that’s what happens when Lindsey Lohan actually manages to keep a low profile for a week.

In some ways, things have gotten much worse since 9/11/2001. Back then, for a brief period of time, leaders of America forgot their political parties. Everyone joined hands on the Capitol steps to pray and sing “God Bless America.” For a brief period of time, America was united. Everyone knew that this exceptional country would rise above the smoke, death, and disaster. For a moment, we looked for and saw the good in one another. Now we don’t. Worse yet, many don’t even remember when America stood tall, proud, and defiant in the face of tragedy. Worse yet, some seem to like it that way.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Constitution of Convenience

By William L. Garvin

There is a curious awakening among the radical left in this country. After years of assaulting the U.S. Constitution as an outdated and outmoded document, after years of impugning the character and wisdom of the Founding Fathers, they are now expressing a newly discovered appreciation for constitutional content. Do not be fooled; their socialist goals remain unchanged. In true Alinsky Rules for Radicals tradition, they are merely abandoning personal principle for a short term political gain.

There are two obvious and transparent examples of their hypocrisy. First is their newly found appreciation of our Founding Fathers wisdom in creating freedom of religion. For years, leftist forces have done their best to eradicate formalized religion and ban any religious reference from public life. The ACLU and their complicit minions have attempted to expand “freedom of religion” to “freedom from religion” which, for all intents and purposes, promotes atheism. They continually file costly and time consuming lawsuits to ban prayer in school, ban the Pledge of Allegiance, ban the words “In God We Trust” from our currency, ban the Ten Commandments from our courthouses, nativity scenes and even the word “Christmas”!

Now they are zealously trumpeting freedom of religion in regard to the Ground Zero Mosque controversy. The GZM has never been a question of a right under the Constitution; it has always been a question of propriety. Leftist thinkers in the media aid in this distortion by highlighting anti-Muslim activity but ignore the fact that there is much greater anti-Semitic hate crime. Several years back, they were highlighting the burning of black churches all the while ignoring the burning of white churches. This is not accidental.

They deliberately try to build a moral equivalency between disparate events. For instance, they like to build a false premise that Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, was a “Christian terrorist.” Actually, he was a self professed agnostic and said “Science is my religion.” Other than taking last rites prior to execution, a cynical attempt to hedge his bets, he had no substantive connection to Christianity. Furthermore, there is no Biblical justification for his actions. In short, it is another leftist canard used as a basis to 1) slander Christianity, and 2) build a false moral equivalency, to wit: they didn’t ban Christian churches from Oklahoma City so they shouldn’t ban Muslim mosques from New York City. This is pure intellectual dishonesty based on outright lies and results in extremely shoddy propaganda. It’s rubbish.

The second area of blatant hypocrisy is the left’s new adoration of the 14th Amendment in relation to both gay marriage and birthright citizenship. Radicals have for years fostered a concept favored by leftist judges of a “living Constitution” that should be modernized along the lines of “international law” and “contemporary morals and mores.” Again, this is a pattern of assault against the Judeo-Christian values and the influence they had on the framers of our Constitution.

Leftist thinking now seems to exalt the brilliance of the writers of the Constitution in demanding equal treatment for all in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. This of course means that the traditional definition of marriage should be expanded to include same sex couples (and such other combinations as a permissive and “non-judgmental” society will likely condone down the road). The mantra is everyone should be treated the same. However, they have no problem confiscating increasingly larger amounts of private property via a graduated income tax. They have no problem advocating “tax cuts” to those who paid no taxes in the first place. These rebates are nothing more than shameless bribes but such is the modus operandi of this particular Congress. In their radical lunacy, they have no problem with inconsistently advocating for keeping the Bush tax cuts for the middle class but allowing them to expire for those who make more than $250,000 per year.

Leftists also conveniently drop the international law comparison when it comes to birthright citizenship since no European country has such a practice. The only thing that is consistent with leftists is their situational inconsistency. Their “born again” reverence for the Constitution is one of convenience not of principle. Expect them to continue their assault on Judeo-Christian values and the family unit in their pursuit of a socialist utopia. It’s the “passive revolution” that Gramsci Marxists and Alinsky acolytes are weaving. They are persistent, opportunistic and they believe their end justifies their means. Be vigilant.