Sunday, January 31, 2016

Moderate. Agitate. Or Instigate- Who Calls the Shots?

By William L. Garvin

By the time this is published, the citizens of Iowa will have established the first party primary presidential pecking order of the season.  They will have also answered a number of questions.  Did the enthusiasm of the Donald’s trumpeteers carry over to the arduous task of the Iowa caucus?  Did Ted Cruz’ organization and ground game overcome the gap opened up by the frontrunner?  Did Marco survive the negative advertising onslaught of “Right to Rise” and Jeb?  Did the latest email revelations have any effect on Hillary or was she “burnt toast” from enthusiastic youth who “feel the Bern”?  Political pundits were all over the map on this one.

It certainly was an interesting week leading up to the Monday vote.  Did Donald skipping the last debate help or hurt?  Is your glass half empty or half full?  Fox News points out that the Trumpless-debate received their second highest rating ever.  Then again, the rating was the second lowest in viewership of the seven debates.  At the same time, the Donald threw together and pulled off an event that raised $6 million for veterans in one day.  Not bad for such short notice.

An important element to note in the Trump-Fox contretemps was the liberal media attempting to elevate Megyn Kelley to journalistic sainthood.  How they must have anguished over giving any sort of credibility to their hated rivals!  Then again, any humiliation is worth suffering if it will further the cause of Hillary.  And there’s the rub…they have a dog in this fight.  There is no longer any pretense of journalistic neutrality.  They are now the second in the corner of the ring.  They no longer moderate; they agitate and instigate.  Rather than moderating an actual debate, they do their worst to turn the exchanges into an internecine food fight.  If the candidates won’t oblige, they assume the role of antagonist or protector (remember Candy Crowley?) depending on personal bias and preference.  What a shame.  When Chris Wallace stepped all over the punchline to Cruz’s feeble joke attempt with “after all it is a debate,” nothing could have been further from the truth or more ironic!

Another refrain during the week was the oft-repeated refrain that if Trump didn’t have the courage to face Kelley, how could he stand up to Putin or other adversaries.  This choreographed criticism came from the Democrat National Committee and was bleated far and wide by their sheeple in both traditional and non-traditional media.  Remember, this is the DNC that would have preferred no debates at all and those they did allow were buried on Friday and Saturday nights.  Under duress, they were forced to ad lib a last minute town hall.  There at least the candidates had an opportunity to answer questions without a sixty-second bell or “moderator” chiming in.  Unfortunately, the questions asked were nothing more than an infomercial for progressive beliefs that “you can spend your way into prosperity.”  Needless to say, the DNC will never allow a Democrat debate to be hosted by Fox or the Heritage Foundation!  There Bernie might be asked why he thinks a 90 percent tax rate is fair and why he also wants to tax “speculation.”  By speculation he means any time you (or your IRA) buy or sell a stock, bond, or derivative, you must give him some of your money so he can give it to someone else!  By the way, Bernie, Prime Minister Rasmussen of Finland says they have a “market economy” and are “…far from a socialist planned economy.”  Meanwhile, Sweden may deport up to 80,000 immigrants for not meeting the criteria for asylum.  Unfortunately, Sweden has also become known as the “rape capital of the world” and many countries in Europe are experiencing similar difficulties.  Coincidence or cause and effect, you be the judge but all is not the socialist paradise in Scandinavia that Bernie adores.

A final curious anomaly: a weekend snowstorm has resulted in the State Department missing the deadline for releasing another 7,000 of Hillary’s emails.  Apparently, they need another THIRTY days.  Naturally this will be after the Iowa and New Hampshire primary votes!  Nonetheless, the State Department has added another 22 classified emails to the 1,600 classified already found on Hillary’s server.  Only these are so sensitive that they and numerous emails between Hillary and the president will NEVER be released.  Incidentally, the woman who handled the Lois Lerner emails was transferred from Treasury to State where she is now handling the Hillary emails.  If Hillary “crashes and Berns,” Joe Biden, Al Gore, and Michael Bloomberg are waiting in the wings.  This monochromatic cast of Democrat characters is even less diverse than the Oscars…will a boycott ensue?  It should!    

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Those Liberal Letters to the Editor

to RioVistaBeacon

So Liberal Writer #1 complains about Hillary being disrespected then goes on to disrespect the Donald as "not deserving of mention."  Liberal Writer #2 disses Donald as a "womanizer" with "notorious infidelity."  He defends Hillary as "unfairly victimized" by Bill but ignores Hillary's willing role in "unfairly victimizing"  all those  "VOBs" (Victims Of Bill)!  
Both writers also take shots at the Second Amendment and the NRA.  Writer #2 doesn't explain that his gun death stats include suicides, accidents and justifiable homicides.  Homicides account for 3.5 deaths per 100,000 not the 10.64 he quotes.  
He also fails to note that gun deaths in the U.S. are lower than they were two decades ago and cities with the strictest gun control laws have the same (sometimes higher!) homicide rates.  By the way, not a single mass shooter has been an NRA or tea party member (sorry, Samuel Jackson!) even though the media exerts every effort to portray them as such.  Neither of the two letter writers nor the president have explained how all their proposed common sense (sic) gun control regulations will take a single weapon out of the hands of criminals.  
Until they do, many Americans will continue to exercise their right to keep and bear arms and defend themselves against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
Bill Garvin