Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Season sans Reason

By William L. Garvin

Why is it that so many liberals who reject the reason for the season seem to gleefully embrace a season without reason?  Maybe it’s a lack of critical thinking skills.  Maybe it’s a large dose of ignorance.  Or maybe it’s just a foolish desire for anarchy.  If you can destroy structure and authority, then you will be “free” to pursue your own selfish pleasures with neither earthly nor heavenly consequences. 

It appears that liberal lemmings must have a cause du jour and if one does not actually exist, they will invent one.  As a subchapter in the specious saga of the fictitious “war on women,” the Rolling Stone article on collegiate fraternity gang rape is the perfect example.  Once proven to be baseless, a young liberal noted that “it didn’t matter if the facts were false; it still placed a spotlight on the problem.”  That’s the type of lockstep, sophomoric reasoning that $100,000 in student loans will buy you these days!  Then again, if NBC can doctor tapes to fit their agenda and presidents can deny what is clearly on tape, why bother with facts, logic, or rational discussion?

The same is true of the newly minted “movement” spawned by deaths in Ferguson and New York.  Lost to the majority of demonstrators and their supporters is the simple truth that if Michael Brown and Eric Garner had not broken the law to begin with, they would be alive today.  They have no one to blame for their deaths but themselves.  Personal accountability and individual responsibility are anathemas to those who live in the “I’m so special, I can do anything I want” world of extreme narcissism.  Therefore, they are “entitled,” by virtue of their self-proclaimed moral superiority to cast judgment as to the “truth” of any given situation.  Damn the facts; full emotions ahead!

As mainstream media continues to cover the violent and destructive “movement” to oppose racist police gunning down innocent black youth, why do they not point out that the premise is false?  In all of the arrests and confrontations by law enforcement in 2012, there were very few instances of force resulting in death.  While 123 of those killed by police were indeed black, another 326 of those killed were white.  The following year (2013) whites committed 4,396 murders.  Despite being only 13% of the population, blacks committed an astonishing 5,375 murders!  Look closely at those numbers and decide for yourself, who is waging war against whom?  Don’t let the media and the anarchists drag you down into their cesspool of unsubstantiated bile.

Pulling double duty as both a racial agitator and media shill is the omnipresent Al Sharpton, tax cheat extraordinaire.  The Democrat party and Comcast needs to assess how long they are going to support this prevaricating provocateur and his incendiary polemics.  Can you name a single situation where Sharpton has eased tension (absent a corporate payout)?  Can you name a single situation where he has brought parties together and offered reasonable solutions?  Yet somehow, he is President Obama’s go to guy on race relations.  Now there’s a definite lack of critical thinking skill!  This $4 million dollar tax cheat in his thousand dollar suits sits between the president and vice-president one day, and is instigating the blocking of streets, highways, airports, department stores, breaking of windows, trashing of Christmas trees, and general hooliganism.  As to the execution of the two NYPD police officers, Al may claim that he too is a victim, but in reality he is one of the most vocal, nefarious, and vindictive persecutors of law enforcement extant.

Has anyone from the Democrat party ever denounced Sharpton’s foolish polemics and deliberate instigation of a race war?  Will responsible Democrats ever put their country’s welfare above ginning up their base?  Not as of this date but hope springs eternal.  Then again, maybe the moderate Muslims will finally excommunicate the radicals in their midst from Islam.  Maybe Iran will only use their nuclear power for peaceful purposes.  Maybe Lois Lerner and all those who abused their power and authority in targeting conservatives will be held accountable.  Maybe the truth about Benghazi, Bergdahl, NSA spying, Obamacare, and the surge in “amnesty” for illegal aliens will finally be told.  Maybe the president will remember that elections have “consequences” and will spend more time governing rather than dictating.  Maybe the curious coalition of communists, socialists, anarchists, naive idealists, looters, arsonists, and drug addled joy riders will come back to reality.  Maybe the liberal lemmings will break out of their media-indoctrinated stupor and do something constructive for themselves and their country.  Until then, they can continue their adolescent antics and revel in their season without reason, but… beware the consequences!    

Monday, December 8, 2014

Baring False Witnesses

By William L. Garvin

“There are six things that the Lord strongly dislikes, seven that are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”  Proverbs 6:16-19

There is a quote attributed to Winston Churchill:  “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”  In today’s age of instant communication, that lie would make it ALL the way around the world!  One should look at how and why those lies are perpetuated, who is financing the canards, and who profits by their dissemination.  It is important to lay bare those who are bearing false witness.

Lying and cheating are rampant in our society.  “If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t competing,” as young folks say.  Lying seems to be a prerequisite for political office in this country despite the ninth commandment:  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”  There’s the infamous “I did not have sex with that woman.”  False.  “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”    False.  “Hands up, don’t shoot” is false, a lie perpetuated by members of the congressional Black Caucus, by athletes on sporting fields, and “protestors” throughout the land.  A similar path is coursed by those same parties with the false narrative “I can’t breathe.”  There’s the ROLLING STONE story on gang rape at the University of Virginia.  False.  The Lena Dunham Republican rape story.  False.  The Duke lacrosse team rape story.  False.  The Tawana Brawley rape story.  False.  The Benghazi murders were caused by a videotape.  False.  There’s not a smidgeon of corruption (in the IRS).”   False.  “Your health insurance premiums will go down by an average of $2,500 per family.”  False.  Because there are no timely consequences for any of these lies, unethical, immoral, and illegal behavior is not only condoned but encouraged.

It makes no difference that the Obama administration lied about the Benghazi videotape story or the false premises on which the Affordable Care Act was enacted.  It makes no difference when an American president can lie on live television to the American people about his sexual peccadilloes and remain fabulously wealthy and popular.  It makes no difference that three separate autopsies prove Michael Brown’s hands were never up.  It makes no difference when you say eleven times you can’t breathe, which is proof positive that you CAN breathe.  It makes no difference that the autopsy of Eric Garner showed no damage to either his windpipe or his neck bones, that he did NOT die of asphyxiation on the street but of cardiac arrest while in the ambulance.  For all the race hustlers in the grievance industry, it makes no difference that the crackdown on selling “loosies” in New York was ordered by the highest ranking black officer in the NYPD, Chief of Department Phillip Banks.  As the NEW YORK POST catalogued, Banks ordered the crackdown, black business owners lodged the complaint, a black officer ordered the arrest, and a black, female sergeant supervised the arrest.   None of that makes any difference and will be ignored because it doesn’t fit the liberal media narrative.  Just as Michael Brown’s strong arm robbery is deemed irrelevant, so are Eric Garner’s thirty-one previous arrests (eight for selling loosies in addition to assault and grand larceny).

So who profits by fanning these flames of racial unrest by bearing false witness?  Certainly Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP and every politician who practices racial politics by playing to a core constituency of grievants.  Certainly the popular media with its liberal propaganda (such as “white privilege”) will profit in ratings for live coverage of assaults, looting, and arson.  Looters certainly profit.  Young idealists profit in a search for meaning and significance by identifying with “causes” whether real or imaginary.  Certainly the political forces abroad and at home that would love to see the “Great Satan” humbled are once again dancing in the streets.

And finally, there’s the Obama administration that has already seen the national debt exceed $18 TRILLION while simultaneously presiding over 92 million unemployed and record numbers of food stamp dependents.  Millions have illegally crossed our porous borders.  Iran marches unimpeded towards a nuclear arsenal while Putin continues to pugnaciously rattle his jingoistic saber.  The US has over 4,000 “boots on the ground” in Iraq for a war with no apparent strategic coherence.  China has replaced the USA as the premier economy and the Democrat party is divided and diminished.  False witnesses, breathing lies, sowing discord among brothers may be just the profitable distraction the doctor ordered…even if it’s an abomination!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Facts vs. Ferguson Fabrications

By William L. Garvin

“We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the law breaker.  It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”  President Ronald Reagan

Nothing says “peace and justice” more than plunder, pillage, and arson.  Nothing combats unemployment more than burning downing the enterprises that might hire you.  Nothing encourages redevelopment more than looting and destroying locally owned and run businesses.  But, if you want to reinforce the stereotypes of “ghetto gangsta’s” and “urban thugs,” Ferguson is a resounding success!

As for those limousine liberals of Caucasian persuasion, the Anonymous anarchists, and the mindless sheeple who are harkening back to a pale imitation of Tom Wolfe’s RADICAL CHIC, here are some cold, hard DOJ and FBI facts to chill your boiling, emotional cauldrons.  Of course “Black Lives Matter,” but so do white lives and lives of every color.  Unfortunately, black lives don’t matter to lots of blacks.  While blacks comprise approximately 12.6% of the USA population, the latest FBI crime statistics show they comprise 53.1% of the murderers.  They also comprise 50.4% of the homicide victims.  For the vast majority of homicides, (approximately 90%), the murderers and victims are of the same race.  However, when it comes to interracial crime, the numbers are extremely lopsided.  Of the 1.7 million interracial crimes, only 2-3% of crimes committed by whites have black victims.  When it comes to ALL the crimes committed by blacks, 56% of their victims are white.  According to DOJ stats, in looking at over 100,000 rapes and sexual assaults where the victim was white, 44.5% of the assailants were white and 33.6% of the assailants were black.  Looking at 36,600 victims who were black, 100% of the assailants were black and 0.0% of the assailants were white.  Can you hear me N.O.W.?  The biggest threat to black men and black women are black men, not white cops!  Again, according to the DOJ statistics, blacks are 50 times more likely than whites to commit individual acts of interracial violence and 250 times more likely to engage in “multiple offender” or group interracial violence.

Despite the macro-statistical rejection of the fabricated war on young black men by violent white racists and police, Al Sharpton continues to peddle his Tawana Brawley Snake Oil sophistry.  In order to foolishly follow Sharpton’s lead, you must be anti-science and anti-evidence.  In order to parade around with your “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” placards, you must deny there was any of Michael Brown’s DNA and blood on Officer Darren Wilson’s gun or in his patrol vehicle.  You must deny the tapes of the police transmissions identifying Brown as wearing the same clothes as the robber.  You must deny the trail of blood leading away from the vehicle and then back towards the patrol vehicle.  You must deny every word that Wilson and every supportive black witness said.   You must deny the videotape showing Brown stealing cigars and manhandling the storeowner.  You must deny that Brown’s stepfather and mother’s profane and violent actions had no influence on the so called “gentle giant’s” upbringing.  You must deny Brown’s Facebook picture of himself brandishing a gun with a mouthful of cash.  Somehow you have to believe that Wilson would try to pull a 300 pound man-child through the window of his patrol car, would shoot him in the back as he ran away, shoot him with his arms up, and then stand over him to “finish him off” even though there’s no evidence or logical reason to believe any of this.  But many do.

Much praise should be given to the black citizens of Ferguson who stood up and protected local businesses whether they were owned by blacks or whites  Similarly, much opprobrium should be hurled upon those who lied, looted, burned, destroyed, and still refuse to face facts.  Similarly, shame on all those who are not equally outraged by the six blacks in Charlottesville, Virginia, (four men, two women) members of the “99 Goon Syndikat” gang who carjacked, robbed, and murdered white police captain Kevin Quick.  Eric Holder has already intervened and declared that the four gangbangers eligible for the death penalty will not face it.  So much for justice; may Captain Quick rest in peace.

Law enforcement puts more time, more effort, more money into policing itself as a profession than any other that can be named.  Nine times out of ten, when we find out there was a bad cop, it was another cop who figured it out.  Internal Affairs and Professional Standards processes are not perfect but they stand head and shoulders above any other process that can be named.  It is appropriate that they do their very best to weed out the bad apples and they do.  Black America should do the same.


Monday, November 24, 2014

Democrats, Aristocrats, Plutocrats, and Deceptocrats?

By William L. Garvin

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”
Sir Walter Scott

Pity the impoverished progressive media.  After selling its soul to the Devil, he is here to exact his due.  Bowing to the knee of their liberal education, those in the populist media (ABC, NBC, CBS, most newspapers, MSBC, CNN, etc.) are complicit in the creation of an unearned aura of presidential competence and the destruction of any and all political or populist challengers to their concocted mythology.  Having established their perimeters, they must now sit impotently inside as potential Pulitzers, books, and movie rights fade into oblivion.

If a second-rate burglary and phone tapping such as Watergate could bring down a president, make national icons out of obscure reporters named Woodward and Bernstein, and result in books and movies such as ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN, what could be done with “Fast and Furious,”  Benghazi, NSA spying, wiretapping and spying on reporter emails, IRS targeting of political opponents, deliberately lying to the American people regarding Obamacare costs and enrollments, and unconstitutional immigration fiats bring to the profession of journalism and the edification of the American people?  It appears as nothing when you look at the current lot of supposed journalists populating media airwaves.  The fields of investigative journalism are fertile but the workers are few!  Those that do perform are quickly exiled from the prevalent propaganda practitioners…just ask Sharyl Attkisson!

You’ve probably heard the liberal strumpets trumpet that Congress is incredibly unpopular but you won’t hear about the latest Gallup poll showing the Democrat Party has only a 36 percent favorability rating while the Republican Party has now achieved a 42 percent rating.  You probably won’t hear that Independents only rate Democrats at 25% as compared to their 42% rating a year ago.  You probably won’t hear that only 37% of people support Obamacare.  You probably won’t hear that the economy and its current failings is the biggest concern of American voters (50% “most important” and 70% rating it as “only good or fair”) and that “global warming” barely registers on their scale of concern.  This is especially true now that 50% of the United States is covered in record snow and cold!

This was all a matter of fact even before “Grubergate” and “Obamagration.”  Do you even know of MIT professor Jonathan Gruber?  If not, that’s not surprising since Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and major media also don’t seem to remember him even though he visited the White House 19 times, even though he and his company received over $6 million in government payments over the last few years, even though he was praised by all of them for his technical assistance.    Each of them lauded his vast contributions (easily verified on YouTube) to RomneyCare and ObamaCare but now they have a collective case of selective amnesia.  Is it because he proclaimed “a lack of transparency is a huge political advantage” or said “call it the stupidity of the American voter” or called it “clever” to exploit “the lack of understanding of the American voter”?  Remember this—the American voter has ALWAYS been opposed to ObamaCare.  The American people were never allowed to vote.  Harry Reid and his Deceptocrat Senate colleagues passed this through parliamentary chicanery and reconciliation.  Nancy Pelosi and her Deceptocrat House colleagues passed this through the House in the middle of the night without ever reading the large print let alone the fine print.  The common sense American citizen, the great unwashed, the outside the beltway voter, the hard working middle class understood from the beginning that you can’t add 30 million to the roles, keep the supply of doctors and hospitals status quo, and expect the price of health insurance to go down and the availability of health care to go up. 

You probably won’t hear about the NBC poll that shows 37% of legal immigrants oppose Obamagration while only slightly more (43%) support it.  American voters have said they don’t want a socialist transformation of America that allows 6 million lawbreakers to cut in line in front of those who have legally applied for entry.  Yet the president continues to show his contempt of congress and the constitution and the congress continues to show its contempt of its citizens.  Democrats now control the fewest number of seats in congress for nearly 80 years.  If Democrats continue to choose Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz as their leaders, expect those numbers to continue to decline but don’t expect to hear it on your evening news.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Elephants in the Room

By William L. Garvin
In a forceful repudiation of presidential policies to “fundamentally transform America,” American voters stampeded herds of conservative elephants into the halls of congress and state legislatures throughout the land.  Curiously, President Obama seemed oblivious to his political rejection in the clear message from the one-third who voted and divined solace and personal support from the two-thirds who didn’t vote!  When he was reelected by only thirty percent of the eligible voters in 2012, no such divination was evident.  It’s a good thing the Denier-in-Chief is still found to be so “likeable” by the liberal media or he might be regarded as petty, petulant, pompous and predictable.

This election also exposed several liberal mastodons that should immediately be relegated to the elephant burial grounds.  The Democrat party loves to characterize the Republicans, the Tea Party, and conservatives in general as “angry, old, white men.”  That is lib-speak for “racist” and “sexist.”  Yet throughout the country, the race card and the war on women were played and waged not by Republicans but by Democrats.  Democrats delighted in demonizing opponents with images of Trayvon Martin, Ferguson, and lynchings.  Charlie Rangel hinted they still believed in slavery!  Nonetheless, voters elected Tim Scott (Republican) to the Senate, the first black American senator from the South since Reconstruction.  They elected Mia Love (Republican), the first black female American from her party to the House.  In a somewhat embarrassing display of political partisanship, the NAACP not only failed to congratulate these victors but gave Senator Scott an “F” in their ratings.  Hats should be doffed to every black American who runs for office as a conservative.  It takes a great deal of courage knowing the racial invective and opprobrium that will be heaped upon them by the intolerant left.  Ask Allen West, Ben Carson, J.C. Watts, Ward Connerly, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, or Condoleezza Rice.

The same is true for the so-called conservative “war on women” which in reality is only waged by the left on conservative women.  Nikki Haley in South Carolina, Mary Fallin in Oklahoma, and Susana Martinez in New Mexico, all Republicans, were emphatically returned to their governorships.  Republican Joni Ernst became the first female senator from Iowa; Republican Shelley Moore Capito became the first female senator from West Virginia; Republican Elise Stefanik from New York at 30 became the youngest member in the House; and 18-year old Republican Saira Blair became the youngest state legislator in the country thanks to her 63-30% election in West Virginia.  Showing their intolerance, twitter world was filled with vitriol such as “dysfunctional,” “weird mutant,” and “psychopathic.”

Also of note were the overwhelming rejections of Wendy Davis and Sandra Fluke.  Davis, aka “Abortion Barbie,” had her pink tennis shoes handed to her on a platter in her run for governor of Texas.  In a gaffe-filled campaign that made Joe Biden look like a statesman, she foolishly mocked her opponent’s confinement to a wheelchair and declared he would outlaw interracial marriages despite his own marriage of over thirty years to a Latina!  True to form, even after her defeat, her supporters kept shouting their extremist views by saying every woman who voted Republican should “fall off the face of the earth” and “kill all the babies”!  In comparison, Fluke’s twenty point loss for the Senate in deep blue California was tame by comparison.  The only irony here is how someone so concerned about getting taxpayers to pay for contraception can come up with a $100,000 loan to her ill-fated campaign.

A final elephant in the room is the lack of effectiveness of the vaunted Democrat get-out-the-vote machine.  Now that President Obama’s policies have been so ineffective and his charm has worn thin, he was not seen as a sparkling asset but as a toxic liability.  Even in safe states where he and his wife campaigned, Democrats still lost because of their support for his policies.  To drum up the base, Democrat candidates turned to Hillary Clinton and the “Big Dog” Bill Clinton.  Hillary’s efforts were as disastrous as her book tour and thirty-two of her candidates lost!  Bill was equally impotent as far as the campaigning went.  The invincibility of the Clinton machine and the inevitability of Hillary’s presidency were sudddenly brought into question.  That’s why the “suicide watch” at MSNBC and other liberal media should remain vigilant!  Now it’s the Democrats who look old, angry, and tired.  They need to fire their writers, get some new material and freshen up their rap ‘cuz this ain’t your grandpa’s GOP!       

Monday, October 27, 2014

Garamendi is Uninformed

By William L. Garvin

The recently published interview with John Garamendi exposed many reasons why he should not be reelected.  To begin with, “forty years of political experience” should be a disqualifier in and of itself.  Our founding fathers never envisioned “career politicians” whose primary goal would be to get reelected.  Many in Congress have been there far too long and many have outlived whatever usefulness, if any, they might have once had.

As is typical with politicians, Garamendi “cherry picked” data to support Obama’s contention that it is “indisputable” the economy is in recovery.  Even the frequently quoted, liberal website Wikipedia points out that Garamendi votes with Obama and Pelosi ninety-eight percent of the time.  That means “politics is the game and Big Government is my name.”  The proof is in the pudding when he cites the low number of unemployment applications but in the same breath laments “We have not seen the growth in the public sector.”

He goes on to say that it is “bizarre” when people complain 92 million Americans are “not participating in the workforce.”  All he has to do is go to his Department of Labor website to see how his own government derives that number.  It’s everyone sixteen years of age or older.  The number was only 80 million when Obama took office.  Furthermore, in 2007, 66% of Americans had jobs or were looking.  Today, the number is down to 62.8%, the lowest labor participation rate in forty years.  Particularly troubling is 24% of those in the 25-64 age group that are not working are not even looking for work!  Additionally, there are 7.8 million working who are “involuntary part time.”  That makes the underemployment rate (U-6) over 13%.  If you also factor in that 4 out of 5 new jobs being created are part time and minimum wage along with the fact that 46.5 million Americans (approximately 15%) are on food stamps along with the fact that household income has decreased $2,500 per annum, his claim of economic recovery is horribly out of touch.  That’s why the U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorsed Dan Logue…not Garamendi!

Garamendi also blames the “majority in Congress” for not recklessly spending even more.  There is a Democrat President and a Democrat Senate but he still blames the Republican House for not passing a sequel to the trillion dollar failure known as the American Recovery Act.  He also forgets that sequestration was a White House proposal adopted by the Democrat Senate and signed by the Democrat President.  After six years, he still tries to blame current woes on George Bush and perpetuate the fallacy that Clinton left with a “surplus.”  Clinton never reduced the national debt a single year!  The Obama deficit may be somewhat reduced this year but it will still add $650 billion to the national debt which is now $17.9 trillion.  Over 40% of the national debt has occurred in the six years of the Obama administration.   Nonetheless, Garamendi voted against the balanced budget amendment and always votes to raise the debt limit in lockstep with Pelosi, Reid, and Obama.

Another questionable position is his continued support of Obamacare despite vociferous opposition by the majority of Americans.  He trumpets the “bending of the cost-curve on health care” while forgetting the Lie of the Year (“if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan; if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”) and that we were supposed to save $2,500 per year (another “Four Pinocchio” fabrication).  Additionally, even using Huffington Post numbers, his claim that Center for Disease Control budgets have been cut by a billion dollars a year for four years is highly inflated.  In fact, the CDC budget was increased for 2014 beyond what Obama had requested.  If no Ebola vaccine has been developed by CDC, maybe it’s because they were spending $2.9 million on figuring out why lesbians are obese, over two million more on getting old people to join choirs, another half million on why obese girls have a tough time getting dates, nearly a million on why gay men in Peru get syphilis, and $2.5 million developing “origami condoms”!

Both candidates are personable and well spoken.  However, Garamendi is a proven vote that Obama and Pelosi can count on and he has done nothing but support their out of control spending.   He has done nothing to get to the bottom of the numerous Obama administration scandals.  Logue has a much better understanding of the issues and the economics surrounding them.  I’d like to keep my doctor, keep my health plan, keep my country, and keep my sanity so I voted for Dan Logue. Unless you want two more years of the same liberal policy failures, you need to do the same!  

Monday, October 20, 2014

Forget and Regret

By William L. Garvin

Never have so many done so little against foes so formidable.  By all metrics, this so-called coalition is doing little more than irritating ISIS.  When a bombing sortie returns and reports that it has destroyed a total of three trucks, it can be characterized as nothing short of pathetic.  That miniscule return on investment doesn’t even cover the cost of fuel, let alone time and munitions.  Military minds are still scratching their heads over why the enemy “headquarters” was bombed in the middle of the night when no one was there.  Equally puzzling is why the enemy convoys were never attacked while on the move and out in the open.  It’s equally perplexing as to why when a few endangered Arab states put a few planes in the air on a totally infrequent and inconsequential basis that it’s portrayed as a tremendous political and military achievement.  It’s not.  It’s merely more sound and fury, (more accurately “smoke and mirrors”) signifying nothing of substance.

When an enemy force says they will fly their black flag over the White House, when they publically decapitate Americans and others, when they take over caches of WMD (both biological and chemical which of course never existed—remember “Bush lied; people died”), when they mercilessly slaughter thousands of Christians, Yezidis, and less blood thirsty Muslims, then it doesn’t matter whether or not we are at war with Islam.  They are at war with us.  The enemy cannot be managed.  It cannot be degraded.  It must be destroyed.  There has not been a single retired general or admiral come forward to applaud the military strategy currently being employed.  Bringing a knife to a gun fight is no more effective than naming the campaign “Inherent Resolve” is in inspiring the troops!

Why did anyone think that a state senator with a tawdry history of voting “present” rather than taking a stand could suddenly become decisive in times of crisis?  There is nothing in Barack Hussein Obama’s history that would prepare him for the role of commander-in-chief or even chief executive officer.  He has never led, never managed, and never had ultimate responsibility for anything.  If you ask him today, he still has no responsibility for “Fast and Furious,” spying on reporters, NSA, the IRS Gestapo, and on and on and on.  He is quick to blame the intelligence community for his characterization of ISIS as “jayvee.”  Maybe if he had played a few less rounds of golf and attended a few more intelligence briefings, he might have avoided his “deer in the headlights” reaction to the Middle East conflagration.  Maybe if he’d been in the Situation Room while Benghazi was going up in flames and Americans were being murdered, maybe if he and Hillary had told the truth instead of conjuring up some cockamamie story about a video, maybe if he would have been a leader instead of a political operative, things would have been different.

He can’t fire people who are incompetent because that would require a decision.  So they hang around until their pensions vest and then retire.  He’d rather hire a political hack for another overlapping layer of government apparatus to deal with the Ebola crisis than a proven health care administrator.  Of course, the “Ebola Czar” won’t be reporting to the President because that would again put him in a position of accountability and responsibility.  That is to be avoided at all cost.  It’s better to smile another smile.  It’s better to play another round of golf.  It’s better to attend another union or Wall Street fundraiser.  It’s better to deny reality and claim it is “indisputable” that the economy is better by every measurement.  Forget the 92 million Americans who are out of the labor force.  Forget that we have the lowest labor participation rate in nearly forty years.  Forget the record number of people on food stamps.  Forget the $17.9 trillion national debt.  Forget that household income has declined—unless you’re a member of congress!  Forget that you didn’t save $2,500 in health care premiums, that medical care is more expensive and less available.  Forget that many more policies will be canceled after the first of the year.  Forget that our borders aren’t secure and that 70,000 “children” and untold others have poured across this year alone.  Forget that the Obama/Reid/Pelosi combine will continue if you vote the same old political hacks back into office.  Forget this time and you’ll have two more years for remorse.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Discoloration by Design

By William L. Garvin

Early in his tenure as Attorney General, Eric Holder chose to lob a cultural grenade by his incendiary charge that America was a “nation of cowards” when it came to race relations.  He was clearly projecting his own internal biases and prejudices because if America were to defend herself, she could counter-claim that Holder’s Department of Justice, in specific, and the Obama presidency, in general, has been cowardly not only in matters of race but also in matters of religion.  Holder’s assumptive biases clearly dictated his priorities and actions as the nation’s “top cop.”

Holder describes himself as an “activist” Attorney General and his activism precluded his successful performance as “the people’s attorney” and degraded and discolored his office into the “minority people’s attorney.”  While there is nothing wrong with championing the “underdog,” there is no excuse for ignoring concomitant protections for the remainder of society!  When it came to matters of the law, AG Holder often had his thumb on the blindfolded lady’s scales to tip the frame of reference from “justice” into “social justice.”

When states passed laws requiring voter identification to insure the integrity of the election process, Holder recasts it through his racial prism as a malevolent form of “voter suppression.”  As is his wont, he immediately sued North Carolina when that state enacted its voter ID law in 2013.  Unfortunately, for Holder’s Department of Injustice, black voter turnout INCREASED by 29.5% from the 2010 primary election to the 2014 primary election!  On his trip to Kenya, President Obama generously provided $53 million to provide voter identification cards to their citizens.  Undeterred, Holder still has the North Carolina case slated for trial in 2015.

Holder failed to show such dogged determination when “Minister King Samir Shabazz,” the New Black Panther Party, and two other defendants were videotaped in paramilitary garb, carrying a club, shouting profanities and racial slurs at potential white voters at a Philadelphia polling place.  Eventually, because of high level political intervention, DOJ dropped the case even though the defendants FAILED TO SHOW in court and were de facto guilty!

When Arizona tried to secure its own borders because the federal government has failed miserably in that regard, Holder’s soulful bias once again bubbled to the surface.  He saw it not as a matter of state security but as a matter of blatant racism.  Similarly, he plunged headlong into matters of local law enforcement via the Trayvon Martin shooting.  While the president mused that if he had a son, he might look like Trayvon, he had no such musings about murderers and suspects such as Ali Brown (four murders in the name of jihad), Alton Nolen (stabbing and beheading one coworker and savagely stabbing another until shot by a worker), and Jesse Matthew (suspected of kidnapping and murdering coeds).  Holder has been equally silent and has yet to dispatch an army of investigators to any of these sites as he did with the shooting in Ferguson.  Holder personally met with protestors and the family of Michael Brown but failed to meet with the officer involved or his family.  Then again, this is the same Attorney General who refused to identify the murder of thirteen people in the name of Allah by Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood as terrorism but chose the kinder, gentler terminology of “workplace violence” to describe this barbaric slaughter of unarmed soldiers.

Don’t forget that he previously arranged to have President Clinton pardon the world’s biggest tax cheat (Mark Rich) and for Clinton to commute the sentence of 16 violent terrorists (FALN-Puerto Rico).  He’s already been held in contempt of congress regarding his stonewalling and refusal to provide documentation regarding his “gun walking” to Mexican drug cartels under the guise of “Fast and Furious” resulting in the death of Brian Terry.  After two years, he has only managed a single arrest in the murder of an ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi.  He has, however, steadfastly protected President Obama by assiduously avoiding any dogged pursuit of the IRS targeting of Tea Party and conservative presidential opponents.  He, himself has targeted Associated Press and Fox News reporters.  He has also chosen to ignore and failed to enforce laws on the books with which he and the president do not agree, thereby repeatedly violating their oaths to the Constitution.

So Mr. Holder, you are not being judged by the color of your skin (as you repeatedly judge others) but on the content of your character, as evidenced by your actions and lack of action.  This could have been a teachable moment rather than a polarizing term of service, so we wish you Godspeed on your departure!