Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Season sans Reason

By William L. Garvin

Why is it that so many liberals who reject the reason for the season seem to gleefully embrace a season without reason?  Maybe it’s a lack of critical thinking skills.  Maybe it’s a large dose of ignorance.  Or maybe it’s just a foolish desire for anarchy.  If you can destroy structure and authority, then you will be “free” to pursue your own selfish pleasures with neither earthly nor heavenly consequences. 

It appears that liberal lemmings must have a cause du jour and if one does not actually exist, they will invent one.  As a subchapter in the specious saga of the fictitious “war on women,” the Rolling Stone article on collegiate fraternity gang rape is the perfect example.  Once proven to be baseless, a young liberal noted that “it didn’t matter if the facts were false; it still placed a spotlight on the problem.”  That’s the type of lockstep, sophomoric reasoning that $100,000 in student loans will buy you these days!  Then again, if NBC can doctor tapes to fit their agenda and presidents can deny what is clearly on tape, why bother with facts, logic, or rational discussion?

The same is true of the newly minted “movement” spawned by deaths in Ferguson and New York.  Lost to the majority of demonstrators and their supporters is the simple truth that if Michael Brown and Eric Garner had not broken the law to begin with, they would be alive today.  They have no one to blame for their deaths but themselves.  Personal accountability and individual responsibility are anathemas to those who live in the “I’m so special, I can do anything I want” world of extreme narcissism.  Therefore, they are “entitled,” by virtue of their self-proclaimed moral superiority to cast judgment as to the “truth” of any given situation.  Damn the facts; full emotions ahead!

As mainstream media continues to cover the violent and destructive “movement” to oppose racist police gunning down innocent black youth, why do they not point out that the premise is false?  In all of the arrests and confrontations by law enforcement in 2012, there were very few instances of force resulting in death.  While 123 of those killed by police were indeed black, another 326 of those killed were white.  The following year (2013) whites committed 4,396 murders.  Despite being only 13% of the population, blacks committed an astonishing 5,375 murders!  Look closely at those numbers and decide for yourself, who is waging war against whom?  Don’t let the media and the anarchists drag you down into their cesspool of unsubstantiated bile.

Pulling double duty as both a racial agitator and media shill is the omnipresent Al Sharpton, tax cheat extraordinaire.  The Democrat party and Comcast needs to assess how long they are going to support this prevaricating provocateur and his incendiary polemics.  Can you name a single situation where Sharpton has eased tension (absent a corporate payout)?  Can you name a single situation where he has brought parties together and offered reasonable solutions?  Yet somehow, he is President Obama’s go to guy on race relations.  Now there’s a definite lack of critical thinking skill!  This $4 million dollar tax cheat in his thousand dollar suits sits between the president and vice-president one day, and is instigating the blocking of streets, highways, airports, department stores, breaking of windows, trashing of Christmas trees, and general hooliganism.  As to the execution of the two NYPD police officers, Al may claim that he too is a victim, but in reality he is one of the most vocal, nefarious, and vindictive persecutors of law enforcement extant.

Has anyone from the Democrat party ever denounced Sharpton’s foolish polemics and deliberate instigation of a race war?  Will responsible Democrats ever put their country’s welfare above ginning up their base?  Not as of this date but hope springs eternal.  Then again, maybe the moderate Muslims will finally excommunicate the radicals in their midst from Islam.  Maybe Iran will only use their nuclear power for peaceful purposes.  Maybe Lois Lerner and all those who abused their power and authority in targeting conservatives will be held accountable.  Maybe the truth about Benghazi, Bergdahl, NSA spying, Obamacare, and the surge in “amnesty” for illegal aliens will finally be told.  Maybe the president will remember that elections have “consequences” and will spend more time governing rather than dictating.  Maybe the curious coalition of communists, socialists, anarchists, naive idealists, looters, arsonists, and drug addled joy riders will come back to reality.  Maybe the liberal lemmings will break out of their media-indoctrinated stupor and do something constructive for themselves and their country.  Until then, they can continue their adolescent antics and revel in their season without reason, but… beware the consequences!    

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