Monday, September 29, 2014

Discoloration by Design

By William L. Garvin

Early in his tenure as Attorney General, Eric Holder chose to lob a cultural grenade by his incendiary charge that America was a “nation of cowards” when it came to race relations.  He was clearly projecting his own internal biases and prejudices because if America were to defend herself, she could counter-claim that Holder’s Department of Justice, in specific, and the Obama presidency, in general, has been cowardly not only in matters of race but also in matters of religion.  Holder’s assumptive biases clearly dictated his priorities and actions as the nation’s “top cop.”

Holder describes himself as an “activist” Attorney General and his activism precluded his successful performance as “the people’s attorney” and degraded and discolored his office into the “minority people’s attorney.”  While there is nothing wrong with championing the “underdog,” there is no excuse for ignoring concomitant protections for the remainder of society!  When it came to matters of the law, AG Holder often had his thumb on the blindfolded lady’s scales to tip the frame of reference from “justice” into “social justice.”

When states passed laws requiring voter identification to insure the integrity of the election process, Holder recasts it through his racial prism as a malevolent form of “voter suppression.”  As is his wont, he immediately sued North Carolina when that state enacted its voter ID law in 2013.  Unfortunately, for Holder’s Department of Injustice, black voter turnout INCREASED by 29.5% from the 2010 primary election to the 2014 primary election!  On his trip to Kenya, President Obama generously provided $53 million to provide voter identification cards to their citizens.  Undeterred, Holder still has the North Carolina case slated for trial in 2015.

Holder failed to show such dogged determination when “Minister King Samir Shabazz,” the New Black Panther Party, and two other defendants were videotaped in paramilitary garb, carrying a club, shouting profanities and racial slurs at potential white voters at a Philadelphia polling place.  Eventually, because of high level political intervention, DOJ dropped the case even though the defendants FAILED TO SHOW in court and were de facto guilty!

When Arizona tried to secure its own borders because the federal government has failed miserably in that regard, Holder’s soulful bias once again bubbled to the surface.  He saw it not as a matter of state security but as a matter of blatant racism.  Similarly, he plunged headlong into matters of local law enforcement via the Trayvon Martin shooting.  While the president mused that if he had a son, he might look like Trayvon, he had no such musings about murderers and suspects such as Ali Brown (four murders in the name of jihad), Alton Nolen (stabbing and beheading one coworker and savagely stabbing another until shot by a worker), and Jesse Matthew (suspected of kidnapping and murdering coeds).  Holder has been equally silent and has yet to dispatch an army of investigators to any of these sites as he did with the shooting in Ferguson.  Holder personally met with protestors and the family of Michael Brown but failed to meet with the officer involved or his family.  Then again, this is the same Attorney General who refused to identify the murder of thirteen people in the name of Allah by Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood as terrorism but chose the kinder, gentler terminology of “workplace violence” to describe this barbaric slaughter of unarmed soldiers.

Don’t forget that he previously arranged to have President Clinton pardon the world’s biggest tax cheat (Mark Rich) and for Clinton to commute the sentence of 16 violent terrorists (FALN-Puerto Rico).  He’s already been held in contempt of congress regarding his stonewalling and refusal to provide documentation regarding his “gun walking” to Mexican drug cartels under the guise of “Fast and Furious” resulting in the death of Brian Terry.  After two years, he has only managed a single arrest in the murder of an ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi.  He has, however, steadfastly protected President Obama by assiduously avoiding any dogged pursuit of the IRS targeting of Tea Party and conservative presidential opponents.  He, himself has targeted Associated Press and Fox News reporters.  He has also chosen to ignore and failed to enforce laws on the books with which he and the president do not agree, thereby repeatedly violating their oaths to the Constitution.

So Mr. Holder, you are not being judged by the color of your skin (as you repeatedly judge others) but on the content of your character, as evidenced by your actions and lack of action.  This could have been a teachable moment rather than a polarizing term of service, so we wish you Godspeed on your departure!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

On Matters of Life and Death

By William L. Garvin

“The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him.”                Pablo Casals

The Affordable Care Act was ramrodded through the Democrat-dominated House and Senate by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and other assorted liberal minions.  The typical Machiavellian chicanery was characterized by “the Louisiana Purchase” and the “Cornhusker Kickback.”  All this was necessary because prospects for passage of the largely unread and unpopular bill were razor thin.

Bart Stupak, the democrat from Michigan mounted an ephemeral challenge based on principle along with ten other followers.  Stupak argued that it would be a violation of the rights of many religious believers under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to force them to pay for abortions.  He had offered an amendment to Obamacare to that effect.   Under immense democrat pressure (as well as $578 million in earmarks and another $727,000 for an airport in his district), Stupak agreed to accept an Executive Order by the president that restated his amendment.  “All the safeguards we were looking for, the principle we fought for all these months, will be enforced through this Executive Order,” Stupak erroneously crowed.

Effective on August 1, Health and Human Services issued a mandate that all insurance plans must cover all FDA approved contraceptives including abortion-inducing drugs.  “I am perplexed and disappointed that, having negotiated the Executive Order with the president, not only does the HHS mandate violate the Executive Order but it also violates statutory law,” the too little, too late (and out-of-office) Stupak shamefacedly admits.

California has advanced the right-to-kill-your-baby ball even farther down the road.  Michelle Rouillard, the director of California’s Department of Managed Health Care dictated in a letter to seven insurance companies that “Abortion is a basic health care service” and therefore, all insurance policies sold in California must cover this life ending practice.  This effectively reverses their previous ruling and effectively eliminates the federal law, the conscientious objections and sincerely held beliefs of all those who believe life begins at conception.  Bill Donohue of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights has called this ruling “morally obscene.”  An argument can be made that this new dictate violates federal law which requires the forfeiture of federal funds if a state mandates abortion coverage.  Of course, it is HHS who rules on the forfeiture so the cycle of death is complete.

Well, not quite.  In 2009, Sarah Palin added “death panels” to the lexicon of the American healthcare debate.  She was incessantly mocked by media and her obsessed liberal detractors.  (Of course she was also mocked in 2008 for accurately predicting that Russia would be encouraged to invade Ukraine if Obama was elected!)  In fact, Politifact awarded “death panels” their “Lie of the Year.”  However, they did nothing to research or clarify the purpose of “end-of-life” counseling or the role and function of the non-elected, non-accountable Independent Payment Advisory Board.  Because of the public furor over the lack of transparency, the end-of -life counseling was dropped from Obamacare.  However, the AMA has recently created codes for end-of-life counseling and submitted them to Medicare and Medicaid Services for reimbursement.  A decision is expected this fall.

Burke Balch, the director of the Powell Center for Medical Ethics says many doctors believe in “hastening death for those deemed to have a ‘poor quality of life.’”  Remember that the stated purpose of Obamacare is “to reduce the growth in health care spending.”   Even Eugene Robinson, a dyed-in-the-wool Obama devotee has admitted “If the government says it has to control healthcare costs and then offers to pay doctors to give advice about hospice care, citizens are not delusional to conclude that the goal is to reduce end-of-life spending.”

Steve Rattner, a former Obama advisor, has said we need death panels.  “Well, maybe not death panels exactly, but unless we start allocating healthcare resources more prudently—rationing, by its proper name—the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”  He then added that “The big in reducing the cost of treating people in the last year of life.”

Too bad this President isn’t nearly as good in conducting his war on terror as he is in waging war on the unborn and the elderly among us.  Beware may be next!