Monday, October 25, 2010

Hysteria and Histrionics in Namby-Pamby Land

By William L. Garvin

The nonsensical mockery and hysterical shrieking from the “cackle of rads” has an oddly funereal quality to it. Hysteria is clearly setting in as they try to flagellate their main stream media and union minions into spouting liberal propaganda with no semblance of objectivity. It reeks of desperation.

For starters, the only enthusiasm being generated on the Democrat campaign trail that seems authentic is that of Campaigner in Chief, Bill Clinton. Most of his audience is college stages (stooges?) where they probably have forgotten (or condone) his tawdry behavior in the Oval Office. As the architect of the “politics of personal destruction”, which was the modus operandi for handling the Bimbo Eruptions, the good ol’ boy from Hope is the perfect foil for blowing smoke to cover up the demise of the era of Hope and Change. Naturally he’s forgotten that “it’s the economy, stupid!” and in irony of ironies, he is now attacking the character of Republicans! He hasn’t lost his knack for looking the camera directly in the eye and lying to the American people.

As for outright lies, what are we to do with President Obama’s personal promise that the stimulus package would go to “shovel ready projects” when he now admits that there is no such thing as a shovel ready project? It’s also time to get a new campaign riff. The way you’re driving, the “D” isn’t for “Drive”; it’s for “Destruction.” Yes, we want the keys back because the “R” is for “Responsibility,” something your administration sorely lacks.

A horrendous example of said irresponsibility is your Department of Injustice failure to insure that our service men and women get their absentee ballots in time for their votes to be counted. CNN reported that in a survey of only14 states, two of those states and 13 counties had missed the deadline for mailing the ballots. Additionally, in the President’s home state of Illinois, 35 of the 110 voting precincts had failed to mail the military ballots on time. One election official held the military ballots for fourteen days. Maybe it’s because he was too busy hand delivering voter applications and absentee ballots at the same time to 2,600 prison inmates! Of course only cynics would consider chicanery in lieu of coincidence when military voters usually favor conservative views and candidates. That same cynic might also wonder whether or not the prisoner ballots were already completed in advance. After all, they’re not really in a position to complain, are they?

Mr. President, you also ramped up your attacks on the Chamber of Commerce for not releasing their donor list while you have still failed to release the donor list from your election. You never complained when you received over $400 million in assistance from groups that did not release their donor lists. By the way, Democrats have received over $1 million from political action committees associated with foreign companies and the House and Senate Leaders have received about $500,000. So stop with the hysterical shrieking…it’s not very presidential.

Speaking of Senate Leader Harry Reid, you’d better keep an eye on him. His ego is rapidly inflating to the size of your teleprompter. On MSNBC he actually said “…it doesn’t give them comfort or solace for me to tell them, you know, but for me we’d be in a worldwide depression.” We know who the real Savior of the World is, don’t we Mr. President? By the way, for the third time you have omitted “our Creator” as the source of our inalienable rights when you quoted our Declaration of Independence. As a constitutional scholar and avid (sic) baseball fan, you should know that it’s three strikes and you’re out!

Ms. Speaker Pelosi continues to whistle by the graveyard and ignore the fact that Democrats are campaigning against Obamacare and against her. In fact, virtually no Democrat candidate is running on a record; all they are doing is spewing irrelevant bile and distortions against their opponents. It’s the same old pap, extremists, racists, destroying social security, pulling the plug on granny, and class warfare. To quote a television pundit, “Is that all you’ve got?” It’s the same old tired Democrat tactics, the same old tired Democrat candidates, the same old radical Alinsky tactics. It’s time for a real change and we can see November from the house! As they say in Chicago, “vote early and vote often!”

Monday, October 18, 2010

“Fear, Loathing, and Top Down Violence”

By William L. Garvin

“Public affairs go pretty much as usual: perpetual chicanery and rather more personal abuse than there used to be.” John Adams

There is an air of desperation permeating Democrat attempts to paint the opposition in general and the Tea Party in specific as extreme. What is extreme is the depths to which they and their media minions have sunk in attempting to divert attention from the $3.52 trillion in spending last year and the $3.45 trillion in spending this year which has the federal debt now at a staggering $13 trillion!

It was almost comical when Janet Napolitano suggested that we should be concerned about our military veterans as potential terrorists. Never one to ignore a Democrat talking point, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, in her phantasmagorical alternate reality, tried to connect the dots between Timothy McVeigh, Christian evangelicals, and the Tea Party. Of course, it was necessary to ignore the fact that McVeigh was a self-avowed atheist who professed that politics was his religion.

Her MSNBC counterpart, Chris Mathews (who used to have momentary flashes of lucidity) seems to have gone even further over the edge. He actually used the Chilean mine rescue miracle to spew his personal venom. He pontificated that if the miners were from the Tea Party they would have “…been killing each other after about two days”! In his interview with Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO, he continued his foolishness: “The message coming out of the Tea Party people…is every man for himself. Basically no more taxes, no more government, no more everything. No more safety net. No more health care for everybody. Everybody just get out there, make your buck, save it, screw the government, move on.” Given his cartoonish characterization, it is only appropriate to quote Bugs Bunny: “What a maroon!” Either Mathews is criminally ignorant and unable to conduct even basic research or he is deliberately lying.

In a compelling essay, Whitney Pitcher pointed out that “Such misrepresentation of the Tea Party movement has become common place among the liberal press. The Tea Party is not about no government, it’s about limited government. It is not about an ‘every man for himself’ mentality; it’s about the voluntary generosity of individuals rather than the obligatory redistribution of wealth. It’s about everyday Americans, not the political elite or the Establishment.” One would think the cocktail party, Ivy League-educated, ruling class would be able to figure that one out.

What is even more troubling is the continuing violence in the Democrat demagoguery. When Governor Sanford was missing, the esteemed Senator John Kerry said “Too bad if a governor had to go missing it couldn’t have been the governor of Alaska. You know, Sarah Palin.” New Hampshire Democrat State Rep. Timothy Horrigan said “Well a dead Palin would be even more dangerous than a live one….” Thankfully he resigned after demonstrating his terminal stupidity. Keith Halloran , a Democrat candidate named for the same House, commented on a thread regarding the plane crash that killed Alaska Senator Ted Stevens “Just wish Sarah and Levy(sic) were on board.”

Where do they get the idea that this sort of invective is permissible? Maybe it’s from a President who says that “if they bring a knife, we’ll bring a gun” and encourages his followers to “get in the faces” of the Tea Party and town hall protesters. Maybe it’s when the President says there’s going to be “hand to hand combat.” Maybe it’s when the Vice-President says he’ll “strangle” the next Republican who talks about balancing the federal budget. Maybe it’s when Oliver Stone makes a movie about assassinating a living president. Maybe it’s when main stream media continue to repeat lies from left wing blogs with no semblance of objectivity. Maybe it’s when Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals calls for “picking a target, freezing it, personalizing it, and polarizing it.” For community organizers following these principles, facts are irrelevant and truth is the first casualty.

Of course you can say that these are just isolated examples and are not representative of Democrats as a whole. Nonetheless, if you want more “civil discourse,” you should repudiate this type of extreme rhetorical violence within your own ranks. It’s not working and the Tea Party movement is not intimidated.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Problems in the Political Asylum

By William L. Garvin

Another week gone by and we have yet another litany of reasons to prove the inmates are still in charge of the political asylum. First of all, we have our economist extraordinaire Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying that the best way to “stimulate the economy” and get the “most bang for our buck” is Food Stamps! By this ridiculous hypothesis, if we give EVERYONE food stamps, the American economic engine would roar back to life.

Of course the Administration’s present disastrous economic policies are moving us rapidly in that direction anyway. On January, 2007, when Democrats took control of the House and the Senate, unemployment was at 4.6% and there were 26.5 million people on food stamps. Now, according to Gallup, unemployment is at 10.1% and there are 40 million people receiving food stamps, more than at any time in our nation’s history.

Along these same lines, cruise ships don’t accept food stamps but they certainly accept California’s welfare aid debit cards. More than $69 million has been spent out of the Golden (Welfare) State in places like Hawaii, Las Vegas, Miami, Disney World, cruise ships and various resort destinations from funds designed to help the needy pay the rent and clothe their children. A state audit shows that none of California’s 58 counties adequately follows up on information that would indicate fraud.

At least those people appear to be alive. In another glaring example of bureaucratic inefficiency, the Obama Administration mailed $18 million in stimulus checks to dead people! No, they weren’t all in Cook County, the President’s Chicago home, although they are probably still voting there. To compound their ineptitude, they also sent another $4 million to prison inmates who were similarly ineligible. Your tax dollars at work!

Then there’s the recent Field Poll that showed nearly 7 in 10 Californians are dissatisfied with Congress’ overall job performance. In a deliberate suspension of critical thinking, these same voters seem intent on returning Senator Barbara Boxer to office. Even the ultra-liberal San Francisco Chronicle refused to endorse her noting her 18-year tenure in the Senate was totally unremarkable. “There is no reason to believe that another six-year term would bring anything but more of the same uninspired representation” said the Chron.

Her previous 10-year stint in the House was also similarly unremarkable except for her personal financial incompetence that earned her the sobriquet of “Barbara Bouncer”. Boxer was involved in the House banking scandal in which a number of Representatives bounced checks written on their accounts in the House Bank. Boxer wrote 143 overdraft checks over a period of three years that totaled $41,417. When you have no concerns about your own deficit spending, why should you be concerned about the Nation’s deficit spending? She’s never met a spending bill she didn’t like…unless it’s a military appropriation, funding a border fence, or sending additional troops to secure the border.

Next, we have Senator John Kerry saying voters are “uninformed on the issues” aka “stupid”; the President saying they should “buck up” and “don’t make me look bad”; and the Vice-President saying they should “stop whining.” Are they speaking to the Loyal Opposition? No, they were talking to their own Democrat base. Obviously the Administration has run out of targets to demonize and now must turn on their own. VP Biden went even further saying “You’re the dullest audience I’ve ever spoken to.” Way to inspire the troops, Joe!

Also we’ve got David “Blame Bush” Axelrod contending the Chamber of Commerce is a front for foreign corporations with absolutely no proof. He should have been laughed out of the room. The National Organization of Women ignores the continual slurs and vilification of successful conservative women but has no problem endorsing Jerry Brown the day after one of his close advisors (wife?) calls Meg Whitman a whore. The perpetually self aggrandizing Gloria Allred thinks this egregious affront calls for an “apology” all the while attempting to politically execute the aforementioned Ms. Whitman for firing an illegal alien. Allred’s “client” broke the law to get into this country, lied to get a social security card, lied to get a driver’s license, lied on her employment application, lied to Ms. Whitman but now is telling the truth? No doubt about it, the inmates are still in charge of the asylum.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Death and Taxes; Clowns and Cowards

By William L. Garvin
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” Thomas Jefferson

The next time you see a recreational vehicle rolling down the highway with the bumper sticker saying “Spending my kid’s inheritance”, take it as a sign of sound financial planning. The other option is to hurry up and die this year before the Bush tax cuts expire and the Death Tax returns!

The current Democrat Congress talks out of both sides of its collective mouth on this issue. The Democrat leadership, including the President, continues to berate Republicans for holding tax cuts “hostage.” First, the Democrats hold an overwhelming majority in both houses. Second, despite this majority, they have not yet introduced a bill to extend the tax cuts. It is hard to fathom how a bill can be stonewalled when it has not even been introduced! Shame on this Democrat duplicity.

Maybe it was the shortage of time. Let’s see, wasn’t the House and the Senate on recess from August 9 through September 12? Maybe it was the arduous nature of governing for a whole three weeks that caused the current cessation of business in the House. Madame Speaker Pelosi was the one who cast the deciding vote to abandon ship and run for the hills. She could just as easily have decided to stay and work for the American people but she chose not to. How can she now blame the Republicans and the nearly forty Democrats who voted to stay in session? Rest assured she’ll find a way.

Maybe the House was so exhausted by rushing to complete the Federal budget before October 1st (the beginning of the federal fiscal year) that they didn’t have time to address the tax issue. But wait…they still have not produced a budget. Either they don’t want the public to know just how bad their economic planning is or they have adopted the incompetent California legislature as their model. In either event, the American people deserve better from their representatives.

They did however have time to bring on the clowns, in this case, Stephen Colbert. Madame Speaker heartily endorsed this lapse in decorum. (That was predictable since she has yet to schedule the hearings for the ethically challenged Maxine Waters and Charlie Rangel.) Now Mr. Colbert could have tried to testify as an informed citizen on the plight of the migrant worker. Instead, he chose to remain “in character” and provided nothing of substance to the proceedings or the consideration of the immigration issue. Naturally, His Smirkiness had nothing at all to say about the crime and cost of illegal aliens.

What of course they did have time to do is set the stage for the lame duck Congress with twenty bills that will spend another $400 billion dollars. By every estimate, there are going to be a considerable number of fiscal conservatives elected to the next Congress. Rather than heeding the will of the American people, the current fiscally irresponsible, tax and spend coalition will do whatever they can to cram more of their redistributive agenda down the taxpayer gullet.

This was made perfectly clear in the Senate. Senator Jim DeMint proposed an amendment to extend the spending resolution from December 3 until February 4, 2011. This would in effect provide the continued funding for all governmental operations in the absence of a budget and resultant allocations. The amendment was voted down 60-39, essentially along party lines. The net result will be a lame duck Congress, many of whom will have no further accountability to the people since they have been voted out, will try to pass an omnibus spending bill. You can count on it being filled with pork, earmarks, and deficit spending.

We have clearly seen with Democrat control of the Presidency, the House, and the Senate that they have an insatiable thirst for spending that can only be quenched by increasing the taxation and confiscation of private wealth. As one political science professor noted: “Republicans play to win; Democrats play dirty to win.” This Administration has proven that maxim!