Tuesday, May 25, 2010

“The Hypocrites of Sanctuary Cities”

By William L. Garvin

The People’s Republic of Berkeley has finally gotten around to adding its Johnny-Come-Lately imprimatur to the boycott of Arizona and their new law regarding illegal immigration. It is so sad to see the cutting edge of liberal thought (sic) reduced to a too little, too late “me, too” lame and derivative response in following the herd of elitist chic.

Maybe their delay was due to actually reading the law, unlike our President, Attorney General, or Secretary of Homeland Security. Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon was equally ill read and uninformed when he said before Congress “I strongly disagree with the recently enacted law in Arizona. It is a law that not only ignores a reality that cannot be erased by decree but also introduces a terrible idea using racial profiling as a basis for law enforcement.” Friends don’t let friends “act stupidly” but our President and erstwhile defender stood by in impotence as Democrats cheered. He let a foreigner come into our house, take advantage of our hospitality, insult a family member, AND DID NOTHING! But then, that’s true to form because NOTHING is all he has done to secure the Arizona border and apparently NOTHING is what he intends to do!

Wrongheaded and misdirected as the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco may be, at least they did something in declaring themselves “sanctuary cities” and initiating an Arizona boycott. It will be interesting to see how deep our southern LaLa land brethrens’ convictions run. If they truly want to boycott Arizona, what will they do in the middle of the summer when they are running on the brink of “brown outs” because of the sweltering heat and 24-hour air conditioning? As Arizona inconveniently pointed out, 25% of LA’s electrical power comes from Arizona! Come on Angelinos, show some courage in your conviction, show some intestinal fortitude, show some cojo--s and terminate those Arizona power contracts now!

Wrongheaded and misdirected is a pattern here on the left coast where feelings prevail and critical thinking is at best, a distant afterthought. What little actual thinking that is done by the liberal left about the Arizona law results in a charge that it is “unconstitutional” because it usurps the role of the federal government. How could a state law that reinforces its support of a federal law ever be construed as unconstitutional? It only happens in the bizarre world of lib-think.

Just for fun, why don’t you brilliant liberal intellectuals read Section 834b of the California Penal Code:
(a) Every law enforcement agency in California shall fully cooperate with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service regarding any person who is arrested if he or she is suspected of being present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws.

(b) With respect to any such person who is arrested, and suspected of being present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws, every law enforcement agency shall do the following:
(1) Attempt to verify the legal status of such person as a citizen of the United States, an alien lawfully admitted as a permanent resident, an alien lawfully admitted for a temporary period of time or as an alien who is present in the United States in violation of immigration laws. The verification process may include, but shall not be limited to, questioning the person regarding his or her date and place of birth, and entry into the United States, and demanding documentation to indicate his or her legal status…

(c) Any legislative, administrative, or other action by a city, county, or other legally authorized local governmental entity with jurisdictional boundaries, or by a law enforcement agency, to prevent or limit the cooperation required by subdivision (a) is strictly prohibited.

Based on all of the above, maybe California liberals should be boycotting California! Based on all of the above, exactly who is usurping federal law as well as violating state penal code statutes? Maybe LA Council members and SF Board members should make citizen arrests of themselves as violators of both Federal and State statutes not to mention being sanctimonious hypocrites. Maybe Mexico should also sit down and shut up (when they are legal guests in this country) until their economy can export something other than drugs, violence, and illegals. And maybe once, just once, our President will realize why so many people want to come to this “downright mean country.” And maybe once, just once, we will hear our President say “We know we are not a perfect country, but we are the greatest country, especially when it comes to hope and opportunity. You are welcome but follow our laws. If you don’t follow our laws, you are NOT welcome. End of story.” Just once!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My response to a recent local op-ed piece...WLG

Dear Editor:

Having previously served in the United States Army, Armor Branch, as a 1st Lieutenant, I salute Lt. Doug Monroe for his service to our country and as a brother in the combat arms. However, when he states that "My personal experience of this group is that they (Tea Party Patriots) are more anarchists than patriots", he shows a naivete and ignorance in his hyperbole that is truly alarming. I was equally surprised that a self-described newcomer to Rio Vista who was previously declared to be "an Officer and a Gentleman" by an Act of Congress would immediately begin his residency by insulting his neighbors.

By equating "anarchy" with the "Tea Party Patriots", he shows a complete and total misunderstanding of one or both concepts. Anarchy is the absence of government or a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority. Good examples of anarchy in action can be found at any "open borders," Earth First/Earth Liberation Front, May Day/International Workers of the World, or International Monetary Fund protest or demonstration. There has never, I repeat NEVER, been a single Tea Party gathering that has fomented anarchy in form or substance. Any personal experience of anarchy at a Tea Party gathering is a total figment of Lt. Monroe's imagination!

Basic protocol for target acquisition is "ready, aim, fire" not "ready, fire, aim"! Had Lt. Monroe performed even the most basic intelligence gathering, he would know that the fundamental mission of the Tea Party movement is to UPHOLD, to support and defend the United States Constitution, not destroy it as he purports and is the wont of many leftist groups. Furthermore, it is not the elimination of government but holding the federal government accountable to its enumerated roles and functions defined by our Constitution as opposed to the sprawling behemoth that it is rapidly becoming under this administration. By the way, balancing the budget is hardly an anarchist's dream!

The Delta community is very diverse with robust differences in political and municipal opinions. Just attend any Rio Vista City Council meeting! We do not march lock step to the beat of a single drummer. As Senator Boxer used to say, we do believe that dissent is patriotic and that freedom loving Americans will make their voices heard. Unfortunately, our President needs to have his hearing checked.

Before you "fire for effect," you need to have the appropriate target and the appropriate ammo. Neither exists in this case. If you attend a Delta Tea Party Patriot meeting you will probably be disappointed--there's not a single anarchist in the group to fulfill your fantasy. They are your neighbors; they are nice people; they may even be your friends. However, they will not agree with you politically. They believe that the deepest hope for our country is the American people and upholding our Constitution. They will never put their "deepest hope" in a temporary occupant of the White House.

William L. Garvin

“Apologies, Amnesty and Accountability”

By William L. Garvin

What is it with this Administration? Apparently it isn’t enough for the President to bow and scrape before numerous foreign dignitaries, now he has Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner publically apologizing to China for the “illegal” Arizona immigration law. This is the same law that our esteemed Attorney General Eric Holder condemned before he even bothered to read it. Of course if he read it, he would then have to say “Mr. President, you really don’t understand the Arizona law either. It doesn’t allow any of the things you have been talking about.” Law schools should revoke degrees for any of their graduates who can’t distinguish between legal and illegal immigration! And by the way, Director of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano says she hasn’t read the law either!

Since the liberal preference is to consider international law, maybe they should consider that if you illegally enter Mexico, you will be imprisoned for two years. If you illegally enter North Korea, you will get 12 years hard labor. If you cross the Iranian border, you may be detained indefinitely. Just ask the three Berkeley student hikers. If you cross the Afghan border, you may be shot. If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally, you will be jailed and maybe rot in prison just as you are likely to do for a similar entry into Cuba. If you illegally enter Venezuela, you are charged with being a spy and punished accordingly. As for China, if you enter their country illegally you may never be heard from again. Apologizing to China, a country that requires papers to travel from province to province is diplomatic naiveté of the first order. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Mr. Posner is the founding Executive Director of Human Rights First and the Fair Labor Association and worked extensively with the Global Network Initiative. It has been written that in practice, HRF is an open borders group that opposes all government efforts to control illegal immigration and strengthen American national security. It looks like the President has appointed another “one world, global citizen” to a key diplomatic post.

Angelica Salas, the executive director of the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, would be in direct accord with Asst. Secretary Posner. “In the end it’s political suicide if you launch an attack on the undocumented,” said Ms. Salas. “YOU’RE BASICALLY ATTACKING THE VERY ELECTORATE THAT YOU WANT TO GET YOU INTO OFFICE.” There it is in a nutshell. The Obama Administration and Democrats in Congress do not want to do anything to secure the borders because they need the illegal vote for the Democrat ticket. It was a lot easier when ACORN ruled the registration roost. It will be difficult for Community Organizations International (COI) and Citizens for Change (COC) (the newly formed ACORN successors) to be indicted in the same 14 states for voter registration fraud as was their parent organization. Maybe the President will give the same classes to them that he did for ACORN.

Undoubtedly, they will also get the same time honored assistance from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The latest estimates are that these two congressionally run institutions now own or guarantee almost 31 million home loans worth about $5.5 trillion dollars. Fannie and Freddie have been financial disasters for their last seven years under Democrat control. This last quarter they both had another steep loss and are asking for another $8.4 billion in taxpayer bailouts. This now raises their total to $145 billion! The Obama Administration has promised to cover them for “unlimited losses through 2012.” Earlier they lifted the $400 billion cap. Further proof of Obama complicity is that both Fannie and Freddie are glaringly omitted from the financial reform efforts currently in Congress. Maybe Barney Frank and Chris Dodd could explain this remarkable oversight?

If the illegals have their homes foreclosed upon, we can expect the self styled United Nations experts who are trembling in fear at the possibilities of abuse in the Arizona law to again step in. Undoubtedly they will see the same “underlying sentiment” and “potential for escalation against people of color” by racist bankers. They could actually do something about the real human rights abuses that exist around the globe but it’s probably safer to worry about the potential for abuse in Arizona. Don’t expect our Ambassador, our Assistant Secretary of State, or our President to tell them to mind their own business. Here in Obama Nation, we are guilty until proven innocent.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

“Pros and Cons of Protests”

By William L. Garvin

In another appalling example of the United Nations “acting stupidly,” it appointed Iran as a member of the committee of the Commission on the Status of Women! This is a culture that stones and kills women for adultery, whips and beats them senseless for appearing in public without wearing their burkha or having a female child instead of a male, gives children to middle-aged men as brides, and exports “honor killings” of wives and daughters throughout the globe. Where is the outrage? Where is the protest?

The National Organization of Women is missing in action and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been mute. Of greater concern is the lack of involvement of our United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice. One would think that Ambassador Rice would have objected to this vile proposal in the strongest of diplomatic terms. She did not. In fact, she did not even attend the meeting. In fact, she wasn’t even in the building. In fact, she did not attend ANY of the four meetings where the UN was appointing Iran to committees. If this is how this Administration increases diplomatic pressure on our enemies, get ready for a nuclear Iran and the spread of sharia law!

Another missing protest is for our national legislature. For four years, congress has refused to pass a law outlawing insider trading for members of congress. They sit there and rip Goldman Sachs for shorting the housing market while letting the congressional members do exactly the same thing with impunity. Martha Stewart should be storming the gates! Why do they continually exempt themselves from the laws, rules, and regulations they impose on everyone else? They should be ashamed.

On the other end of the scale, the May Day protestors in Santa Cruz engaged in a full scale riot for International Workers Day. The ABC news story states they were responsible for nearly $100,000 in damage. Spray painted on the wall of one of the vandalized businesses was the slogan “Destroy the Destroyers.” A curious exercise in logic ensues. Since they see themselves as having been destroyed and exploited by business and industry, now they feel righteous in their persecution. But, by becoming the destroyer, should they not now turn their hate and destructive forces inward against themselves, the new destroyers? However, don’t expect any logical rationale from the Industrial Workers of the World and their international socialist goals of “social justice” and “redistributing the wealth.”

Another interesting protest was staged this week at the University of California at Berkeley. About twenty students are beginning a hunger strike to protest the Arizona immigration law. Apparently they believe that any Mexican family walking down the street to get an ice cream can be confronted and rousted by police demanding to “show me your papers.” After all, that’s what the President and much of main stream media reported. It is so far from the truth, it must be deliberate. If any of them, including the protestors, had bothered to read the law, they would know that law enforcement could never question anyone unless they had already stopped them FOR AN ILLEGAL ACTIVITY! The issue of citizenship was always a secondary activity and a misdemeanor. Contrast that to Mexico where illegal entry results in a two-year prison term. Maybe we should boycott Mexico until they have more humane immigration laws. Or at least until they make Cinco de Mayo a Mexican holiday.

In an era of multi-tasking youth, the Berkeley protesters also have multiple causes in their protest. They want the University to drop all charges against student activists. Let’s see. University fees are too high so activists damage University property in protest but don’t want to pay the damages. Therefore, the University must pay the costs of the damage plus the costs associated with policing the protests. Since they will be unable to get additional financial aid from the State, the only option left is to…wait for it…raise student fees! And these are our best and our brightest?

They also want the University to rehire laid off union workers and stop layoffs of low-wage employees. This will of course be paid by…see above paragraph. They also want the campus to become a sanctuary for illegal immigrants. Certainly they’ve considered the impact on federal funding when they knowingly break federal law. Of course, they will have a means of separating those who are just looking for a better life from those who are looking for a better life by dealing in drugs, kidnapping, and the other violent activities that keep our prisons overpopulated. In their kumbayah world, everything is wonderful, everyone is beautiful, and there is unlimited funding for everything they want. No wonder they want pot legalized.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

“Drawing the Lines”

By William L. Garvin

If the local police department said it was unable or unwilling to protect you, your home, and your family, where would you draw the line? If you subsequently woke up one morning and found a group of strangers camped out on your front lawn, where would you draw the line? If they came in your front door and began drinking your water and eating your food, where would you draw the line? If they demanded to become part of your family and be treated equally with your children and grandchildren, where would you draw the line?

For most of us, this is nothing but an intellectual exercise but for the citizens of the State of Arizona, it was a real time nightmare. After decades of Federal neglect, they had to draw the line. After decades of Federal neglect, the citizens and their legislative representatives passed a law which was subsequently signed by the Governor to protect their borders, their homes and their families. This was solely because the Federal government was unable or unwilling to do its job.

Because of Federal ineffectiveness, there are an estimated 460,000 illegal immigrants living in Arizona. This is in spite of the fact that over the last three years, the Border Patrol has made 990,000 arrests on the Arizona border. This is approximately 900 arrests per day. However, those numbers don’t even begin to expose the scope of the problem. Since 2005, Phoenix (America’s fifth largest city) has earned the dubious distinction as the “Kidnapping Capital” of the country. In fact, they are exceeded only by Mexico City or they would be the kidnapping capital of the world! Last year alone, there were nearly 400 reported kidnappings in Phoenix. There are also many additional kidnappings that apparently go unreported because of fear of reprisal. Some estimates say that it may be as high as two-thirds of the total going unreported. “We’re in the eye of the storm,” said Phoenix Police Chief Andy Anderson. If it doesn’t stop here, if we’re not able to fix it here and get it turned around, it will go across the nation.”

Much of the problem can be traced directly to Mexican drug cartels and illegal immigrants. The violence that has characterized their Mexico home has now been exported across our borders. “They’re ruthless,” says Chief Anderson, “so now they’re ripping each other off but doing it in our city.” Often it is the illegal immigrants who are victimized by captors who demand ransom from the victim’s relatives in Mexico. An ABC news investigation uncovered horrific cases of chopped off hands, legs and heads when a family doesn’t pay up quickly enough. According to various news stories, ransoms range from $30,000 to $1 million. It is also reported that there have even been ransom demands for large drug loads.

In January of this year, the following summary was published: “It can happen anywhere in the city, from a busy street to back-alley shack. Time of day doesn’t matter, either, with many abductions taking place in broad daylight. The brazenness of the kidnappers is similar to the Mexican experience where drug smugglers or immigrants snatch up their rivals, associates or family members in order to pay unpaid debts for lost drug trafficking loads. Sometimes they kidnap victims who’ve just scored huge sums of money from a drug load. Sometimes the abduction is in retaliation for an earlier kidnapping.”

An earlier Wall Street Journal article interviewed a rancher South of Sierra Vista. “He has had a truck stolen, found bales of drugs on his land, and routinely has illegals approach him demanding beer. It used to be that one or two would ask a local resident for water and a sandwich and once fed, be on their way with a polite “gracias.” The new breed now comes in groups of 50. They demand to be driven to their pickup spot and if you refuse, they flip you off. Sometimes they poison barking ranch dogs or cut their throats to quiet them.” Others have had livestock killed, butchered and barbecued on the spot. A rancher was recently murdered and last week, a deputy was shot in the stomach by an illegal with an AK-47.

So that’s why Arizona drew their line. The legislation provides local law enforcement officers discretion to question those with whom they have “lawful contact” as to their citizenship. The legislation had 70 percent voter approval including 51% of Democrats. Cue the hysteria. Predictably Rep. Yvette Clark (D-NY) called it “apartheid”; Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) called it “Nazi Germany”; San Francisco decided to boycott Arizona; and Al Sharpton reserved his New York busses to Astroturf his protesters into Arizona. Young hooligans in Phoenix pelted the police with bottles and debris and painted a swastika on the capital building with refried beans. Mexican President Felipe Calderon condemned “the criminalization of migration” and President Obama called it “misguided” and “threatened to undermine basic notions of fairness.”

To all the above, what part of “illegal” in “illegal immigration” don’t you understand? Don’t basic notions of fairness start with following the laws of the country which you enter legally? Doesn’t fairness begin with waiting your turn and not cutting in line in front of others? When and where are you going to draw the line…or will you just surrender?

Global warming is far from settled science.

In last week's letters, Doris Noriega makes a number of assertions regarding global warming and the Tea Party movement which bear closer examination. First of all, anthropogenic (man made) global warming is far from settled science. "Consensus" is not science; "fudging" is not the scientific method; "tricks" are not empirical data; "suppressing or destroying conflicting data" is not objective analysis. This was all done by the University of East Anglia global warming proponents, not by the Bush Administration as Ms. Noriega alleges.

Ms. Noriega specifically cites NASA scientist James Hansen as a "victim" of "muzzling." His now retired supervisor Dr. John S. Theon has declared Hansen an "embarrassment" to NASA. Dr. Theon joins numerous current and former NASA scientists in dissenting from Hansen's man-made climate fears and alarmist projections. A small sampling includes: Aerospace engineer and physicist Dr. Michael Griffin, the former top administrator of NASA, Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology, and formerly of NASA, Geophysicist Dr. Phil Chapman, an astronautical engineer and former NASA astronaut, Award-winning NASA Astronaut/Geologist and Moonwalker Jack Schmitt, Award-winning NASA Astronaut and Physicist Walter Cunningham of NASA's Apollo 7, Chemist and Nuclear Engineer Robert DeFayette was formerly with NASA's Plum Brook Reactor, Hungarian Ferenc Miskolczi, an atmospheric physicist with 30 years of experience and a former researcher with NASA's Ames Research Center, Climatologist Dr. John Christy, Climatologist Dr. Roy W. Spencer, Atmospheric Scientist Ross Hays of NASA's Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility.

Ms. Noriega then goes on to connect some dots between Koch Industries and Americans for Prosperity which she declares is "the very founder of the Tea Party Movement." I am sure she has done equal diligence in tracing George Soros' funding of enviro-statist causes and other global warming alarmists. Nonetheless, her conclusion is erroneous. For instance, the local Delta Tea Party Patriots chapter receives no funding from ANY external source, cause, or candidate. They owe no allegiance to any business or industry. Far from being "pawns" or "duped" as Ms. Noriega alleges, they are well informed citizen patriots who love their country and disagree on the path this administration is following. No more, no less.

Many of the left wing blogs like to portray the Tea Party movement as uneducated, easily manipulated by corporate "robber barons", racist, homophobic, sexist, pro-pollution, violent, fringe, and transitory. They will use every opportunity to demean and belittle and pretend the movement is insignificant. It's not working and we will "remember in November!"

William L. Garvin