Monday, November 24, 2014

Democrats, Aristocrats, Plutocrats, and Deceptocrats?

By William L. Garvin

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”
Sir Walter Scott

Pity the impoverished progressive media.  After selling its soul to the Devil, he is here to exact his due.  Bowing to the knee of their liberal education, those in the populist media (ABC, NBC, CBS, most newspapers, MSBC, CNN, etc.) are complicit in the creation of an unearned aura of presidential competence and the destruction of any and all political or populist challengers to their concocted mythology.  Having established their perimeters, they must now sit impotently inside as potential Pulitzers, books, and movie rights fade into oblivion.

If a second-rate burglary and phone tapping such as Watergate could bring down a president, make national icons out of obscure reporters named Woodward and Bernstein, and result in books and movies such as ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN, what could be done with “Fast and Furious,”  Benghazi, NSA spying, wiretapping and spying on reporter emails, IRS targeting of political opponents, deliberately lying to the American people regarding Obamacare costs and enrollments, and unconstitutional immigration fiats bring to the profession of journalism and the edification of the American people?  It appears as nothing when you look at the current lot of supposed journalists populating media airwaves.  The fields of investigative journalism are fertile but the workers are few!  Those that do perform are quickly exiled from the prevalent propaganda practitioners…just ask Sharyl Attkisson!

You’ve probably heard the liberal strumpets trumpet that Congress is incredibly unpopular but you won’t hear about the latest Gallup poll showing the Democrat Party has only a 36 percent favorability rating while the Republican Party has now achieved a 42 percent rating.  You probably won’t hear that Independents only rate Democrats at 25% as compared to their 42% rating a year ago.  You probably won’t hear that only 37% of people support Obamacare.  You probably won’t hear that the economy and its current failings is the biggest concern of American voters (50% “most important” and 70% rating it as “only good or fair”) and that “global warming” barely registers on their scale of concern.  This is especially true now that 50% of the United States is covered in record snow and cold!

This was all a matter of fact even before “Grubergate” and “Obamagration.”  Do you even know of MIT professor Jonathan Gruber?  If not, that’s not surprising since Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and major media also don’t seem to remember him even though he visited the White House 19 times, even though he and his company received over $6 million in government payments over the last few years, even though he was praised by all of them for his technical assistance.    Each of them lauded his vast contributions (easily verified on YouTube) to RomneyCare and ObamaCare but now they have a collective case of selective amnesia.  Is it because he proclaimed “a lack of transparency is a huge political advantage” or said “call it the stupidity of the American voter” or called it “clever” to exploit “the lack of understanding of the American voter”?  Remember this—the American voter has ALWAYS been opposed to ObamaCare.  The American people were never allowed to vote.  Harry Reid and his Deceptocrat Senate colleagues passed this through parliamentary chicanery and reconciliation.  Nancy Pelosi and her Deceptocrat House colleagues passed this through the House in the middle of the night without ever reading the large print let alone the fine print.  The common sense American citizen, the great unwashed, the outside the beltway voter, the hard working middle class understood from the beginning that you can’t add 30 million to the roles, keep the supply of doctors and hospitals status quo, and expect the price of health insurance to go down and the availability of health care to go up. 

You probably won’t hear about the NBC poll that shows 37% of legal immigrants oppose Obamagration while only slightly more (43%) support it.  American voters have said they don’t want a socialist transformation of America that allows 6 million lawbreakers to cut in line in front of those who have legally applied for entry.  Yet the president continues to show his contempt of congress and the constitution and the congress continues to show its contempt of its citizens.  Democrats now control the fewest number of seats in congress for nearly 80 years.  If Democrats continue to choose Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz as their leaders, expect those numbers to continue to decline but don’t expect to hear it on your evening news.

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