Monday, September 27, 2010

RINOs—An Endangered Species

By William L. Garvin

How can you tell a politician is lying? Answer: their lips are moving! It may be an old joke but it is still the status quo in Washington, D.C., Sacramento and Bell, California and who knows where else. We have a President who has mocked those who are “bitterly clinging to their guns and religions” and then conspicuously and finally gets around to attending church. We have “Republicans In Name Only” (RINOs) who talk a good conservative game at home and then go to their respective capitols and vote Democrat-Lite. Enough is enough. America deserves a real choice between Conservative and Liberal agendas, not a choice between Progressive-Liberal and Moderate-Liberal agendas and candidates.

Constitutional Conservatives, as exemplified by the Tea Party Movement, are actively seeking to oust those who would transform and “change” our country into some derivative of a European Socialist model. They are also enthusiastically opposing those who foolishly think you can “spend your way into prosperity.” Along the way, they have also targeted RINOs who have lost their way, forgotten their campaign promises, and defrauded their constituents.

Political pundits, both large and small, after years of attempting to marginalize the true extent of citizen outrage, now trumpet and impugn this “purification” of the Republican Party. Certainly the oblique Nazi reference is purely coincidental. In any event, they continue to miss the point. The movement is much more than Republican versus Democrat or Conservative versus Liberal. It is now an eclectic, multi-party Country Class uprising against the Ruling Class. It is open revolt against those who have forsaken their Constitutional vows and political principles to further their own personal gain via power and enrichment.

Senator Arlen Specter was the epitome of the “go along to get along” RINO that Democrats loved conditionally and situationally. When his constituents tired of his Democrat-Lite voting record, he immediately switched parties and took his Republican campaign funds over to his Democrat seat! He had no problem forsaking his principles and his electorate in order to continue his membership in the elite Ruling Class. Charlie Crist, he of the perpetual tan in Florida, after losing the Republican primary also bolted from his principles and party, ignored the will of the voters, and launched his campaign as an Independent. Sorry, Charlie, but your membership in the Ruling Class is about to be canceled.

At the polar end of the entitlement scale, Lisa Murkowski in Alaska was deeded her membership in the Ruling Class by her father, Governor Frank Murkowski. Her reign was cut short by Tea Party upstart Joe Miller. After foolishly and futilely prolonging the vote count, did she support her party and the will of the voters? As foreshadowed by her betrayal of conservative principles in her voting record, she has now launched a write-in campaign that is doomed to failure. Her vindictive strategy is nothing more than a desperate attempt to grasp the last fleeting hope of remaining at the table with the Ruling Class. Despite the pitiful nature of these spectacles, losing incumbent Mike Castle in Delaware is being encouraged by the Democrat propaganda machine, aka the mainstream media, to pursue a similar course.

When it comes to seizing and maintaining power, there is no sense of fair play by the elite Ruling Class. There is no respect for the will of the people. There is no respect for the conservative principles of the Republican Party. There is certainly no respect for their campaign promises. Once they are anointed as a member of the elite Ruling Class, they become the epitome of the Gordon Gecko catchphrase: “Greed is good.” That’s precisely why the Country Class is targeting tax and spend liberals who are bankrupting this nation and institutionalizing generational theft. That is why the RINO’s who are aiding and abetting this constitutional crime are also being targeted. The greed for power by the Ruling Class is insatiable and it will have to be pried from their cold, clenched, avaricious, grasping claws. That’s what November 2 is all about.

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