Saturday, September 18, 2010

Send Out the Clowns

By William L. Garvin

The “progressive” Democrat party and its sycophantic media minion has become much like the circus clown with the phony painted smiling face on the outside who is crying on the inside. With each passing day and every telling election, their efforts to deny the will of the American electorate and the strength of the Tea Party movement prove to be not only futile but comical.

Every time they attempt to marginalize “We the People” with their concerted media propaganda machine, they seem to trip over their big floppy clown feet and fall flat on their phony painted clown face. First it was the “Nazi” analogy…didn’t work. Then it was the “corporate shill” ploy…didn’t work. Don’t forget the “violent, angry mob” motif combined with “astroturfers”…didn’t work. Panic sets in and it’s time to nuke Tea Party momentum with the “race card”…didn’t work. Ironically, the NAACP, who refuses to accept the repeated racist actions of the New Black Panther Party as representative of their membership, sets up a website to find (or plant) racist signs within the Tea Party gatherings which they purport is representative of their membership…won’t work.

The next tactic to emerge from their tiny, little clown Smart Car was the Tea Party (and the people it represented i.e., constitutional conservatives of every political stripe) was lacking in enthusiasm and staying power. Only the most diehard of leftists would deny the huge “enthusiasm gap” that currently exists. The leaders of the Democrats (Obama, Reid, Pelosi) are useful for fundraising but serve no other substantive function on the campaign trail. In fact, the Dem candidates are running away from any association with the leadership or their legislative records. The only mention of Obamacare in their campaign ads seems to be when they point out that they voted against it!

Of course, the tried and true “politics of personal destruction” tactic is always available but more and more, this resembles the cigar that blows up in the clown’s face. Then again, since they can’t really run on their abysmal records, clowns resort to character assassination. As previously noted, this clown tactic is now starting to backfire. Despite the unparalleled savagery and misogyny directed toward Sarah Palin, she’s still standing, she’s still smiling, and in the words of many pundits, become a “kingmaker.” Her track record in picking and endorsing candidates, helping them raise money, and generating unparalleled enthusiasm is the envy of any national politico. Given her remarkable success, maybe they should rescind the employment of this reprehensible tactic against Christine O’Donnell.

They would be well to note that her “personal baggage” is nowhere near the level of that of Charlie Rangel. In fact, it’s nowhere near the level of that demonstrated by Joe Biden, a previous holder of that particular Senate seat. His documented, inaccurate utterances fall somewhere between acute amnesia on the one hand and compulsive lying on the other. At best, he seems to only have an itinerant relationship with the truth. Then again, we can’t expect the media to point this out because of the obvious double standard they employ in reviewing political parties and candidates.

So, faced with another stumbling, pratfall clown tactic, it’s now time to employ the tactic of framing the issue with false definitions. Tea Party favorites are “extremists” and they are “purging” the Republican party of “moderates.” The clown definition of moderate is a Republican who votes with the Democrats. Anything else is “extreme.” In actuality, it is the radical agenda that this Administration has forced down the throats of the people, against their oft stated will, that is extreme and has kindled the fires of this populist uprising.

The leftist clowns would have you believe that balancing the budget is extreme. Reducing the deficit is extreme. Stopping the continuing out of control spending is extreme. Advocating for a smaller government is extreme. Securing the borders is extreme. Stopping illegal immigration is extreme. Reading bills before voting on them is extreme. Following the Constitution is extreme. Don’t be surprised when extreme candidates who espouse these extreme principles do extremely well in the general election just as they have done in the primaries. In the meantime, while the clowns are in charge, don’t be surprised at the political circus.

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