Friday, April 4, 2014


Dear Editor,
Drama triangles are always so fascinating when "Persecutors, Rescuers, and Victims" abruptly switch positions and adopt their new roles. In a single tag team edition, my principles and facts are dismissed as "fulminations," I've been linked to Nazi Germany, threatened with a lawsuit, and again had my written positions completely distorted and falsified. Yet I am the one who "crosses the line." While one letter promises to focus on facts, it contains the usual ad hominem attacks against the Koch brothers, Fox News, and yours truly.
I find it curious that I am the one being equated to Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany and his "big lie" strategy. It wasn't me who continually repeated that "if you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan; if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; the average family will save up to $2,500 per year" etc., etc., etc. In Germany, the big lie was essential to government maintaining control over every facet of German life. That is the antithesis of what I stand for. I am totally opposed to the burgeoning leviathan of government of which the latest manifestation is Obamacare and the $17.5 trillion dollars of national debt that Big Government is responsible for!
Remember that the Affordable (sic) Care Act came into being by Democrats in a midnight blitzkrieg via a dictatorial process that directly contradicted President Obama's promises. Now we find the federal government forcefully goose stepping its way into the intimate relationships between doctor and patients while simultaneously creating chaos in the insurance industry. President Obama and the majority of Democrat principals have been very clear that they want single payer, that is government run, that is socialized medicine. Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel has gleefully predicted the death of the health insurance industry and as a primary architect of Obamacare, he has been able to facilitate his self-fulfilling prophecy.
As for the threat of a lawsuit for defamation and libel, you can't be serious. It's analogous to the kid who murders his parents and then pleads for mercy because he's an orphan! Truth is always a defense and I firmly stand by my facts and my writings. Apparently liberals think they can say anything they want, any time they want, and in any way they want but conservatives are to accept their slings and arrows, meekly turn the other cheek, accept their fate as a punching bag and then slink off gently into the night. I don't accept those rules of engagement and will not be bullied into compliance.
This is particularly true when foolish things such as "Mr. Garvin seems to be wholeheartedly against everyone being able to afford health care coverage" is written and printed. That sort of "big lie" will never stand unchallenged! Of what possible benefit would anyone's lack of insurance be to me? It's an absurd argument and about as sound as saying that I'm for dirty air, dirty water, hate women and want to push grandma off the cliff! As to those who have been forced by governmental mandate to sign up for Obamacare, how many were previously uninsured? Don't ask--can't tell. How many who signed up did so because their previous policies were canceled? Don't ask--can't tell. How many of those who signed up have actually paid a premium? Don't ask--can't tell. How many of those who signed up are the "young invincibles'? Don't ask--can't tell. Why does the Congressional Budget Office say that after all is said and done, there will still be 30 million uninsured? Don't ask--can't tell. When will the President start enforcing the law and stop treating people unequally by his continual issue of waivers, exemptions, and delays? Don't ask--can't tell.
Until those and many other questions are answered, I will make full use of my God-given and unalienable rights in whatever manner I think appropriate.   While I can't leap tall buildings with a single bound and I'm certainly not faster than a speeding bullet, I will continue my verbal defense of "truth, justice, and the American way" on whatever topic and in whatever venue I deem appropriate.  And as far as a lawsuit, my maxim has always been that if you think you have the ammunition, then fire your weapon. I'm not that easily intimidated.  And you can take that to the bank!
Bill Garvin

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