Friday, March 21, 2014

The ObamaCare Disaster

Dear Editor,
While there is no doubt that Mr. Guzenda is prolific and passionate in his writings. he is also in prodigious error throughout his commentaries. He is predictably "long in labeling and light in logic." He would probably find himself in over his head less frequently if he didn't dive into the deep end with his obviously erroneous, hyperbolic, self serving, and patently false statements. His claim that he has "refuted" my "talking points" can only be believed by certified citizens of an alternative universe. He "refuted" ZERO of my facts or contentions. In fact, he inadvertently reinforced my objections to ObamaCare by his own behavior which will be explained later!
Readers who follow our somewhat sporadic and time-delayed discussions may note that he labeled my polling sources as "two right wing outlets that vociferously oppose Obamacare." My sources were CBS News and the Kaiser Family Foundation! Right wing sources? He's got to be kidding! By that standard, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, and the Communist Worker's Daily are "moderates." He offers up and Mythopedia as "debunkers." is financed by the Annenburg Foundation which is headed up by a woman who wrote a book castigating conservative talk radio, Fox News, and those who view or listen to them as well as all others who hold conservative viewpoints.. Mythopedia is a website launched by Media Matters, a well known liberal shill, and is solely designed to attack Republican positions. Surely he would know, as would any competent researcher, that his sites are neither objective nor neutral in their content. His contentions are pure foolishness and disinformation under the guise of research for the "low information voter." Naturally, he again fails to provide the source of his countervailing polling statistics.
Additionally, his sophomoric debating tactics would be worth only a C minus even at that grade level. However, even a competent C student should understand the basics of Constitution, Common sense, Capitalism, and Consumer Competence. For the moment, I'll ignore his elitist and somewhat smug assertion that I don't know how to read my policy which increased in price over 70% this year and his omniscient assertion that it is full of "worthless benefits." He professes that he was able to purchase a policy with fewer benefits for 50% less which fits his needs. A basic student in logic will understand there is absolutely no relevance in that comparison. It's apples to oranges and a rhetorical shell game. A basic student in ObamaCare would understand that his ability to purchase a policy with just the benefits he needs and none of the state mandated extra benefits is the exact opposite of the ACA he supports! There is none so blind as he who would not see!
Of course he also fails to address most of the alternatives to ObamaCare I presented. Apparently, they were addressed in the open debates on CSpan...or posted on line by the President...or considered as amendments....NOT! His childish "there's a monster under my bed" fears of insurance companies selling across state lines is just another example of statists thinking they know what is best for you and that you and I are not smart enough (although Mr. Guzenda apparently is!) to shop and secure exactly what you need. Once again, Democrats are the "party of no" and are just as anti-choice in health care as they are when it comes to charter schools and school choice.
I'm beginning to think that Mr. Guzenda has broken his own world record for most disinformation in a single letter, but there are several more glaring errors in his errant stream of consciousness. He has conveniently omitted any memory of the $500 billion taken from Medicare (now $716 billion according to the CBO) to make ACA (hahaha) "revenue neutral." He also fails to note that individual insurance premiums have increased 39% over the last year and family insurance premiums have increased 56% over the same period. This is more than the previous eight years combined. The insurance experts also warned in a Wall Street Journal article that premiums might double or possibly triple in the coming year. In a nation where only a third of the people have saved a thousand dollars toward their retirements, you expect them to be able to afford thousands of dollars in deductibles and corresponding increases in premiums. Meanwhile, some of the premier cancer treatment centers are no longer in many networks, doctors are being excluded, fewer choices are available and you want me to help you put more lipstick on the pig that I am constitutionally, philosophically, economically, and diametrically opposed to that is ruining the finest health care system in the world. No thank you...not now...not ever!  Finally, if ObamaCare is so darned fine, why weren't the legislators who passed it first in line?  Why aren't the youth and the uninsured clamoring for coverage?  You can be sure that we will see you at the polls!
Bill Garvin 

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