Monday, July 28, 2014

Questions for the World

By William L. Garvin

There are three interrelated questions that need to be answered:  should Israel be allowed to exist, should Christianity be eradicated, and should countries have borders?  If you look at what’s in the news and what’s NOT in the news, you will see countless variations on these three questions, although they will not be laid out in such stark terms.  And if you look very closely, you will see a clear agenda in what they choose to print and what they choose NOT to print, what they choose to show and what they choose NOT to show.

As to the first question, according to the charter of Hamas (the “Islamic Resistance Movement” and an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood), "The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews [and kill them]; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!"  The co-founder of Hamas said he envisioned a huge map hanging on his wall where the nation of Israel would not be shown.  When Hamas speaks, it speaks of ceasefires but never peace.  They wage their holy war, their jihad, indiscriminately but mostly against civilians of any age.  They have fired over 2,400 rockets into Israel from schools, hospitals, and homes.  They surround their munitions with women and children so when retaliation comes, there will be maximum human suffering for the cameras to capture.  These murderous thugs prefer the psychological value of this tactic more than they value the lives of their own children and the media obliges.

Enter the United Nations Human Rights Council which creates an “independent international commission of inquiry to investigate all violations of international humanitarian law and international human-rights law” in the current war in Gaza.  Actually, they will only investigate Israel since the resolution reads: “The Council condemns in the strongest terms the widespread, systematic and gross violations of international human rights and fundamental freedoms arising from the Israeli military operations…since 13 June 2014.”  Cuba, Mexico, Algeria and Venezuela were among the 29 members voting yes as did China and the Russian Federation.  Firmly (sic) among the 17 abstentions were France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.  Only the United States voted no!

Simultaneously, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) continues its murderous campaign.  Chief among their victims are Christians.  Not only are their homes looted and destroyed but also their churches.  Even the centuries old tomb of Jonah was desecrated and then destroyed.  Crosses are being ripped off churches and Christians are told to convert to Islam, leave without their belongings, or die.  Some are not even being given a choice but are found murdered in mass graves, beheaded and even crucified.  Where is the United Nations?  Where is our president?  Where is the outrage?  Where is the media?  Remember they felt morally compelled to show every photo of abuse in Abu Ghraib that they could lay their hands on.  Where is a similar moral compunction to expose the bestial savagery against Christians on display throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa?  If they are indeed “good men,” they are standing by and doing nothing as evil triumphs!

Which brings us to the third question, should countries have borders.  Should Hamas be allowed to tunnel into Israel?  Should Russia be allowed to “annex” Crimea and the Ukraine?  Should the United States be allowed to close and enforce its southern border?  If the answers are yes, yes, and no, then prepare for a “new world order” in which the United States will be “leading from behind” not by choice, but by necessity.  With millions of illegal aliens already in the United States and thousands more pouring in, is it any wonder that “income inequality” is so disparate under this administration?  With 92 million Americans already out of work and 47 million receiving food stamps, when will we reach the tipping point?  Yet the New York Times reports that the Obama administration actually has plans to fly even more “refugees” from Central America into the US!

As income inequality exacerbates, as dependency increases, as the national debt skyrockets, as our military strength weakens, as our borders remain porous, as our leadership fails, as western democracy erodes, the world becomes much more unstable.  If the United Nations and the “world community” it represents is able to defeat the only stable democracy in the Middle East, expect the next target to be the USA.  If radical Islam is able to “cleanse” itself of Jews and Christians in current areas of conflict, look for the battlefield to expand.  Get ready.

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