Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Half Cocked Potshots from Crackpots

By William L. Garvin

If Hillary’s current book tour is a kickoff for a presidential campaign, she needs to hit the reset button…and try to spell it correctly this time!  Her opening salvo not only missed the American bullseye, it missed the entire target.  The reputed “world’s smartest woman” committed such a fusillade of gaffes with such annoying regularity that Joe Biden now looks like Mensa material!  Steve Martin should sue for copyright infringement as she continues her “I was born a poor black child motif.”  Someone who is “dead broke” might think about selling at least one of their million dollar plus homes or leveraging the multi-million dollar book deal coming right down the pike.  Someone whose net worth is now over fifty million dollars might want to stop whining that “we’re not well off.”  It appears even low information voters are tiring of her faux struggles.  If things were really that tough, I’m sure she could float a loan from Chelsea who is making $600,000 per year from NBC television.  Not bad for someone who has no broadcast experience and such minimal actual work product.

I would expect that Hillary’s publisher is also considering asking for some of the advance money back.  Despite massive free publicity from her simpering media sycophants, her book with the “borrowed” title only sold 100,000 in its initial week and then immediately dropped out of Amazon’s top ten.  Sales since have fallen faster than President Obama’s poll numbers.  By way of comparison, Sarah Palin sold 496,000 copies of her book “Going Rogue” in its first week.  That is nearly pure profit since the Governor still lives totally rent free in liberal heads!

Then there’s good old Harry Reid who finally came up for air in his incessant sliming of the Koch brothers to lash out at the Washington Redskins.  Maybe he should make a personal visit to Red Mesa High School on the Navajo reservation in Red Mesa, Arizona where he can see “Red Mesa Redskins” proudly emblazoned on the running track surrounding their football field.  He could also read about Redskins Sports and Redskins News on their website.  Apparently Harry gets to decide what is politically correct and what is offensive for “everyone.”  He’d get along fine with the cash strapped liberals at Brooklyn College in New York who refused a $10 million gift from those evil philanthropists, the aforementioned Koch brothers, and the frothing lunatics who are ranting that the United Negro College Fund should return the $25 million grant from the Koch’s, or the $100 million hospital gift they just made should be verboten! They just keep getting nastier and nastier.

We also see that President Obama has “promised” (spoiler alert!) that there will be no boots on the ground in Iraq but has dispatched 300 advisors to that country.  Apparently our special forces are so special that they can now hover somewhere above terra firma indefinitely.  Some may remember the “advisors” that were sent to Viet Nam as the Military Assistance Advisory Group in 1950.  How did that play out in history?  As the hard won stability in the Middle East disintegrates under this administration, it proves that a flaccid foreign policy results in premature evacuation that ultimately satisfies no one.

On top of that, the Border Patrol has now morphed into “Baby Sitters R Us.”  Somehow, despite assurances that the border is now more secure than ever, thousands upon thousands of unaccompanied children are able to cross with no difficulty.  If you expect that they will ever be returned to their home countries, then you probably also believe that Lois Lerner’s emails were accidentally lost, there’s not a “smidgeon” of corruption in the IRS, Obamacare is a fabulous success, and the Supreme Court’s 9-0 smack down of the president’s unconstitutional overreach is a gross miscarriage of justice!


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