Monday, May 5, 2014

Questions Without Answers

By William L. Garvin

According to Washington liberals, the current administration, main stream media, and Letters to the Editor, everything is coming up roses.  The economy is booming, manufacturing is coming back, and millions upon millions of good paying jobs are being created.  Obamacare is wildly successful, all the scandals are “phony” and there’s not a smidgeon of corruption anywhere.  Our foreign policy is superb, Islamic extremism is an insignificant problem, jihad is just like Christian baptism, and peace will break out everywhere if only intransigent Israel would stop insisting on their right to exist!

If the economy is so robust and the unemployment is only 6.3%, why was the first quarter GDP growth only 0.1% and likely to be revised downward?  Why did the labor participation rate drop from 63.2% to 62.8%, which ties for the lowest percentage of workers since January, 1978?  Why did 988,000 workers drop out of the workforce last month, which is the second highest monthly drop ever?  Why do we have 90 MILLION people out of the labor force and 6,146,000 people who are unemployed but are not even looking for a job?

If the economy is so rosy, why aren’t wages being forced upward by the demand for workers?  Why does the government think it has to force feed an increase in the minimum wage even though the CBO says it will cost 500,000 jobs?  When things are going so well and all those lost jobs have been regained, why is there such a necessity to extend unemployment benefits?  Since all is well, why does the Fed continue to pump $45 billion of printed money into the system every month?  If GM is hitting record profits, why don’t they pay back the $11.2 billion of their TARP bailout that they owe the taxpayers?  If the economy is so rosy, why are there record numbers of people on food stamps?  If the economy is so rosy, why is there so much rejoicing about so many people signing up for Medicaid?  If the economy is so rosy, why do so many people have to get subsidies to afford the Affordable Health Care act premiums? 

On another front, since when do “phony scandals” come home in body bags?  Nancy Pelosi may think it’s “diversion” and “subterfuge” but her mocking "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Why aren't we talking about something else?" is sounding pathetically desperate.  Almost as bad was Tommy Vietor’s “Dude, it (Benghazi) was like two years ago,” or Victoria Nuland coordinating AP coverage to minimize the impact of Fox news or Jay Carney employing the “who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes” strategy when confronted with emails clearly showing White House involvement in the cover-up.  When will someone answer exactly where Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were while all this was going on?  When will the murderers be brought to justice?  Will there ever be accountability for anyone?

Now we know why Congressman Elijah “the outraged and outrageous” Cummings was desperately trying to end the IRS hearings on its targeting of the Tea Party.  Additional emails show he was coordinating with Lois Lerner and attempting to influence criminal charges against “True the Vote” and that Lois Lerner was also coordinating with the Department of Justice!  Will there ever be an investigation of this unethical conduct?  If found guilty, will Cummings also receive a standing ovation from Democrats just as Charlie Rangel did when he was censured by Congress?

More outrage occurred in Nigeria when hundreds of teenage girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram, another Islamic extremist group.  While about fifty girls have escaped, according to the Associated Press, another 220 remain unaccounted for.  It is reported that these sixteen to eighteen year old girls are being sold into “marriage” for 2,000 naira or about $12 to their captors.  This is nothing short of mass rape and slavery.  When will the so called “moderates” stand up and condemn these extremists?  When will they begin to eradicate these cancers from their midst?  When will feminists begin to support those who are exposing these and other criminal travesties against women being perpetrated in “honor cultures”?  When will liberals and the Hollywood elite stop making trivial public service announcements about women being called “bossy” and take on the tragedies of real crimes in the real wars being waged on women?  Just asking.



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