Saturday, May 17, 2014

Letter to the Editor

Are you kidding me?!  TEABAGGERS?!  Is the best that you've got?  Are you so bereft of creativity that it's the same old third grade name calling?  Please get a better writer for some new material!  As for "fascist oligarchy," will next week bring quotations from Mao's LITTLE RED BOOK?  Talk about '60's redux!  Boring!
While it's hard to find reliable data, one source shows that in the last five years, California lost 400,000 jobs while Texas gained 640,000 jobs.  As for the preposterous notion that Hans Slade and the Tea Party want to give tax breaks to "Hollywood billionaires," are you from Colorado?  What are you smoking?  Every sane person knows that the EXTREMELY liberal Hollywood cabal would probably be the last courtesan the conservatives would try to bed.  Be that as it may, the Taxed Enough Already party prefers no crony capitalism for anyone--not Hollywood, not banking, not oil, not wind, not solar, not GM, not Tesla, not Solyndra, and so forth.  Why is that so hard to understand?  Let the free market decide winners and losers, not presidents (and their bundlers), not K Street Lobbyists, and definitely not bureaucrats or presidential advisors who virtually no private sector experience.  (Actually, it's 8%...pathetic!)
Specifically addressing the film industry canard, the Legislative Analyst's Office recently criticized film tax credits for creating an "awkward precedent" of giving tax breaks  to "certain well-connected industries over others."  Can you say "crony capitalism" my socialist, Big Government advocates?  And for the record,  , Assembly Bill 1839 authored by DEMOCRAT Raul Bocanegra from Pacoima and Mike Gatto,  a DEMOCRAT from Los Angeles, was unanimously voted out of committee that had ZERO Tea Party members to grant the government largesse, special dispensations, tax breaks, privileged crony status to the movie industry.

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