Monday, December 2, 2013

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

By William L. Garvin

“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.”
H.L. Mencken

The liberty guaranteed by our constitutional republic is at risk.  On many fronts, we are seeing our federal government successfully consolidate power under the guise of “the common good.”  Whether the “fundamental transformation” of America is because the ruling class honestly feels it knows what is best for every citizen or whether the motivation is to reconstruct the United States into a European socialist state is unclear.  Whatever the motivation, keep in mind the words of Ronald Reagan:  “Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.”

The reality of Obamacare is that it will do nothing to improve the quality of health care for the “vast majority” of Americans; it will only serve to further central planning and control of government over the most intimate details of citizens’ lives.  Keep in mind that the overpriced, poorly functioning website is not the problem—it is only symptomatic of the problem, which is a badly flawed law that has no possibility of success short of rationing.  Many Americans, even congressional Democrats (who knew all along!), are finding that no, you can’t keep your health plan.  No, you can’t keep your doctor.  No, you won’t save $2,500 in premiums.  No, you can’t afford the premiums and deductibles under Obamacare.  No, you won’t have many choices and no, your doctor is no longer included in what few plans are available.

Democrats who brayed opposition to Republican efforts to legislatively change “the law of the land” now stand by in mute acquiescence as the President Supreme unilaterally changes “the law of the land” by executive order.  Displaying their bald (and bold) hypocrisy, some Democrats are now urging the same one-year delay on the individual mandate that Republicans previously proposed.  Of course, Harry Reid buried that offer and refused to have it debated.  His Napoleonic party action begs the question, who was really responsible for the government shutdown and the $24 billion economic hit?  No wonder the little leader needs to silence opposition and “nuke” the filibuster by rewriting Senate history and precedent.

On another front, the Department of Education lurches forward with another central planning theory called Common Core.  Salting the states with federal funding, they now wish to institute a “one size fits all” propaganda model under the guise of education.  When you follow the money, you see the driving forces and easily recognize that there was very little input from professional educators.  The touted critical thinking appears to be more an analysis of group emotive process rather that results orientation.  Expect America to fall farther and farther behind…except in the massive data base that will be compiled on students and their families.

Simultaneously, the Environmental Protection Agency continues its frontal assault on the poor and middle classes.  The website notes that half of the electricity in America comes from coal.  Yet, because of EPA regulations, 280 coal-fired generating plants are slated to be closed.  The president’s promise that electricity prices will “necessarily” skyrocket is about to come true.  The poor will be disproportionately impacted by this megalomaniacal pursuit of ideology.

On a final troubling note, EPA regulations have forced the closing of the Doe Run Lead Smelter in Missouri.  This smelter has been in business since 1892 and is the last in this country.  They estimate that they would have to expend $100 million dollars to comply with the new and draconian EPA regulations.  The upshot is that lead ore mined in this country will have to be shipped out of this country (China?), refined, and then imported.  It is not difficult to connect the dots and see why the military, the Department of Homeland Security, and other government agencies have been stockpiling billions of rounds of ammunition.

If the direct assault on Second Amendment rights by government and other gun control zealots is successfully repelled, the war may still have been lost.  It will be unavoidable that American citizens will find ammunition to be increasingly scarce and increasingly expensive.  George Washington noted that: “A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”  If you value your freedom; if you value your liberty, beware the jaws of the ruling wolves.

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