Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Too Big to Fail?...NOT!

By William L. Garvin
“The bigger they are; the harder they fall.”  Many can remember this childhood exhortation to stand up to bullies.  Politicians and government agencies should take this as an admonition.
This seems particularly appropriate with the disastrous Obamacare implementation and now the president’s fading glory.  It is increasingly clear that this sprawling government monstrosity is redefining winners and losers.  The obvious winners are those with preexisting conditions and those who never had insurance, a good thing.  The losers are all those who have had their policies cancelled and are now facing budget busting increases in premiums and deductibles, a bad thing.  The former signups are in the thousands; the latter are in the millions with millions more to come.  Also in the loser category are state budgets because the vast majority of enrollees in Obamacare are in the Medicaid category.  The federal aid to the states will quickly be phased out.  The economic reality of any government trying to take control of one-sixth of the economy to aid one-tenth of the population is beginning to sink in.  Remember that this administration has the least amount of private sector experience of any modern presidency.  It’s becoming increasingly clear that the glitches are indeed train wrecks and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Concurrently, as THE ECONOMIST cover clearly demonstrates, the president who used to walk on water is now in it up to his neck and desperately flailing about to restore his fading luster.  If the heaviest burden is a great potential, President Obama had plenty to live up to.  In his book THE BRIDGE: THE LIFE AND RISE OF BARACK OBAMA, David Remnick quotes the president’s long time Svengali advisor and handler extraordinaire, Valerie Jarrett.  “I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary.  He knows exactly how smart he is…He knows how perceptive he is.  He knows what a good reader of people he is.  And he knows that he has the ability—the extraordinary, uncanny ability—to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them, and make sense out of them, and I think he has never been really challenged intellectually.  I mean, he’s the kind of guy you’d hate in law school, who would pick up the book the night before the final, read it, and ace the test.  So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but someone with extraordinary talents that they had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy.”  As George Will pointedly observed, how can anyone so smitten possibly be an effective advisor?  As the coup de grace, Valerie adds: “He’s been bored to death his whole life.  He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.  He would never be satisfied with what ordinary people do.”  All those little people, all those ordinary people, the ones who go to work every day, who balance their budgets, who don’t live and spend beyond their means, they just don’t understand His Magnificence!  What elitist claptrap!
What ordinary people do understand is that for all that money, they could have built a hundred working websites.  What ordinary people do understand is that the “good jobs for the jobless” promise has been a miserable failure and one of a long line of broken promises.  What they do understand is that they will soon forget his lofty boast that “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” 
That’s why ordinary people in the latest left-leaning CNN poll shows that 56% disagree with President Obama on the major issues.  The same percentage says he “does not inspire confidence.”  It also shows that 53% of ordinary people do not regard him as “honest or trustworthy.”  Ordinary people now know the emperor has no clothes.
That’s why Democrats are finally moving out of lockstep with the President, voting against his decrees, and showing open rebellion.  Senators like Landrieu in contested states don’t even want to be seen with him.  That’s why liberal fanatics spin fantastic yarns about Republicans being responsible for Obamacare failures.  Three months ago, the Tea Party was irrelevant; now they are responsible for the latest “right wing conspiracy”; they are the cause of the website implosion; their mean words are the genesis of the public rejection.  Sorry spinmeister Democrats-- this is all on you.  Oh what tangled webs you weave since from the beginning, Obamacare was built to deceive.

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