Sunday, January 27, 2013

It Does Make a Difference!

By William L. Garvin

So much foolishness and so little time.  After four months of delay, Hillary Clinton finally appeared before congressional committees to testify about the murder of four Americans in Benghazi.  She added absolutely nothing to our understanding of what transpired or why those men died.  She accepted responsibility but not blame; apparently, no one is to blame because no one has been fired.  For some reason, the sycophantic media lauded her “what difference does it make?” Clintonesque screech as some sort of Joan of Arc rallying cry.  The media missed or ignored the point as did the investigating committee.  If you’re going to prevent such a travesty from happening again, the cause makes all the difference in the world in determining an appropriate countermeasure.  Why the administration chose to lie about a video makes a great deal of difference in determining public trust.  Why the consulate security requests were denied or ignored makes a great deal of difference.  What actions were taken and when they were taken makes a great deal of difference.  Of course, the myopic mainstream media seemed much more interested (and showed more diligence!) in make-believe girlfriends, lip synching singers, and doping cyclists than subjects of national importance.

This media foolishness is pathetic.  You would think Newsweek would have learned from their previous debacle showing President Obama with a halo over his head.  Did that influence actor Jamie Foxx to “give thanks to my lord and savior Barack Obama”?  Now Newsweek doubles down on blasphemy by a beatific, new cover picture of the president captioned “The Second Coming.”  Sainthood was stupid but deification is the height of media adulation, cooption and is an insult to Jews, Christians, and thinking people everywhere.

More foolishness surrounded golfer Phil Mickelson saying he might move out of California to a state where he would pay lower taxes.  When Tiger Woods moved to Florida for exactly the same reason, nary a discouraging word was heard.  Now that Tiger has fallen from grace, he might be treated as a pariah in the same way that Mickelson is currently being treated.  Of course, there is scant coverage of Warren Buffett employing an army of attorneys for millions of dollars to avoid paying corporate taxes.  The media hypocrisy was also apparent in their vendetta to lynch Mitt Romney for having a legal, off shore account in the Cayman Islands.  However, when Google shifts $9.8 billion of revenues into a Bermuda shell company thereby avoiding $2 billion in taxes, that’s good business.  Obviously, when you contribute over $800,000 to the Obama campaign, you will buy a lot of media good will.

More liberal foolishness, nee insanity, comes in their maniacal obsession to enact gun control for law abiding citizens.  One of the more humorous arguments relies on the single shot, muzzle loading muskets that were available at the time of the founding fathers.  Apparently, there wouldn’t be a second amendment if the constitutional authors had known that modern weaponry would exist.  That’s akin to saying we wouldn’t need protections for freedom of the press or speech if they would have known about radio, television, cell phones or the internet.  That’s almost as silly as the governor of New York postulating that the freedom to bear arms was designed for deer hunters.  Of course, his haphazard 7-bullet magazine limitation turned most of the peace officers in New York into instantaneous lawbreakers!

Predictably, the National Rifle Association is the liberal whipping boy du jour.  So, was the Newtown shooter an NRA member?  Well…no.  Was the Aurora theater shooter an NRA member?   No.  How about the Virginia Tech shooter?  No.  How about the Gabby Giffords shooter?  Again, no.  The Columbine shooters?  Definitely not.  What about the “Allahu Akbar” shouting, Fort Hood shooting Major Nidal Hassan?  Absolutely not.  Furthermore, not a single one of these homicidal loons was a conservative, Republican, or had any association with George Bush, Dick Cheney, or Sarah Palin.  Those torturous connect-the-dot liberal concoctions have as much substance as Hillary Clinton’s testimony.

Don’t expect any substantive discussion on important issues.  It’s a 140-character twitter world with an attention span of the same length.  Sound bites and pop culture dominate the low information voter universe.  Factual debate and investigative journalism are passé.  The watchdog press has become a simpering puppy propaganda arm for a liberal world view.  It is the only profession protected by the Constitution but it has shamefully denigrated that status.  They have violated their oaths and they passively protect those who violate the Constitution.  What a shameful and dangerous situation. 

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