Monday, January 7, 2013

Hip, Hip, Hooray…for Hypocrites!

By William L. Garvin

You may have noted that Harry “The Hilarious” Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, made another of his cameo appearances.  This is the guy who has buried bill after bill after bill from the House of Representatives and then whines that they haven’t voted on his slap dash bill they threw together last week.  Forget that for weeks he has had a House bill that would extend all the current tax rates and has steadfastly refused to bring it out for an up or down vote.  Forget that he has not produced a budget for four years in direct defiance of his constitutional duty.  Forget that he hasn’t proposed a single actual spending cut.  Forget that he demanded twenty years of Mitt Romney’s tax returns but has yet to produce a single tax return of his own.  By the way, you Maven of Mirth, where’s the apology you, your acolytes and your “reliable source” owe Governor Romney for saying he never paid taxes?  You are such a cutup.

The national debt has now escalated to over $16.4 TRILLION dollars, half of which has occurred during your six-year run as Senate Leader.  Who are you to lecture anyone on fiscal responsibility?  And exactly why are you getting a pay raise?  Why don’t you explain how if it is bad for the economy to raise taxes on the middle class, how it is good for the economy to raise taxes on the rich?  In fact, just exactly how do you plan to grow the economy?  Oh that’s right, you don’t have a plan.  When you do come up with one, I’m sure we’ll have to pass it to find out what’s in it.  That worked really well last time, didn’t it?

We won’t find out any more about the details of our government gun-running operation “Fast and Furious” this year than we did last year.  However, expect all sorts of Chris Mathews’ spittle about gun control and assault weapons.  If someone swings a baseball bat at you, is that an assault weapon?  Ask Tiger Woods if a nine iron is an assault weapon.  If someone tries to stab you, is a knife an assault weapon?  If someone tries to run you down with a car, is an automobile an assault weapon?  Expect tons of Washington time to be spent on how many bullets can legally be in a clip or magazine by people who don’t the difference between automatic and semi-automatic weapons.  Expect the media and the internet to continue to rail about the Bushmaster AR-15 that was used in the Newtown massacre.  It wasn’t but don’t let the truth get in the way.  Expect Hollywood to wax poetic about abhorring gun violence while continuing to stylize murder and mayhem.  Expect video games to get progressively more graphic and violent.  Expect liberals to continue to strongly protect the rights of criminals and judges to release more of them back into society.  Expect liberals to mainstream the mentally ill.  Expect the Department of Justice to jail a filmmaker for a movie trailer that had nothing to do with the Benghazi murders but expect the Department of Defense to give unparalleled access to the makers of “Zero Dark Thirty” and give no thought to Muslim reactions to the latter.

Don’t expect Hillary to shed any light on Benghazi.  Doesn’t it seem odd that none of the survivors of the attack have been interviewed by the Congressional committees?  Are they also suffering from medical difficulties?  If there is systemic failure, why hasn’t anyone been fired?  Oh that’s right, they’ll get pay raises too….

Washington politicians will continue to talk out of both sides of their mouths on both sides of the aisle.  They’ll all come out with far more wealth than when they went in.  They’ll make sure that outsiders never interfere with the political ruling class.  It’s a political insider club sucking the economic life out of America.  Here we are at the end of the year on the edge of another fiscal disaster perpetrated on the American public by our duly elected representatives.  If you elect clowns, you shouldn’t be surprised when a circus breaks out.


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