Friday, October 26, 2012

Letter to the editor, Oct 26, 2012

Dear Editor,
As you know, I have always complimented you on your willingness to present all points of view,no matter how inarticulate or unfounded. I also understand the difficulty of putting together a weekly newspaper with very limited resources. Therefore, I "Sincerely" appreciate the service you provide to our community. As you also know, I prefer to address issues on the basis of fact and logic and seldom engage in personal responses or attacks. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, "a kind deed never goes unpunished" so I will allow myself a slight deviation in this letter. Nonetheless, I must caution you NEVER to cut off the name of a letter contributor or some of your readers will fall into a paroxysm of petulance!

My case in point: I presented a factual rebuttal to a letter by Ms. Delia Stichick who listed a number of "lies" she erroneously attributed to Governor Romney. I chose to address just one and hoped to educate her. She said only three out of three dozen green energy companies had failed. I listed SIX, all of which were Obama campaign contributors (can you say "crony capitalism"?), all of which were bankrupt, and another which was on the verge. A quick internet check lists 36 green energy companies which are bankrupt or faltering. Ms. Stichick still alleges her "three" is factual. Maybe she would like to name even one which has paid back the taxpayer "investment"? Of course she didn't and she can't. Instead, she chose to engage in a typical liberal exercise of sophistry. Undoubtedly, her grades on the SATs for reading comprehension were not very good if she responded the same way then! She is simply and incredibly and factually wrong.

As liberals generally do, she chose not to research the facts but merely reiterated her unfounded "lies" even louder. Still wrong. She also created a straw argument that I said President Obama "crept into the gas stations in the dead of night and changed all the prices at the pump!" Even more wrong. I said no such thing; I implied no such thing. Apparently, she "can't handle the truth!" What I did say was that a rising price of gasoline is consistent with his actual words to ""bankrupt coal plants" and "electricity prices will skyrocket." Maybe she should check that transcript! I also remember that every time gas prices went up during the Bush administration the hills were alive with the "Bush-Cheney connections to Big Oil" and "Halliburton." I understand the basics of supply and demand very well; apparently, President Obama, who has problems with seventh-grade math (by his own admission), does not.

Too many liberals love to preach "civility" and "tolerance" but act in the most uncivil and intolerant manner. They feel free to call Governor Romney a liar, murderer, tax felon, and numerous pejoratives with impunity. But if anyone questions the President's awful economic policies, record of stimulus failure, totally undistinguished career prior-presidency, $5 trillion in deficits, lack of vision, lack of specifics, "Fast and Furious" fiasco, his imaginary "war on women" bovine scatology, massive unemployment, food stamp records, or Benghazi incompetence, they are "racist"! Frankly, I'm bored by those types of trite tactics. If you approve of petty, petulant, and pompous presidents; if you approve of buffoonish, banal, and intellectually bankrupt vice-presidents, vote for the incumbents. But as Clint Eastwood so accurately pointed out, "if they can't do the job, you've got to let them go."

Bill Garvin

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