Sunday, October 28, 2012

Duty, Honor, Country

By William L. Garvin
“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:13

On February 24, 1967, the United States Congress declared me to be “an officer and a gentleman” and commissioned me as a second lieutenant in the Armor Branch of the United States Army.  During the previous year in Basic Training, Advanced Armor Training, and Officer Candidate School, I learned a number of lessons that have remained constant over my life.  I always check my “gig line” when getting dressed, my shoes are always shined, and what hair I have left is closely cropped.  My wife finds it somewhat humorous that I still fold my socks and underwear the way I was taught by Uncle Sam.  When making our bed, the sheets get a precise forty-five degree angle on the military tuck.

More importantly, I learned the moral principles of military leadership were duty, honor, and country.  My tactical officers insured, in their own unique way, that I understood and would never forget that the men I would soon command were a “sacred trust.”  Today I teach command and leadership principles to new lieutenants in the California Police Management program.  I do my best to reinforce in them that same unshakeable belief --the men and women they command are an irrevocable “sacred trust.”  It is with a great deal of sadness that I see those principles being violated at the highest level of our government.

Our President and Commander in Chief is “offended” when people want to know why four Americans were in harm’s way without the security they requested.  The Secretary of Defense complains about “Monday morning quarterbacking” even though this Administration has multiple and contradictory excuses for the Benghazi fiasco.  Why would the President, his Press Secretary, his United Nations Ambassador, and his Secretary of State continue to blame a stupid movie trailer for the murders of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty and Sean Smith?  They did this for nearly two weeks even though now the President says it called it a “terrorist attack” the next day.  Frankly, Sir, you did no such thing no matter what Candy Crowley says!  As is your wont, you used vague, non-specific language.  You call the war on terror an “overseas contingency operation.”  Shamelessly, when Major Nidal Hassan, a coward and a traitor, opens fire on unarmed soldiers in Fort Hood, you call it “workplace violence.”  What part of “Allahu akbar” that the treasonous major was shouting during the massacre didn’t you (of all people!) understand?

I believe you sold out the Poles and the Czechs when you reneged on their missile defense system.  I believe that the Russians picked your pocket and ate your lunch with the START treaty.  I believe you failed the doctor who is now in prison in Pakistan for providing you the DNA that allowed the Seals to get Bin Laden.  I believe you failed to provide the Benghazi Consulate the necessary security even though repeatedly requested.  Your statement that you were “not personally aware” of their requests for security sounds like a typical legalistic parsing of words.  I believe your failure to know and prevent is tantamount to negligence and the failure to act is a violation of your sacred trust—you abandoned your men.  You have said that you are “ultimately responsible”; I believe you are directly responsible!

Two of the individuals we know who demonstrated the highest order of courage were Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.  As soon as Navy Seal Woods heard the gunfire, he requested permission to go to their aid.  Sources on the ground have said the request was refused not once but twice.  General Petraeus has stated that no one in the CIA gave the order to stand down.  Who does that leave, Mr. President?

The only reasons for disobeying an order are if it is illegal, immoral, or unsafe.  Forget unsafe—that goes with Seal territory.  Woods, two others, and later Glen Doherty, disobeyed the immoral order to stand down.  They took an oath to protect their fellow Americans and they were not willing to stand by and watch them murdered by a theo-political mob of radical terrorists.  They understood “Duty”!  They understood “Honor”!  They understood “Country”!  They laid down their lives to save others.

Why were their requests for assistance ignored?  The battle went on for hours and military assistance could have been onsite and engaged within two hours.  They even “laser-pointed” the mortar position that ultimately took their lives!  I do not believe any military professional would EVER refuse to go to the aid of their men and women in distress.  That leaves only one person, Mr. President.   I believe you have failed to lead.  I believe you failed to show character, integrity, or courage.  I do not believe you are fit to command men like Woods or Doherty.  You have violated your sacred trust and should be removed from office.  

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