Monday, August 27, 2012

Hoax and Chains

By William L. Garvin

After a flood of negative advertising from the Obama campaign, the Republican convention must now faces the flood of Hurricane Isaac in Tampa.  The silver lining is Vice-President Biden has canceled his party crashing plans.  The incredibly shrinking VP can’t afford to be out in the rain!  Remember when all the talking heads and pundits were talking about how Romney’s pick for veep was so important because it would be his first presidential decision?  Suffice it to say that no one in the media dares scrutinize Senator Obama’s pick of Biden four years ago.  Then again, no one in the media dared scrutinize Senator Obama.

Looking at the lineup of speakers at the two conventions, expect that no one at the Democrat gathering will speak about the $16 trillion debt, one-third of which has accrued during this administration.  No one will be alarmed about four straight years of trillion dollar deficits with $4.4 trillion on tap for the next four years.  No one will complain that we now pay $240 billion dollars per year in interest on that debt.  That’s a quarter trillion dollars per year for which we get absolutely NOTHING!  No one will explain why the Senate voted the President’s 2012 “budget” down 97-0 and his 2013 “budget” 99-0!  He couldn’t get a single Democrat vote in the Senate but we will hear about Republic obstructionism.

We also won’t hear about Guantanamo, border security, Fast and Furious, record fuel and food prices or record numbers of people on food stamps.  We won’t hear about 42 straight months of 8% unemployment.  We won’t hear about last quarter’s dismal GDP growth of 1.5%.  When Reagan brought us out of the Carter recession, his policies raised GDP growth over 7%.  We won’t hear President Obama repeat his claims of 2009 and 2010 about how unwise it is to raise taxes during a weak economy.  We won’t hear about the 21 new taxes under Obamacare or the $716 million they took from Medicare to fund his “revenue neutral” fantasy.  We won’t hear that Obamacare will now cost three times the original projection.  We won’t hear about the net worth of American households declining over forty percent.

We will however hear about the “war on women.”  We’ll hear from Nancy Keenan of the National Abortion Rights Action League.  Then we’ll hear from Cecile Richards of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.  Maybe she’ll explain why they still need taxpayer money when they have over a billion dollars in assets.  Don’t expect Kamala Harris or anyone else to speak up for the 329,445 babies Planned Parenthood aborted in 2010.  Those babies had no choice.  Of course, Ms. Harris opposes the death sentence for convicted criminals even when special circumstances exist.  Naturally, anyone who believes that life begins at conception will be labeled an extreme fundamentalist “bitterly clinging to guns and religion.” 

We will also get to hear Sandra Fluke on why free contraception and free abortions should come from taxpayers.  Why has she been given a speaking slot since her signature achievement to date is being called a name by a famous talk show host!  We’ll hear from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton but it’s doubtful she’ll recall calling the Obama campaign tactics “shameful” back in 2008.  There will be no condemnation of the despicable, gutter tactics that continued in the Obama campaign’s evil character assassination of Sarah Palin.  Of course, we’ll hear from the “Big Dog” in democrat politics, former president Bill Clinton.  It might be interesting to hear from Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Jennifer Flowers as to who they think engages in a war on women.  Don’t expect former President Clinton to remember any of that or calling Governor Romney’s record at Bain “stellar” or emphasizing the need to extend all the Bush tax cuts and avoid all the pending tax increases.

You might hear the economy, unemployment, the fiscal cliff, and Mediscare addressed by prominent Republican women such as Governor Marty Fallin, Governor Nikki Haley, or Governor Susana Martinez at their convention.  Maybe Senator Kelly Ayotte or Florida AG Pam Bondi will touch on the main issues at the top of the list of taxpayer concerns.  Hopefully, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will address the failure of the “leading from behind” foreign policy.  Expect all these conservative women to be labeled as extremists who hate poor people, hate women, want to destroy Medicare, and want dirty air and dirty water.  After all, they are Republicans who believe in American exceptionalism and to liberals, that is extreme.     

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