Wednesday, July 21, 2010

NAACP—You Lie!

By William L. Garvin
“Be angry but do not sin.”Ephesians 4:26

Anger is usually an unproductive emotion but there are times when righteous anger is appropriate. When Michelle Obama delivered her keynote speech to the 101st meeting of the NAACP, she encouraged them to “increase our intensity.” Since she was talking about childhood obesity and failures in education, the NAACP had the opportunity to come out in support of vouchers so black children could escape failing schools. Did they? No!

Did they choose to condemn irresponsible fathers for 70% of black children being born out of wedlock? No! Did they condemn the lawless element of the black community for being 39% of the criminal convictions even though blacks only comprise 12% of the population? No! Did they further condemn this lawless black element for being responsible for 90% of the homicides of black brothers and sisters? No!

Surely then they would increase their intensity and distance themselves from the blatant and hateful racist speech of Malik Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party who proclaimed the world’s number one terrorist to be George Bush and lauded Osama Bin Laden or his acolyte Malik Zulu Shabazz who shouted “…every last iota of cracker, I hate him…kill some crackers…kill some of their white babies!” Oh, no! Instead they chose to attack the Tea Party Movement and Sarah Palin for their alleged “explicit racist behavior.” Excuse me?!

If ever there was a time when the pot called the kettle black, this was it. The aptly named Ben Jealous, National President of the NAACP said he had seen signs saying “Lynch Barack Hussein Obama.” He has no proof. He said he had seen signs saying “Lynch Eric Holder.” He has no proof. Once again he repeated the charge that members of the Congressional Black Caucus had been spit on and called the “n” word. Every camera angle that recorded this event indicates that these phantom incidents did not happen. The $100,000 reward for proof of any these scurrilous charges remains unclaimed. If you’re going to levy the ugliest and heaviest of charges, you need to have clear and convincing evidence and he has no substantiation or basis in fact whatsoever!

If Mr. Jealous actually wanted fact instead of fiction, he could have gone to the Black Tea Party Patriots website. He could have talked to the black Americans who have founded or co –founded local Tea Party groups. He could have listened to some of the speakers at the Tea Party gatherings who are black. But he didn’t want fact; he wanted his ugly, divisive fiction.

Many black Americans have real experiences with racism. Unfortunately, some of these experiences are with organizations such as the NAACP who label black conservatives such as Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams with names like “Uncle Tom”, “Oreo”, or “Negro.” They are ostracized because they aren’t black enough when they don’t vote the Democrat party line. Now, millions of white Americans who believe that this country is on the wrong path and exercise their right to gather and protest have now been unfairly tainted with the label of racist by Mr. Jealous. It’s a lie and the charge will not stand.

Mr. Jealous also charged the Tea Party with being a progeny of the White Citizens Council. That’s sheer stupidity. The WCC was founded in 1954 by Mississippi Democrats to fight the integration of schools after the Brown v. Board of Education ruling. This is more revisionist history by an organization that wants to forget that the Ku Klux Klan was a Democrat domestic terrorist organization that targeted Republicans along with black Americans.

These charges reek of desperation. It’s a transparent attempt to intimidate, to distract, and to change the subject. It is becoming clearer each day that the $862 billion stimulus gamble has failed. It is becoming clearer each day that unemployment will not improve this year. It is becoming clearer each day that Obamacare is not going to reduce health care costs. It is patently obvious today that Obamacare will fund abortions despite the Presidential Executive Order. It’s patently obvious that Financial Reform has ignored Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the flash point catalysts to the housing bust.

Worst of all is the inescapable conclusion that the august NAACP organization, with these spurious and baseless charges, has reduced itself to nothing more than a pathetic propaganda arm for a failing and flailing administration. Nice try but the Tea Party is not willing to sit passively by and become your whipping boy. And before you jump up and shout that “whipping boy” is a racist term, look it up. A mind is a terrible thing to waste!

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