Monday, June 13, 2016

Start Your Engines

By William L. Garvin
“The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse.”  James Madison

The major political parties have now determined their respective “presumptive nominees” for the presidency of the United States.  Two of the most unpopular candidates ever nominated will vie for the coveted office.  If history is our guide, both will be subjected to scrutiny but one will be scrutinized more closely and with more vigor than the other.  One will have faults and foibles magnified and the other’s will be minimized.  That’s why she can wear a $12,000 Armani jacket with nary a care while Ann Romney was pilloried for a $900 blouse.  One will have his change in positions characterized as “flip-flopping” while her change in position will be seen as “evolving.”  She will characterize him as a “loose cannon” and “dangerous.”  He will point out her lifetime record of lies, scandals and that when that 3 a.m. phone call came, she was nowhere to be found.
If you believe the polls, two-thirds of the country thinks we are on the wrong course.  That’s why a 74-year old socialist with no record of significant accomplishment and who was never even a Democrat won so many states over Hillary.  Bernie argued that the system was corrupt and Donald echoed the same tune from the opposing party.  Nonetheless, Democrats chose Hillary to continue the same policies and agenda of the Obama administration.  This is the administration that has increased the national debt from $10.6 trillion to $19.3 trillion and counting.  This is the administration that has seen food stamp recipients soar to record numbers as wages decline and the labor participation rate plummets.  The first quarter GDP was a miserable 0.8 and last month the country produced only 38,000 jobs of which 10,000 were in government!  Thanks to 500,000 people giving up and dropping out of the work force, the unemployment rate fell to 4.7%.  Income inequality has worsened under this administration while health care premiums continue to escalate to unaffordable heights accompanied by huge deductibles despite solemn promises to the contrary.  Over 25 million remain uninsured.
We have Russian nuclear bombers and fighter planes increasing their flights around Alaska and “buzzing” American ships in the Black Sea.  Chinese fighter planes make dangerous passes at U.S. recon planes and China builds an artificial island to extend their “ownership” of international waters.  Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan are all ensnared in the ISIS tentacles and we have no coherent military strategy let alone an exit strategy.  “Leading from behind,” “strategic patience,” and “smart diplomacy” are nothing but euphemisms for failure!  Where are the victories from this great assemblage of “coalition forces”?  Empty words and unfulfilled promises.
Meanwhile, domestic race relations continue to deteriorate under the guidance of a “post racial president” who seems more interested in which bathroom should be used than the murder rates in inner cities.  He ignores mayors who tell the police to stand down to give rioters room to burn and loot.  He ignores sanctuary cities and police forces that stand idly by while watching innocent people being assaulted and beaten by groups of thugs at political rallies.  He insists on releasing prisoners from Guantanamo that end up on the battlefield killing American soldiers.  He allows ICE to release 86,000 criminals between 2013 and 2015 and refuses to say who they are and where they are.  According to a Boston Globe study, thirty percent reoffend including rape and attempted murder.  He continues to expand immigration from war torn countries even if we don’t know who they are and where they are from.  Of course, if you disagree with any of his policies, you are a racist and a bigot!

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power,” noted Abraham Lincoln.  This administration has egregiously abused its power and two-thirds of America say we don’t need more of the same!  How many will still vote the same?      

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