Monday, February 2, 2015

Differing States of Affairs

By William L. Garvin 

The vast majority of Americans tuned out and turned away from the State of the Union speech by President Obama.  What they missed was a carefully scripted paean to the brilliance of his administration in governing our country.  If there were to be a soundtrack for accompaniment, it would have been “On the Sunny Side of the Street,” “Accentuate the Positive (Eliminate the Negative),” and “What a Wonderful World” as the finale.  Thankfully, there would be no James Taylor!  Why did so few watch?  Why were his ratings a 15-year low?  Maybe they didn’t want to see a poorly rated rerun of perpetual tax and spend democrat policies, hate the rich class warfare, and pie in the sky Monte Hall giveaways.  Maybe his oratorical luster has faded.  Maybe his failure to carry through on his previous promises has “come home to roost.”  Maybe his glitch ridden policies, lack of transparency, proliferation of scandals, incomprehensible foreign policy and deceitful domestic policy (i.e., Obamacare, Keystone pipeline, open borders) has jaded many of his customary supporters. 

That’s why Seth Meyers of NBC noted, “Obama gave the SOTU address and I just have to say that I don’t know what union he was describing.  But I want to live there.  I want to move.  It sounds outstanding.  There’s a middle class.  They have small businesses.  It sounds great.”  NBC has carried enough water for the Obama administration to fill the Great Lakes.  When even they start mocking “the One,” storm clouds are forming on the horizon of “fundamental transformation.”

He should have seen the warning signs of his impending fall from grace when his party’s candidates declared him persona non grata on their campaign trails last year.  He should have known that when “every single one of my policies” was on the ballot yet his party still suffered nationwide annihilations in the 2014 elections.  He should have known that in 2008 he inherited 257 House Democrats and 57 Democrat Senators.  His ranks have now eroded to only 188 in the House and only 44 in the Senate.  Furthermore, state Democrat governorships have dwindled from 28 to 18 while Republican governor ranks have increased to 31during his “leadership.”  He should have known that non-Gruberized, non-low information voters know that the national debt increase averaged $251 billion during the Bush years.  Senator Obama called that “unpatriotic” and a “failure of leadership.”  However, his average annual national debt increase has been an astounding $1,078 billion!  Now he’s offering up another $4 trillion budget which will add another $475 billion to the national debt.  .  Remember the company that horribly botched the Obamacare website rollout?  Some say that incompetence bordered on criminal negligence.  Well, that same company has been hired by the IRS to handle the Obamacare tax issues!!!  It’s the same old, same old wasteful and irresponsible spending

There’s another reason no one watched his SOTU—they were at the movies watching AMERICAN SNIPER, the story of Chris Kyle.  That movie not only continues to set box office records week after week after week, but it also exposes the hypocrisy of the radical left.  Since their disgusting treatment of veterans coming home from Viet Nam, like the president, they said they had “evolved” and learned to “separate the warrior from the war.”  Poppycock!  Leftists like Moore, Rogen, and Dean called Kyle a coward, linked him to the Nazi’s, and said anyone seeing the movie had anger issues, respectively.  An NBC “journalist” called him a “racist” who went on “killing sprees.”  Others labeled him a “homicidal psychopath.”  The shallow veneer is ripped away and their core ugliness is once again revealed.

The irony permeating this repugnant ingratitude is that Chris Kyle did four tours of duty in harm’s way defending their right to make such idiotic and irresponsible statements.  Remember, there’s a blogger in Saudi Arabia who is getting 1,000 lashes for making a statement insulting to Islam.  Remember Charlie Hebdo.  Try exercising freedom of speech in Iran, or Cuba (our new best friend forever), or in Russia, or in the burgeoning caliphate of ISIS.  Try it in Yemen, or in Nigeria, or in North Korea.  Speak out in Pakistan, or in China…or in Hollywood (as Clint Eastwood does) and see what it gets you.

No matter how smoothly you talk, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.  The American people are sending a message with their feet, their remote controls, and their pocketbooks.  They are telling you what they like and what they don’t like with their time and with their votes.  It’s a curious world when you go to the movies to see something that is real and when you watch President Obama’s SOTU address, you see something that is imaginary.  It’s time to get real.

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