Monday, August 25, 2014

Evil is Winning

By William L. Garvin

After Nazi atrocities were exposed at the end of World War II, there was a solemn and universal vow that “Never again!” would another holocaust be permitted on this planet.  Today, nation after nation stands mutely by as another “cleansing” sweeps across our continents.  It is evil and it is winning.

While it may not be politically correct to speak of “evil” or an “axis of evil” or an “evil empire” in a morally relativistic universe, there is no other way to describe the horrors marring our human experience today.  It is equally disheartening to see how many are inured to and even sympathetic of this burgeoning evil.  For instance, the Muslim radical group Boko Haram kidnapped nearly three hundred young girls last April in Nigeria.  There was a brief flurry of hashtag involvement (that was inherently futile) and nothing else in terms of results achieved.  The girls have now apparently been sold as sex slaves.  Boko Haram continues to kidnap and slaughter Christians but it barely makes news even when they make videos with their mocking “kill Christians” mantra.  There was virtually no media attention when they stormed a secondary school for boys, locked the doors and set it afire.  The boys that tried to escape were murdered and the rest were burned alive.  The boys didn’t even merit a hashtag.

The Islamist government in Sudan either condones the rape and murder of Christian women or actively participates in them.  Reports from southern Sudan indicate that while the military was raping women, Arab women stood by singing and praising the pillage.  Christian churches have been bombed by government aircraft while neighboring mosques stand unscathed.  Some estimate that as many as two million Christians have been murdered in Sudan by Muslim armies over the last twenty years.

In Egypt, there have been 500 reported cases of young women being attacked by Muslim men since 2011.  Who knows how many went unreported.  “The girls are often assaulted, raped, kidnapped, forced to change their faith and sometimes killed…yet nothing is being done by local authorities to prevent it” according to the Clarion Project, a U.S. based nonprofit think tank and advocacy group.

The precedent for government impotence was reinforced in Serbia and Kosovo when Christians were indiscriminately slaughtered but it has escalated to a new level in the Middle East.  Some people may think that al Qaeda is”on the run” or that ISIS/ISIL is the “junior varsity”, but the facts beg to differ.  ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and their myriad affiliates are expanding their reign of terror in animalistic fashion.  How do you describe cutting children in half, beheading babies, burying families alive, cutting off heads and placing them on stakes for display?  What sort of depraved human would have his seven-year old son hold a severed head aloft and brag “that’s my boy!”?  An Australian jihadist fighting for ISIS, that’s who!

As for Hamas, they deliberately launch rockets against civilians and cravenly hide themselves, their rockets and mortars behind the skirts of women and children.  They cherish the opportunity to have those women and children sacrificed for the photo opportunities.  They strap bombs to their youngsters and send them into crowded areas where they are detonated along with other innocent victims.  Yet throughout the Middle East, Europe, and even in the United States, anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas rallies proliferate.  Let there be no doubt, if the “Little Satan” of Israel is conquered, the next target of Hamas and other jihadists will be the “Great Satan” of the United States.

There was a time when the “iron fist in the velvet glove” of the USA held evil in check and kept the beacon of democracy alive.  Now however, “pax Americana” has evaporated along with American leadership.  When the USA chooses to “lead from behind,” a void is created.  How will it be filled?  From which mountaintop will the chimes of freedom ring?  Which country will step forward to declare liberty for all?  Or will the New World Order be directed by Russia, China, or Iran?

History shows that Muslim armies are only defeated by sheer, overwhelming force.  Until that happens, Jews, Christians, minority tribes, and anyone unwilling to accept the brutal, savage subjugation of ISIS and sharia is at risk.  That includes you and me.  Wake up America!

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