Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lionize or Demonize?

By William L. Garvin

Political pundits lionize or demonize along party lines.  The mainstream media lionizes or demonizes according to progressive ideological protocols.  It appears as if they no longer even want to pretend to be objective in their analysis of happenings in the world.
Take the comparative coverage of Wendy Davis and Ted Cruz as an object lesson.  To the leftist press, Wonderful Wendy and her legion of supporters were “courageous,” “brave,” “remarkable,” “heroic” and channeling the “anger of millions.”  Little coverage was given to the chants of “hail Satan” and “F---the church.”  Even the Church of Satan repudiated their “irreverent” chants!  Sparse coverage was devoted to Wendy followers who carried jars of urine, feces, paint and sported tampons as jewelry.  Did you even hear of the death threats being made to Texas officials or the voodoo dolls being made of the Texas governor?  As for her “tilting at windmill” cause, Ms. Davis wanted no restrictions on abortions after 20 weeks even though the pro-life bill was overwhelmingly supported by the Texas legislature, the governor, and Texans in general.  As an aside, did you notice that throughout the American fascination with William and Kate’s pregnancy there was only a “Royal Baby”; there was never a “Royal Fetus”?
Maybe if Ted Cruz would have worn pink tennis shoes, he would have been shown a little more liberal love in the media.  He spoke for 21 hours compared to Wendy’s eleven but his efforts were a “big waste of time” according to Harry Reid.  Of course, Harry was the one who released the Senate for a 5-week vacation on August 1 even though the federal budget was due October 1.  Talk about wasting time!  In any event, Cruz was characterized as “an arrogant jerk”, “whacky”, “narcissistic”, “all about him”, and “bizarre.”  Little was shown of his actual explanations of his objections to the government takeover of one-sixth of the economy.  His key point of the Affordable Care Act doing little to improve actual medical care but merely redistributing premiums throughout the age and economic spectrum garnered virtually no coverage.  If a modicum of truth in advertising laws applied, Obamacare would have to be renamed the Affordable Insurance Act because getting insurance may be easier than actually getting medical care.  In any event, Wendy’s the lion and Ted’s the demon.
Then there’s Nancy “pass the bill to find out what’s in it” Pelosi.  Now she’s doing her best Mother Hubbard impersonation and declaring the cupboard is bare.  If so, exactly how did government come up with the $320 million to bailout the fraud, corruption, and incompetence in Detroit?  What’s the matter, San Bernardino and Stockton, weren’t you corrupt enough to get federal aid?  What about the half million dollars that the Veterans Affairs Department just spent on artwork?  Or the Agriculture Department spending $140,000 on “toner cartridges” in one day!  Then there are the National Science Foundation grants to a new website ( to rate the “trustworthiness” of other websites.  Maybe they should start with the cute little animals on the Adorable Health Care website waste of taxpayer money.  Nancy, did you not know about the NSF grant that pays for “meditation and self-reflection” for math, science, and engineering majors?  There are lots more in Tom Coburn’s letters to the Senate.  Don’t forget to check out the YouTube video on how to properly handle a watermelon, another taxpayer funded undertaking.
Should someone who calls their opponents “legislative arsonists,” “anarchists,” “bombs strapped to their chests,” and guilty of “political terrorism” be lecturing others on civility?  Yet this is what senior Democrat leaders do repeatedly in demonizing dissent.  Somehow though, real terrorists such as Nidal Hassan are reduced to “disgruntled employees” acting out in “workplace violence.”  What should be demonized is the economic violence from the drop in median income of $2,627 since President Obama took office.  “Political terrorism” is when 27% of Blacks are in poverty and 25.6% of Hispanics have joined them.  “Legislative arson” is when the debt reaches $17 trillion this month, is projected to reach $23 trillion by 2017, and unfunded liabilities are estimated at $84 TRILLION!  THAT deserves demonization.  Equally unsettling is negotiating with terrorists (Iran) and leaving our men behind on the battlefield (Benghazi).  But that is what you get when you vote for the “fundamental transformation of America.”   Now you are finding out what that means.  Now who should be demonized? 

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