Monday, August 26, 2013

A Topsy Turvy World

By William L. Garvin

“No shirt, no shoes, no service”

“We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.”  Congress doesn’t have to represent their constituencies even though 61% of America oppose Obamacare’s individual mandate.  Lawyers don’t have to represent a prospective client.  Theaters don’t have to show films they don’t like.  Companies don’t have to introduce a new product.  Businesses have the ability to succeed or fail based on what they offer and who they seek as a customer base.  When I was denied entrance to a restaurant because I wasn’t wearing a coat and tie, I went to another restaurant.  When I was denied entrance to a night club because my date was wearing jeans, we went to another club.  That’s no longer the way of the world.


We see the trickledown effect of the federal government forcing employers, including religious institutions, to provide insurance that pays for abortion and contraception, even though it violates the owners’ religious beliefs or conscience.  In Washington, the state sued a florist who did not wish to provide flowers for a homosexual marriage.  In Oregon, the State Bureau of Labor and Industries is investigating a baker who did not wish to provide a cake for a lesbian wedding.  In Colorado, another homosexual couple sued another bakery for not providing them service.  In New Mexico, a photographer was sued for not wanting to shoot a lesbian commitment ceremony.  The couple secured another photographer and that should have ended the story.  It didn’t.  The couple took the matter to the New Mexico Human Rights Council and now the New Mexico Supreme Court has found a violation of the New Mexico “Human Rights Act.”   The photographer had to cough up nearly $7,000 in attorney fees for the plaintiff.  Will churches and pastors be the next targets?  This same New Mexico Supreme Court has also ruled that people who cannot speak English should be seated on juries and provided translators.  It’s a good thing that nothing will be lost in translation.


In similar fashion in California, the legislature has already passed bills that are sitting on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature.   They will allow non-citizens to sit on juries and act as poll watchers.  Earlier this month, the Governor signed a bill that affected the 6.2 million students in the California K-12 educational system.  The transgender student bill is a clarification of the Education Code and was passed along Democrat party lines.  Henceforth, all California public schools will now permit biological boys in girls’ restrooms, showers, clubs, and on girls’ sports teams and biological girls in boys’ restrooms, showers, clubs, and sports teams.”  It will be the student’s choice as to which gender he or she identifies with.  Early analysis shows no requirements for parental notification or prior counseling.  Again, it’s good that nothing will be lost in gender translation.


In 2009, South Africa’s Caster Semenya won the world title in the women’s 800 meters.  The 18-year-old was kept out of competition for 11 months while track and field’s governing body investigated her gender.  Such concerns will now be passé in California.  Are all the girl’s records now ready to be broken or will they simply be asterisked?  There are already prohibitions against human growth hormone and other performance enhancing drugs but how will girls compete with transgender boys who already boast the additional amounts of testosterone naturally?  Inquiring minds want to know.


Finally, now that “Soldier of Allah” Nidal Hasan has been convicted of thirteen premeditated murders and thirty-two attempted murders in the Fort Hood massacre, isn’t it time to clear up something else that has been lost in the translation.  It was never “workplace violence”; it was always a terrorist attack!  It is a stain on the United States Army, the Department of Defense, the Commander in Chief, and the United States of America that the survivors would have to file a lawsuit to get the medical benefits to which they feel entitled.  All those in the chain of command, the NSA and the FBI were derelict in their duties for not identifying this obvious extremist with his terrorist connections and for not protecting our service men and women from this monstrous zealot.  In your convoluted thinking, you have even denied them an award of a Purple Heart for the suffering they endured.  Mr. President, it’s time to do the right thing and turn this situation right side up.     

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