Monday, May 6, 2013

Crying in Their Liberal Beer

By William L. Garvin


“OMG! …Could it be? …Finally …It must be …Fantasy …is Reality … Catastrophe …blame Tea Party!”  Deep in the labyrinths of the liberal media mind, it is critical to make the dots and synapses connect to fit predetermined conclusions.  No hypothesis is suspect; no theorem is ill-founded; no syllogism is illogical if the conclusion fits their ideology.  Traditional journalistic principles take a back seat (if they are even allowed on the bus!) to the drumbeat of progressive propaganda.


Some have opined that the many mistakes made by the mainstream media in reporting on the Boston Marathon bombing emanated from the need to be first in the 24/7 news cycle.  There is a more primal and nefarious reason.  In the words of Chicago mayor and Democrat heavy hitter Rahm Emanuel: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."   The bombing crisis gave the progressive media mavens ample opportunity to conspire and contrive to influence the low information vote by massive disinformation.  The unvarnished truth is that they will go to any lengths and stoop to any low to disparage and impugn the character of any and every conservative voice or voter.


It’s not new.  Brian Ross of ABC News immediately and erroneously linked the Aurora Theater shooting to the Tea Party.  Janet Napolitano appeared to be more afraid of military veterans, pro-gun, pro-life, anti-illegal immigration or conservative Christian citizens than she was of Islamic extremists in her infamous 2009 memo.  Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Piers Morgan (two “Mouths that Roared”!), the Huffington Post and numerous mainstream journalists erroneously linked Sarah Palin and the Tea Party to the Gabby Giffords shooting.  At least Brian Ross apologized for his egregious errors.  Keith Olbermann (remember him?) should have made his own “worst person in the world” list for advocating ALL conservative talk show hosts be silenced.  Liberals will stand for anything but dissent.


But Boston takes the cake.  Before the smoke had even cleared, there was CNN’s “national security analyst” Peter Bergen intoning that “right wing extremism” could not be ruled out.  He also referenced “…right wing groups trying to attack…the Martin Luther King parade in Oregon in 2010.”  No such incident ever occurred but that’s beside the point.  MSNBC’s Chris (“The Human Car Wash”) Mathews spouted and spitted that “Normally domestic terrorists, people, tend to be on the far right.”  Excuse me?!  That’s the bile spewed by the Southern Poverty Law Center.  Not a single perpetrator at Aurora, Columbine, Newtown, Tucson, or Virginia Tech belonged to the Tea Party, the NRA or the Republican Party!  But hope springs eternal in the liberal mind.


“Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American,” pleaded Salon’s David Sirota.  Michael Moore immediately tweeted “Tax Day. Patriot’s Day.” in his usual misguided attempt to lay blame.  Making Moore their muse, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer picked up the theme and waxed eloquently on the battles at Lexington and Concord and the Revolutionary War while Anderson Cooper speculated that “Tax Day” was when federal income taxes were due and that may have played a role!  Marching in lock step, ABC and NBC reprised other April scenes of violence:  Columbine, Virginia Tech, Oklahoma City and Waco.  ABC referred to Oklahoma City and Waco as “right wing attacks.”  All were liberal “dog whistles” to slander conservatives.


Now that the bombers have been identified as radical jihadists (or members of “conservative Islam,” according to the Los Angeles Times!), every effort seems to be made to make excuses for the younger brother.  Mama Jihadi has been given far more television than her hateful histrionics deserve.  Apparently the venom and vituperation displayed by the networks early on, hoping against hope that they finally had their homegrown conservative act of violence, is fully dissipated.  Now, it’s “let’s not rush to conclusions.”  Now, the survivor is just a normal pot smoking college kid who was under the sway and influence of the dead older brother.  Have some sympathy and understanding.  What a shame.  Why oh why couldn’t he have been a Tea Party leader?  Life just isn’t fair.  Especially when you work in progressive media and have an agenda to promote.  Barkeep, another beer, please;  this one’s full of tears.

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