Monday, July 16, 2012

Felonious Assaults Against Logic

By William L. Garvin

So let me get this straight, the president who has ZERO business experience and whose staff is shockingly devoid of business knowledge or experience wants to focus on Mitt Romney’s business success?  Well, not exactly.  Stephanie Cutter, the president’s deputy campaign manager, prefers to charge that Romney is a felon rather than address the president’s failed economic policies.  It’s another blatant attempt to deflect and diffuse.

With forty-one straight months of unemployment over 8%, with real unemployment at 14.9%, with the labor participation rate being at an all time low, he needs to pretend there’s a smoking gun in Romney’s previous tax returns.  Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s former white house aide, continued the color inside the character assassination lines:  “Whatever is in there is far worse than the first year.”  As mayor of Chicago, one might surmise that “Dead Fish” Rahm is somewhat of an expert on felonies, murders, and cover-ups.  However, with an extension of the same “guilty until proven innocent” reasoning, how should we view the “executive privilege” refusal to provide the documentation of the “Fast and Furious” fiasco by the president, Eric Holder, and the Department of Justice?  There MUST be something terribly damning to the president and the attorney general that is “far worse” than what we already know!

In the president’s illogical world, all success is granted by government.  He said as much last Friday:  “If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."  Being a self-made multi-millionaire is a presidential crime if you’re the food stamp president.  Of course, it’s not a felony if you marry it like John Kerry or inherit it like John Kennedy…and you’re a democrat.  Keep throwing it against the wall…something might stick.  Romney should release his tax returns right after the president releases his college transcripts and the corrected version of his “composite” autobiography.

Then there’s the NAACP booing Mitt Romney for promising to repeal ObamaTax, aka ObamaCare.  Unlike the president, Romney showed up.  Who did the president send?  Joe Biden, the court jester and gaffe master supreme.  If you’re into imagining insults (as they are), there’s one right there.  Of course Eric Holder also showed up to illogically equate voter identification with poll taxes.  Ironically, the NAACP required identification to gain access to their conference.  With his obsessive need to sue sovereign states, Holder is doing all he can to keep Florida from purging dead people from their rolls.  As Obama, Emanuel, Axelrod, Daley, et al from the Chicago political scene knows, the dead can rise from their graves…to vote early and vote often!

Then there’s the outrage manifested by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid over the USA Olympic team uniforms being made in China.  He wants to gather them up, put them in a pile and “burn them.”  Now he could have been outraged that we have the highest corporate tax rates in the world.  He could have been outraged that the Obama anti-business policies are driving manufacturing business out of the country.  He could have been outraged that Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric and Obama job czar, is moving their x-ray division from Michigan to China.  He could have been outraged that GE paid no corporate taxes.  He could have been outraged that the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge is being made with steel from China.

He could be outraged about the General Motors manufacturing plants in China, Spain, Venezuela, Russia, South Africa, France, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Argentina, Thailand, Australia, Ecuador, Japan, India, South Korea, England, Vietnam, Poland, or Egypt.  He could be outraged that the president’s budget couldn’t get a single democrat vote.  He could be outraged that he hasn’t passed a budget in three years.  He could be outraged that the president unilaterally gutted the bipartisan Welfare Reform Act signed by Bill Clinton.  He could be outraged that the Navy is spending $26 per gallon for biofuels instead of $3.60 at a time when the military budget is being cut $500 million.

He could be outraged about Egyptians throwing shoes and tomatoes at the Secretary of State.  He could be outraged about Iran being appointed to the United Nations Committee on the Status of Women.  But no…he chooses to wax apoplectic about Olympic team uniform manufacturers even though they receive no taxpayer dollars.  I suppose that’s actually an improvement.  At least he’s no longer fixated on cowboy poetry, college football playoffs, steroid use or bad boxing decisions.

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