Monday, June 4, 2012

Dems Double Down on Dumb

By William L. Garvin

One of the more memorable characters to emerge from the Seinfeld television series was the “Soup Nazi.”  His catchphrase was the infamous “No soup for you!”  Apparently, he made quite an impression on the mayor of New York who is doing his best to be the self-appointed “Soda Nazi” and declare “No large sodas for you!”  New Big Apple rules prohibit soft drinks larger than sixteen ounces being served in restaurants.  Sixty-five percent oppose the Soda Nazi intervention but to the omniscient nanny-state, no detail is too small to escape government intervention and regulation.  Meanwhile, New York City is $75 billion in debt.  There are those who continue to strain at gnats while swallowing camels!

Another example of obsessive belief in inherent government superiority is California with Governor Jerry Brown’s irrational and fiscally irresponsible “Bullet Train to Nowhere.”  This green fiasco is also supported by President Obama.  By now, you should know that the estimated costs of the project have doubled to nearly $100 billion dollars and will probably not be completed until 2033.  In addition, fifty-nine percent of the voters would vote against it if they had a do over.  So, do the servants of the people recognize that times have changed and consent to the will of the people?  Not on your life.  In their infinite governmental wisdom, it’s damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead.  Stand aside you ignorant unwashed masses and submit to the will of your superior government masters.

Furthermore, Emperor Brown now declares that he will “fast track” the project by “easing legal scrutiny under the state’s landmark environmental law.”  Critics of the rail project say all the projected ridership data is radically overstated but the facts don’t deter governmental leaders who are so sure of their righteous course.  Never mind that these governmental rulers are the ones who have pursued the same irresponsible fiscal course as their European counterparts and who have failed to curb any of their Grecian Formula spending binges.  Honestly now, how many people do you think will drive the eighty-five miles from Los Angeles to Victorville (about an hour and a half on a good day) to catch a train?  Dumb and double dumber!

But the height of doubling down on dumb is the presidential assault on Bain Capital and private sector venture capital.  First of all, Bain Capital used their own money; they were not using taxpayer monies.  Secondly, the Obama GST Steel commercial makes no reference to the steel workers strike, the fact that they would have gone under years before without Bain Capital intervention, or the fact that Mitt Romney was off running the Winter Olympics when GST went into bankruptcy.  No wonder Democrat Cory Booker called the ad “nauseating.”  Additionally, Jonathan Lavine (an Obama bundler for more than $100 thousand) was a Bain principal in 1999, and apparently bears no responsibility but Romney, who had already departed, is somehow culpable.  Even Bill Clinton admitted that Romney had a “stellar business career.”

It is also worth noting that Governor Romney graduated with an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School in 1975 (in the top five percent of his class) and simultaneously graduated (cum laude) from Harvard Law School.  When he became CEO of the Salt Lake Winter Olympics, he not only refused a salary but he also contributed $1 million of his own money to the cause.

According to both ABC and CBS News, President Obama’s “green gamble” (WITH TAXPAYER MONEY!) has not been nearly as successful as Bain Capital.  The infamous Solyndra has been joined in bankruptcy ranks by Ener1, Beacon Power, Solar Trust, Evergreen Solar, SpectraWatt, Mountain Plaza, Eastern Energy, First Solar, and Nevada Geothermal.  What’s even worse is that many of these taxpayer subsidized companies paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars in bonuses to executives just before declaring bankruptcy.

Meanwhile, the stock market tanks after an abysmal May jobs report.  Predictably, the “glowing” March and April figures were also revised downward.  Unemployment ticked back up even though millions of workers have given up and left the work force.  We suffered thirty-six more U.S. casualties in Afghanistan in May, the worst month of the year.  The national debt is now at $15.8 trillion and 43 of the most influential Catholic institutions have filed lawsuits against the government.  These are real problems that need real leadership but the President’s campaign talks about nothing but Bain.  That’s doubling down on dumb!

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