Saturday, March 17, 2012

Teachable Moments for VERY Slow Learners

By William L. Garvin

It appears as if the left got more than they bargained for when they teed off on Rush Limbaugh for his comments about Sandra Fluke. While they had every right to be upset, it ended up spotlighting their “double standard” and bringing their hypocrisy into full public view. That isn’t another tornado touching down, that’s just the radical left in full media spin trying to cover their duplicitous tracks.

It’s quite comical watching the card carrying corps of Kool-Ade quaffers trying to deflect attention from the economic failures of this Administration. After all, it is this President’s policies that have already bloated the federal debt from $10.6 trillion to $15.5 trillion with no “silver bullet” on the horizon. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office just said the promised ObamaCare cost of $900 million will easily balloon to $1.76 trillion and the President’s policies will add several additional trillions to the debt! The latest ABC/NY Times poll showed more people disapproving than approving of the President overall and in every single area—the economy, the deficit, gasoline prices, energy, and even his incomprehensible foreign policy. Please explain the “Obama Doctrine.” You can’t.

Also remember that it‘s this Administration’s “war on women” that cut $500 billion from Medicare and Medicaid and wanted to restrict mammograms. It‘s this Administration’s proposal to increase health care costs for active duty and retired military veterans. It‘s this Administration’s policy to throw countless taxpayer millions down a green energy sinkhole populated by campaign bundlers. It‘s this Administration’s policies that resulted in more than one million workers dropping out of the labor force last month. The Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics only recorded a 63.7% civilian labor force participation rate--a 30-year low! Additionally, the Congressional Budget Office forecasts (in a January report) that unemployment will likely increase not only this year but also in 2013. However, their “wag the dog” strategy, their smoke and mirrors, their red herrings, their “nothing up my sleeve” attempts at prestidigitation have failed miserably.

Every rational brain knew that Sandra Fluke was totally unqualified to testify on church-state issues. Her self-indulgent testimony before the flim-flam hearing concocted by Nancy Pelosi resulted in unintended consequences. Sure Limbaugh was wrong but the liberal “outrage” only served to remind everyone of the vile, vicious, and obscene slurs the liberal left continually hurled at Sarah Palin and other conservative women. These newly sensitized protectorates of womanhood were thunderously silent when Bill Maher, the equally foul mouthed Louis C.K., and Letterman voiced their adolescent angst in their crude pre-pubescent “jokes.” By any standard of moral decency, these “men” represented the lowest of the low. Yet the leadership of N.O.W. stood silent. Pelosi stood silent. Reid stood silent. President Obama stood silent. When it’s one of their own, suddenly they are brave new warriors. Their blatant hypocrisy backfired and the President’s poll numbers continue to fall. That’s why he MUST continue his full-time fundraising (on the taxpayers’ dime!). That’s why he doesn’t return the million dollar donation of the supercilious Maher’s “dirty money.”
Kirsten Powers is one of the few Democrats that gets it. She wrote in her Daily Beast column: “Did you know there is a war on women? Yes, it’s true. Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Matt Taibbi, and Ed Schultz have been waging it for years with their misogynist outbursts. There have been boycotts by people on the left who are outraged that these guys still have jobs. Oh, wait. Sorry, that never happened.” She went on to observe that “After all, if Limbaugh’s outburst is part of the “war on women,” then what is the routine misogyny of liberal media men?...It’s time for some equal-opportunity accountability.”
David Axelrod, the President’s Chicago mouthpiece, did cancel his appearance on Maher’s propaganda program and the Radio and Television Correspondents have dropped Louis C.K as their dinner’s featured speaker. However, the Alabama Democratic Party still scheduled the misogynistic Maher for a fundraiser. So much for Democrats being leaders in civility. So much for setting the example and the record straight. It could have been a teachable moment but some people are just too dumb to learn.

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