Monday, November 28, 2011

Bovine Scatology and Demonic Drivel

By William L. Garvin

“Republicans want dirty air and dirty water,” according to the Campaigner-in-Chief. “Republicans want the bridges to fall down,” according to Mad Maxine Waters. “Republicans just want to protect their rich Wall Street buddies.” Why is it that no one in the media calls Democrats on these idiotic statements?

Simply put, it’s because most of them are liberals and want Democrats to win. That’s why we get selective and biased reporting. Why does no one remember or care to accurately report that the Bush tax cuts were for everyone, not just the rich? Sure, the top tax bracket was cut from $39.6% to $35% (an 11.6% cut) but all the other brackets were cut as well. The lowest bracket dropped all the way from $15% to 10% (a 33 1/3% cut!). Let’s not forget that nearly fifty percent of wage earners pay no income taxes at all. However, many of them also manage to receive federal rebates from other working taxpayers.

Along these lines, if you want to see another government program that is rife with abuse, check out the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. A report by the Treasury Department’s Inspector General for Tax Administration found that millions of people may have improperly received Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers from the IRS that could be used to fraudulently claim tax refunds. “TIGTA reported that ITIN filers are receiving billions of dollars in Additional Child Tax Credits intended for working families even though such individuals are not authorized to work in the U.S. In its report, TIGTA also found that the IRS has not implemented controls to prevent ITINs from being used by more than one taxpayer on multiple tax returns,” according to WebCPA.

Now, back to the deliberate disinformation doled out by the Dems and their devoted divas in the media. Did revenues actually drop when the Bush tax cuts were implemented? No, they increased just as they did when Kennedy and Reagan cut taxes. Following the Bush tax cuts, revenues were $1.88 trillion in 2004; in 2005, they were $2.15 trillion; in 2006, they were $2.4 trillion; and in 2007, they reached an all time high at $2.6 trillion! The Republican House still controlled the budget so that’s why the federal deficit then was just $161 billion dollars that year. Since then, President Obama has presided over a Democrat dominated Congress that has not only failed to pass a budget but has shattered the trillion dollar per year deficit ceiling and has done it for three straight years! The national debt increased $4.9 trillion dollars during the eight-year Bush presidency. When Barack Obama took office, the debt stood at $10.6 trillion. Now, less than four years later, it is already over $15 trillion and he wants $447 billion more! If he gets his so called Jobs Bill passed, more than one-third of the entire national debt will be incurred during his first four years in the White House.

Republicans now control the House of Representatives for the first time since 2007, and has passed a budget that will cut $4.4 trillion in spending. Democrat Harry Reid refuses to allow it to come to a vote in the Senate. Republican Mitch McConnell has asked for the Jobs Bill to come to the floor of the Senate for a vote. Democrat Harry Reid refuses to allow it. Not only did Harry have to introduce the bill himself, he still has no cosponsors for the mini-me version of the disastrous Stimulus Bill. It’s the same old story: Democrats stall but blame the Republicans and the media goes along with the sham and scam, the bovine scatology.

History shows that when Reagan raised taxes, Democrats promised to cut spending. They didn’t. When George H.W. Bush raised taxes, Democrats promised to cut spending. They didn’t. When Republicans agreed to the increase in the debt ceiling, Democrats promised to cut spending. They haven’t. Now they want to raise taxes and promise to cut spending in the future. They won’t. They still promise to give “everything to everybody.” They’re still drinking champagne out of your beer budget. It makes their drivel easier to swallow.

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