Monday, September 26, 2011

Attacks and Buffets

By William L. Garvin
It was very disconcerting to hear the President exhorting his acolytes that “if you love me, help me pass this bill,” while on the campaign trail. “If you respect me,” that’s one thing. “If you think this is good for America,” that’s another. Of course, “if you think this time we will actually create jobs,” would have been best of all. Instead he forsook rational and logical approaches and appealed to unadulterated, basic emotion…”if you love me.” Psychologists might opine that a narcissist would presume the answer is “of course I love you!” and flood the Democrat and Republican representatives’ offices with demands to pass the American Jobs Bill. It’s not happening.

Maybe it’s because Gallup found that only 40% of the populace think that “Son of Stimulus” and its $447 billion price tag will actually reduce unemployment. If you break it down, the numbers in the middle are pretty devastating for the President. In 2008, Senator Obama carried 52% of the independent vote; currently, only 21% of independents say they will vote for him. When 66% of independents say they disapprove of how he is “handling” the economy, the only reasonable translation is “one-term president.” It will be the Battle of the Independent Bulge in the middle of the political spectrum that will spell doom for the President and they’re showing him no love!

Conservatives who believe the federal government is entitled to only the limited and enumerated powers listed in the Constitution, who believe in fiscal responsibility, who know that free market capitalism is far superior to Ivy League eggheads and their centralized planning, will never vote for someone with this President’s disastrous economic record. Leftist liberals will gnash their teeth because we don’t already have socialized medicine and wail that he doesn’t go far enough in his plans to “redistribute the wealth” and provide “womb to tomb government security” but they will vote for him anyway. The American Communist Party (CPUSA) may call for a third party to represent “the people” but they still endorsed President Obama for four more years. The only way they would pull their endorsement is if Van Jones announced his candidacy. Chances are, they’ll just stay home and pout.

In a desperate effort to shore up feeble poll numbers, Obama for America launched a new website so that anyone who wasn’t “showing some love” to the Anointed One would be reported. James Carville, the Ragin’ Cajun Democrat strategist, should have been the first to be listed. He said it was time for the President to “panic!” Then there are all those darned Tea Partiers in Florida who voted Herman Cain as the winner in the straw poll. They probably voted for a black man just to prove they weren’t racist…it couldn’t be sincere. Of course they are the same ones who voted Lt. Colonel Allen West into the House of Representatives, but that’s probably just another coincidence. Oh yes, the Congressional Black Caucus should also be reported because they are complaining about the devastating unemployment among black youth and the President not visiting any of their minority districts. Now if they had some money for campaign donations….

Speaking of money, Warren Buffet has got billions but to hear him talk, nobody will let him pay more in taxes. Here’s how you do it, Warren. First, stop fighting the loopholes you’ve been trying to exploit for the last ten years and pony up the billion in taxes your company owes. Second, pay yourself a salary so you can be taxed at the top rate instead of giving yourself tons of stock options and living off dividends that are taxed at a lower rate. Third, pay your secretary more so she moves into a higher tax bracket or start paying her in stocks so she can be taxed at a lower rate. Fourth, just write a check payable to “United States Treasury”! Fifth, you and the President should stop itemizing your charitable contributions. You can give out of the goodness of your heart without considering economic benefits and place yourself in the position of paying more taxes at the same time. Until you do that, you should be reported to AttackWatch…along with people who tear the tags off their pillows and mattresses.

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