Monday, December 20, 2010

The Purpose of Procrastination Politics

By William L. Garvin
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Chicken Little

“Everybody panic! Doom is upon us! Quick, we have to do something! Rush this bill through or government will have to shut down! People will be dying in the streets! More pork! More pork! More pork!” Horse feathers! You can’t make silk purses out of sow’s earmarks. This is nothing more than a carefully choreographed crisis to cover up continuing congressional corpulence. President Obama is an unindicted co-conspirator.

Keep in mind that Democrats Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi took charge of Congress in January, 2007. They added Democrat President Obama to their reign of the 111th Congress in January, 2009. They have known for four years that the largest tax hike in history was scheduled to occur in January, 2011. Yet for four years they not only did nothing, they continually trumpeted the need for increases in taxes. Apparently they have experienced a Road to Damascus conversion and now recognize that tax increases stymie not stimulate economic growth.

Expect their new economic faith to be short lived. Evidence of their lack of conviction is that the tax rates will remain the same for only two years. They have every intention of raising rates as soon as they can. The President has said exactly that. Since that’s too far away, the radical Dems continued their anti-business and “hate the rich” class warfare rhetoric in an unusually bombastic and profane fashion. They seemingly delighted in throwing their obscene f-bombs in the President’s direction as well as at the accursed well to do. Curiously, the NAACP seemed totally unaware of these latest vestiges of Democrat racism. Likewise, the ACLU failed to show and challenge these verbal assaults. Maybe all their lawyers were tied up threatening school principals for allowing Christmas trees in their buildings. The horror! Eric Holder and the Department of Justice were likewise unable to respond because they were too busy suing a school principal for denying a vacation request to a teacher. The school said the request was “unrelated to her professional duties” but Holder is certain it’s because she is a Muslim. Step aside union, here comes the Attorney General to the rescue!

The next exhibit is the typical middle of the night vote. Just as with the health care travesty, the blood sucking vampires are more comfortable at midnight when the pork is less visible to the light of day or the taxpayer eye. The left was incensed that they will not be able to bleed estates over $1 million to the tune of 55%. They only got a death tax of 35% for estates over $5 million. The question remains: why should they get anything at all? If you work hard, pay your taxes, save and accumulate wealth, why shouldn’t it all go to whoever you deem fit? It’s your money, it’s your property; it is not the government’s! Certainly the death panels would never hasten one’s demise in order for the government to get its death tax and pound of newly deceased flesh in a more expeditious fashion…would they?

The next chapter in the leftist book of insanity was another of the Democrats 2,000 page Porkulus bills filled with over 6,600 earmarks! Harry Reid brought it to the floor of the Senate before anyone had a chance to read it (or the 1,000 page explanatory abstract was even written) and expected the public to swallow it. Were it not for the public outcry reminding both parties of the message of November, the Democrats would have rammed it through and added another $1.1 TRILLION to the national debt.

Rumor has it that it is the President who sets the agenda for the legislative branch. If so, the President has forgotten all his campaign speeches that were castigating pork and his promises to veto any bill that contained earmarks. If he’s not suffering from amnesia, then the Harry and Nancy Show has become an independent production and no longer listens to the President. Is it possible the President is incapable of controlling his own party? Obviously, none of these major Democrat players are listening to the American people. Procrastination politics is just another artificial crisis for Democrats to tax, borrow and spend. America deserves better.

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