Friday, August 27, 2010

The Revenge of the Losers

By William L. Garvin

"We the people" tell the government what to do, it doesn't tell us. "We the people" are the driver, the government is the car. And we decide where it should go, and by what route, and how fast. Almost all the world's constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which "We the people" tell the government what it is allowed to do. "We the people” are free. Ronald Reagan

At this stage of the end game, it doesn’t matter where President Obama was born. It doesn’t matter whether he is a Muslim or a Christian. It doesn’t matter whether or not the Ground Zero Mosque is built. It doesn’t matter whether or not Maxine Waters and Charlie Rangel are convicted on their ethics charges. What does matter is how much more damage the Obama-Reid-Pelosi machine can do to our country before they are voted out of power.

Bill Clinton danced into presidential power to the tune of a one note samba “it’s the economy, stupid!” Our current gaffe a minute Vice President said this Administration would “focus like a laser” on that “three letter word…jobs!” Despite his blinding grasp of the obvious (and obvious gift for malapropisms), our current economy is in a shambles under the inflexible rule of this Administration. What started out as a regressive approach to our free market economy quickly became punitive and has now become destructive.

Housing sales just dove off the cliff with a 27% drop which is the worst on record. New home sales are also among the worst. True to form, the Administration saw it as “unexpected.” They never seem to see bad news coming but what would you expect once the government handouts ended? The same thing happened to new car sales once the “cash for clunkers” fiasco ended. The same thing will happen to the states once the $26 billion bribe for teacher votes ends next year.

They either never saw or didn’t care about the thousands of unemployed oil workers in the Gulf when they imposed the sweeping and arbitrary drilling moratorium. One would deem it prudent for the workers’ sake to implement an immediate emergency inspection program so those rigs that are worthy could resume production. It hasn’t happened. Due to their inordinate bureaucratic delays, two of the deep water rigs have packed up and sailed off to foreign shores. Don’t expect them to come back any time soon but do expect other rigs to follow their lead.

VP Biden is off on his flop of a “Summer of Recovery” tour touting the millions of jobs “created or saved” and now “lives touched” because of the Stimulus Bill. Those are newly invented yardsticks designed to deceive and judging by the President’s poll numbers, “we the people” aren’t buying it. Of course he can’t explain how he is going to insure 20 million new people at no additional cost. Of course he can’t explain why 48 of 50 states have LOST jobs since the bill was passed if their policies are working the way it was intended. Of course, he can’t explain why we can’t get below 9.5% unemployment. Of course, he can’t explain why their economic policies resulted in initial jobless claims rising to 500,000 just last week. Of course, he can’t explain why there are 4.75 million workers receiving Emergency Unemployment Compensation because their benefits have expired. Of course, he can’t even explain to his own Democrat Senator Michael Bennett who pointed out “We have acquired $13 trillion dollars of debt” and ”in my view we have nothing to show for it.”

Will this spending insanity ever end? Not if the President can help it. Representative Tom Price introduced a resolution to prevent further destruction to our economy and our American way of life in Congress’s “lame duck session.” It was defeated by Democrats 236-163 along party lines. In other words, our current representatives in Washington, aka the “Ruling Class”, intend to ignore the will of the people in November and cram even more destructive and unpopular policies down the throat of “We the People”! We should be very afraid of the “Revenge of the Losers”!

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