Tuesday, April 13, 2010

“Quit Making Things Up!”

By William L. Garvin

In the topsy turvy world of Washington, D.C., it is increasingly difficult to tell which end is up. That is particularly true in the case of Representative Hank Johnson, a Democrat from Georgia, who worried that the deployment of 8,000 Marines might cause the island to “tip over and capsize.” If he was under the influence of some substance, he should not have been conducting the People’s business; if he was not under the influence of some substance, then he is frighteningly uninformed and should not be conducting the People’s business!
We also saw Representative Maxine Waters from Los Angeles lecturing on civility. This is akin to Representative Barney Frank lecturing on the soundness of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, which of course both he and Ms. Waters did. In any event, Ms. Waters, the “Queen of Shrill” and a leading contender for Leona Helmsley’s “Queen of Mean” title, chose to continue using the sexually derogatory term “tea baggers” on the House floor in describing the health care protesters. Maybe her ill temper is because she’s married to one of those mean, nasty bankers whose two banks have prospered handsomely under this administration.
She was joined on the House floor in her uncivil choice of language by Representative Tim Ryan, a Democrat from Ohio, who referred to the “tea bagger protesters” and in the next breath denounced “derogatory language.” He also alleged that he heard the aforementioned Representative Frank called a homosexual slur as he walked with him to the Capitol. Unfortunately, according to San Francisco Examiner.com, at least three videos of the event show that Rep. Ryan was nowhere in the vicinity! Not quite finished, Ryan then condemned the racial slurs directed at Congressman John Lewis. The only problem is CNN videoed his entire walk and it didn’t happen! Neither did the chanting of “the n-word at least 10-15 times.” Why don’t you quit making things up?
Let’s not forget “Spitgate” and the allegation that Representative Emmanuel Cleaver was spit upon. The video clearly shows a protestor with his hands closely cupped around his mouth, a rather unusual spitting posture, at the time the crowd was chanting “kill the bill.” According to the Washington Post, "The congressman was walking into the Capitol to vote, when one protester spat on him. The congressman would like to thank the U.S. Capitol Police officer who quickly escorted the other Members and him into the Capitol, and defused the tense situation with professionalism and care," said Danny Rotert, a spokesman for Cleaver. Videos clearly show a uniformed police officer walking by his side at the time of the incident and she took no action, detained no one, made no arrest, and filed no report.
It looks more like a “say it don’t spray it” moment than anything else. In fact, Congressman Cleaver has not commented publicly to the media other than to backtrack on his office’s statement. However, in a televised interview with his home city television station, he afforded the incident may have been “an honest mistake.” This interview and admission has not been widely reported. To those who continue to spout unproven allegations as fact, why don’t you quit making things up?
What isn’t made up are the photos of a sign at an Obama campaign rally in Denver on 10/26/08 showing President Bush being beheaded by a guillotine. No one protested when Sarah Palin was hung in effigy. As for the anti-war protests, how about the”Bush is the only dope worth shooting” and “Bush is the disease, death is the cure” signs on March 25, 2008. Earlier protest signs in San Francisco included “Death to extremist Christian terrorists, Pig Bush” and “Death to #1 Terrorist Bush and his sheep.”
What about the thirty-odd demonstrators from SEIU in Searchlight, Nevada who deliberately misdirected traffic to the Tea Party assembly. They then threw eggs at a Tea Party bus and reported to the police that a conservative had thrown the eggs. Unfortunately for them, the conservative was Andrew Breitbart who films everything. When the police approached him, it was very easy to show them the film and proof of who the real culprit was. Breitbart has also offered a $10,000 reward for any video proof that the incidents involving Lewis, Cleaver, or Frank actually occurred. Despite all the media cameras, the ubiquitous cell phone cameras, and Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. filming the entire procession, the reward remains unclaimed. Quit making things up!
It is clear that liberals and leftists have lost the battle for America’s support of this administration’s radical agenda. The tactic of demonizing the resistance, telling the big lie, and repeating it over and over is straight out of the Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook. Also watch for leftists and radicals trying to infiltrate the Tea Party and health care protest movement. They will engage in unseemly behavior and try to disappear. If you can’t get away with making things up, you can always manufacture them!

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