Friday, July 5, 2019

Not Above the Law?

Recently the Left has been bleating that “no one is above the law, not even the president.”  Really?  Why do we have members of Congress guilty of sexual harassment who get to use taxpayer money to settle their cases and remain in office with anonymity?  Why was Occupy Wall Street able to destroy public and private property with impunity?  Why was Black Lives Matter given “space” to express themselves by rioting, burning, and looting Baltimore?  Why did the San Jose police stand by impotently as street thugs threw eggs and other missiles, tore up signs, and sucker punched people attending a Trump campaign rally?  Why are sanctuary cities and states allowed to not only offer “safe space” to illegal immigrants (criminal and non-criminal) but to actively interfere with federal law enforcement officials and prevent them from carrying out their legal responsibilities?

Why is it that Hillary Clinton and James Comey can play fast and loose with classified information, release it to the media, and even delete subpoenaed documents yet not even get a slap on the wrist?  Why is it that liberal college students are allowed to harass, interrupt, threaten and even shut down conservative speakers?  Santa Clara University denied club status and access to funding for Young Americans for Freedom because ”…bringing conservative speakers to the California campus—would contribute to an unsafe climate for marginalized students.”

Finally, Antifa (a classic domestic terrorist organization!) not only trashes the city of Portland but also assaults and brutalizes anyone who does not conform to their “direct action,” i.e., violent creed and tactics.  In a Baltimore, Oakland, Berkeley, San Jose déjà vu, Portland police are spectators at best and unable or unwilling to protect life and property.  Don’t be surprised when citizens begin to defend themselves against the lawless!