Monday, July 27, 2015

Quick, Kill the Messenger!

By William L. Garvin

The “media moth” simply cannot resist “The Donald” flame.  But rather than deal with the substance of his message, it is more important to assuage bruised feelings of a hypersensitive population.  Trump, whose “tone” was far less callous than Planned Parenthood, said that there was a crime problem stemming from ILLEGAL aliens.    “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best…They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them.  They’re bringing drugs.  They’re bringing crime.  They’re rapists.  And some, I assume, are good people.”  Guess who agrees with him?  The FBI!

In its 79-page National Gang Report published in 2013, the FBI documented that gang membership in the Southwestern border regions consisted of up to 80% ILLEGAL aliens and were responsible for “…drug related crimes, weapons trafficking, alien smuggling, human trafficking, prostitution, extortion, robbery, auto theft, assault, homicide, racketeering, and money laundering….Hispanic gangs, such as MS-13, the Eme, Surenos, and TB continue to pose a significant threat to the Southwest border region.”  If you didn’t know that in the 36,000 ILLEGAL immigrants released back onto the streets by the Obama administration there were 116 murderers, 43 convicted of negligent manslaughter and 14 convicted of voluntary manslaughter, it’s because the media and the government buried the story after making sure there was no messenger.

Meanwhile, Democrat presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley claims that “black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter” and gets booed by leftists.  That’s not surprising since Democrats booed God when He was mentioned in their platform at their convention.  Anyhow, O’Malley showed zero intestinal fortitude and actually apologized for saying “white lives matter and all lives matter.”  However, that doesn’t hold a candle to Hillary Clinton, the leading Democrat for president who said and then tweeted: “I’m not asking you to vote for me because I’m a woman.  Vote on the merits.  And I think one of the merits is, I am a woman.”  This is reminiscent of the aborted Obama campaign slogan: “Vote like your lady parts depend on it.”  In any event, the more Hillary is on the campaign trail, the lower her poll numbers fall.  She is unable to win hearts and minds and the incessant tsunami of scandals never ends.  Even the State Department Inspector General has recommended that a criminal investigation be launched.  Don’t expect anything to happen with this Department of Justice and we will probably never hear from that IG again!

Another message that has been buried is Susan Rice’s interview with Wolf Blitzer.  You remember Susan don’t you?  She’s the one who shamelessly broadcast Hillary’s canard that the Benghazi massacre was caused by a YouTube video.  On CNN in her interview with Wolf Blitzer Rice confirmed that there will be NO Americans involved in the inspections of the Iranian nuclear facilities.  Only countries that have “full diplomatic relations” with Iran will be on the IAEA inspection teams.  “There are not going to be independent American inspectors separate from the IAEA,” said Rice.  “The IAEA will do the inspections on behalf of the United States and the rest of the international community.”  Israel and the USA can rest assured that this administration doesn’t negotiate with terrorists; instead it capitulates to terrorists!

Also remember that the filmmaker who made the Hillary Benghazi scapegoat video was promptly jailed by the Obama administration.  Dinesh D’Souza also made a film critical of President Obama and was promptly prosecuted and jailed for a rather pedestrian campaign violation.  The administration has failed to cooperate with investigations about the IRS harassment and persecution of conservative organizations prior to the last election.  Now that videos have surfaced showing Planned Parenthood bargaining over butchered baby parts like an unsavory used car salesman, the maker of the videos (Center for Medical Progress) is going to be investigated by Democrat senatorial hopeful and California Attorney General Kamala Harris.  Loretta Lynch, the US Attorney General says she will also be looking into it.  Isn’t it pathetic that PP is so interested in saving and selling body parts of aborted babies but is not interested in saving the lives of those babies?  Anyone who believes that the recorded negotiations were just about the costs associated with storing and transporting the “parts” should not be allowed out without a guardian.

Leftists love to complain about “corporate welfare” and “crony capitalism” but have no problems funding the war on innocent, unborn lives.  It’s time to stop using taxpayer money to pay for Planned Parenthood and their barbaric practices.

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