Monday, August 3, 2015

Not Found in the News

By William L. Garvin
“The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion, which is war against the child.  The mother doesn’t learn to love, but learns to kill to solve her own problems.  Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.”  Mother Teresa

Now that the Democrats have successfully avoided the effort to defund the barbaric practices of Planned Parenthood, it might be wise to see how they are bought and paid for.  After all, this is the party that continually screams about “crony capitalism” and “big money” polluting the political process.  According to the Federal Elections Commission, in the 2014 election campaign, Planned Parenthood contributed $404,907 to Democrat House candidates on the federal level.  They doled out a measly $2,823 to Republicans.  In the Senate, they dumped $181,188 into Democrat coffers and ZERO into Republicans.  No wonder year after year after year Democrats vote to give over $500 million of taxpayer money to PP because “other people’s money” can be funneled back into their own pockets.

It was a blessing in disguise for PP to have Cecil the Lion foolishly killed for sport by an American hunter.  In less than a day, mainstream media gave Cecil more coverage than PP’s sale of baby body parts had received in over two weeks!  Also curiously absent from media scrutiny was Boko Haram slitting the throats of sixteen Christians on the shores of Lake Chad.  A Google search listed 296,000 hits for the latest slaughter by Islamic extremists but 26 MILLION for the martyred lion.  If you use that as a guide, Christian lives don’t matter and baby lives don’t matter.  Those are pathetic media priorities.

Also not-newsworthy, some time back Dan Price of Gravity Payments received a great deal of publicity by deciding that all of his employees should receive $70,000 as an annual salary.  Since then, there isn’t much news about his company downfall and him living in his garage and renting out his house to make ends meet.  Economic reality is brutal when ill advised actions occur in the real world.  Some employees resented that newbies got larger raises than those who had been around awhile and demonstrated their worth and loyalty.  Clients and good employees left.  One said he was being paid the same as those who were “just clocking in and out…It shackles high performers to less motivated team members.”  That’s socialism for you in a nutshell.

Speaking of socialism, apparently Debbie Wassermann-Schultz, chair of the Democratic National Committee, needs to do some brushing up.  When asked by Chris Mathews (surprisingly!) to explain the difference between socialism and Democrats, she was tongue-tied.  Four days later on “Meet the Press,” she still didn’t have a coherent answer.  Is it because she doesn’t know?  Is it because she doesn’t want to alienate socialist voters?  Or is it because there is really no difference between socialists and today’s progressive Democrats?  Certainly with increasing regulatory intrusion into the workings of private businesses and government’s increasing control over large swathes of the economy, a case could be made for the latter.  President Obama’s latest battle in his war against coal certainly adds fuel to that fire.  One could only hope that he would be as successful in his efforts to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as he is in his efforts to “degrade and destroy” the coal industry!

Another harbinger of things to come is proposed by the California legislature in Assembly Bill 69.  Democrat leaders hope to “confront the hostile environment” that workers face every day by being “stratified in their careers.”  Therefore, it is henceforth verboten to use such oppressive terms as “”supervisor, manager, overseer, team leader, leader, producer, director, controller, chair, boss, captain, head person, head honcho, authority, chief, chairperson, chairman, partner, inspector or any other term that may create a perception of inequity…”  Guidelines provided suggest more appropriate terms would include “buddy, comrade, crony, compatriot, chum, confidante, friend, mate, or colleague.”  Given that state law has already removed “husband” and “wife” and replaced them with “spouse,” it’s to be expected.  You can also expect that soon your chum will not be allowed to evaluate your performance.  Your colleague will not be allowed to direct your activities.  Your compatriot will not be allowed to determine your salary.  Your buddy will not be allowed to terminate your services.  Yes, comrade, it is indeed becoming a brave new world…but that’s not news!        

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