Thursday, July 16, 2015

Inmates Running Asylums

By William L. Garvin

Trigger Warning:  The following material is not suitable for politically correct, offense seeking, grievance industry, illiberal leftists, or close-minded, name calling cyber-bullies.  Proceed at your own risk!

Once again, the Obama administration maintains its impressive record of negotiations failure.  Hillary’s hilarious “reset” button with Russia resulted in getting our pockets picked with the START treaty.  Pledging “no American left behind,” we traded five top level Taliban prisoners for an American deserter.  So much for not negotiating with terrorists!  (And has anyone noticed that “Sergeant” Bo Bergdahl STILL has not received his Article 32 hearing let alone his court martial?)  Cuba ceded nothing towards curbing their human rights abuses and now the president is crowing about a treaty with the number one state sponsor of terrorism, Iran.

Iran has a forty-year history of lying and cheating regarding their nuclear program and avoiding UN and IAEA inspections.  John Kerry’s goal of “anytime, anywhere” inspections disappeared faster than his military medals.  Four Americans in Iranian prisons are still there despite being President Obama’s “top priority.”  Of course, that was not included in the negotiations because it would have “complicated” the nuclear issues.  Surprisingly, Iranian demands for relief from the conventional arms embargo (on which Kerry caved!) proved no such complication.  Releasing the $100 billion in frozen assets and removing sanctions to boost their oil economy will soon result in Iran being awash in terrorist cash.  They have millions chanting “death to Israel” and “death to America” but we are assured that they don’t really mean it.  Both Kerry and the President say the only alternative was war.  Really?  Wouldn’t “Negotiations 101” have pointed out that ratcheting up sanctions and cutting off the black market oil trading might have been a good intermediate step?  Or you could have supported the Green Revolution.  Or you could have sent a competent negotiator to the table.  But you didn’t.

Meanwhile, here at home, we have 276 “sanctuary cities” in 43 states that released 8,145 illegal aliens in the first eight months of 2014.  This is on top of ICE releasing 67,879 in 2013 into the general population.  The theory of sanctuary cities is that they want “undocumented immigrants” to feel free to report crimes without fear of deportation.  The efficacy of this theory is no more provable than the phantasmagorical “jobs created OR SAVED” or saved us from “the worst depression ever.”  The number of subsequent crimes and rearrests is sufficient cause for alarm.  We’re told that the “borders are more secure than ever” but Kate Steinle was not the first person murdered in San Francisco by a previously deported illegal however this murderer had been deported FIVE times!  Also remember that the murderer of Sacramento County Deputy Danny Oliver and Placer County Detective Michael Davis had been deported FOUR times!  So the question is “what border?”  Curiously, President Obama has never commented on any of these tragic losses nor did he comment on that of Chris Kyle.

We do hear the Obama administration’s concern about “income inequality.”  They seldom note that it has been worse under him than the previous administration.  Maybe when hundreds of thousands, even millions of poorly educated, low skilled workers come across the border with impunity, it might have an impact on income inequality.  It also provides an abundant supply of minimum wage employees which defeats the normal increase in wages dictated by labor supply and demand.  If it is pointed out that these are not “the best and brightest,” it is easier to kill the messenger than to deal with the message.  Some may remember when Castro cleaned out his prisons and mental health institutions with the Cuban boat lift from Mariel in 1980.  Truth is unsettling.

Finally, it is impossible not to note the video exposing the callous nature of Planned Parenthood operatives.  It was bad enough when one of their spokespeople said that it was between a woman and her doctor as to whether a baby that survived an abortion could be killed, a la Kermit Gosnell.  Here a PP doctor calmly eats her meal, sips her wine, and graphically describes how they crush a baby above or below specific areas in order to preserve specific organs and tissues FOR SALE.  There is no shame, no discomfort, and no awkwardness.  It’s just another transaction in the ordinary course of business, a business that receives over $500,000,000 in taxpayer subsidies every year. 

President Obama, the first sitting president to address his remarks to PP, closed his speech with “Thank you, Planned Parenthood.  God bless you.  God bless you.”  To paraphrase his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright:  “No, no, no. God won’t bless Planned Parenthood—God will damn Planned Parenthood!’”         

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